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14303177 No.14303177 [Reply] [Original]

There is 99k VIDT in Binance wallet #5. This transaction was made a couple of months ago... at the exact period the roadmap was updated with the "Tier 1 exchange in Q3" thing.

Do the math anons.

>> No.14303231

didnt someone check and not see any application for vitd?

>> No.14303238

delete this immediately

>> No.14303242

That was for DEX. We're talking CEX here.

>> No.14303256
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math is hard

>> No.14303266

Anon is correct


>> No.14303294

What was that!?

>> No.14303302

The Beginning of the Ascension.

>> No.14303313

Hotbit caught up.

>> No.14303321

Should I sell and buy back in later when it dips a bit?

>> No.14303336


>> No.14303915

$10 EOY. $10 EOfuckingY!

>> No.14303921
File: 430 KB, 1939x1939, VIDT2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sooner than that.

>> No.14303926

holding way too small of a percentage for it to get listed any time soon

>> No.14304021

is it too late for me to buy in to vidt?
and will it be too late in a month? ( when i get payed)

>> No.14304050

Right now? Not at all! It doesn't matter if you bought at 0.4$ or at 0.2$ when we are at 2$ soon. In a month? Well I don't know we might be at 2$ by then and aiming for 10$. Buy asap as much as you can.

>> No.14304052

well, 90k vits would've been more ideal a few hours ago, but 120k vits is more reasonable than 200k which will happen soon. but really anything before $30M mcap is an absolute steal. also conservatively you might be paying double or more for the same amount of tokens in a month

>> No.14304061

Selling before $32 is like selling your bitcoins for only $100/ea listen up you stinky linky Wojaks and listen good I will NEVER SELL MY VIDDYS TO YOU. NEVER!

>> No.14304113

VIDT Marine reporting for duty! Woke up from a nap to find a 40% price increase, is it because of this rumor?? Also should I sell my QNT and go all in?

>> No.14304180

>is it because of this rumor?
lol no, this rumour was around for almost a month and it's based on nothing.

Some whale unloaded a fuck ton of eth, this whole spike was caused literally by 1 man alone, he raised the price from 97k to 130k in less than 5 minutes

>> No.14304191


>> No.14304201


>> No.14304220

Qnt is 5x and vidt is 50x. Your choice anon.

>> No.14304224



thanks for the advice anons, might dip into my savings for this

>> No.14304245

VIDT, LTO and NEXT the Holland holy trinity. Praise be to Dutchanon

>> No.14304256

Went half and half with a few hundred into each. Now my quant is at $850 and my V-ID is at $2800 lol

>> No.14304259

Fuck off. The marketcap is completely different and QNT is a shitcoin.

>> No.14304339

Wait a little for correction, 103-107k is a good entry point i think

>> No.14304713

how do I buy? Never gambled on low mcap shitcoins before but I DYOR and it looks good.
Never bought off anything other than binance before

>> No.14304771


>> No.14304879

You can buy it on idex

>> No.14305364
File: 17 KB, 480x360, comfy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else getting /link/ vibes? This is the new biz coin. Anyone who missed out on link at 40c here's your chance at redemption

>> No.14305510

It legit is though. People are actually using their services. Like actual businesses. Not planning on, not useless pilots, actually using now. And this is before being on a big exchange, before normie hype, anon I...we're gonna make it

>> No.14305786

unironically sorry faggots, I bought 400k vidt at 1 million marketcap, then sold qnd fudded the shit out of it, would've been so much in the green if I held.

>> No.14305858

This is basically a scam in the making. Project does literally nothing except hash files and put them on chain. Nothing new or unique and has been done numerous times before. Team members are actively spamming here on /biz. Don't fall for it anon.

>> No.14305903

Then why the fuck did Airbus (worth 100billion) become one of their first customers?

>> No.14305982

The FUD is so weak. You're not having my VIDT.

>> No.14306000

Quality product with real blockchain use-case (check their website) and real adoption. It's gone up a lot recently but it's still massively undervalued.


Currently only on IDEX and hotbit. A tier 1 exchange listing is confirmed for Q3, and the team have applied for Binance DEX.

All validation fees (on all blockchains we support) are paid for in VIDT. Clients can choose between a fixed € / $ fee (dynamic VIDT fee) or real-time market price (minimum VIDT fee). 10% of VIDT spent on validations is bought back at exchanges in unequal parts, at random moments. These tokens will be burned each month. Another 10% of VIDT spent on validations is taken from the Validation Wallet and burned as well.

Monthly buybacks and burns starting July '19.

Several major clients including Airbus and Amspec. Amspec, a $500m revenue company have integrated the V-ID verification terminal into their website. There is a direct link from the main navigation bar on their website. http://www.amspecllc.com/verify/ They put an original rembrandt painting onto the blockchain and validated its authenticity: https://youtu.be/Zs17a4cDcU4

V-ID is a working product with numerous major clients currently using it, and here's the proof. Look at this: https://www.stateofthedapps.com/rankings V-ID has already made it into the TOP 50 (!!) of the most used ETH projects. Currently rank 37. It sits among projects like enigma, aelf, golem, decentraland, polymath. Check the marketcap of these projects, then look at V-ID's.

>> No.14306006

Dumb fud. I'm sure this $500m revenue company knows less than you http://www.amspecllc.com/verify/

>> No.14306027

So it does exactly what is was designed to do. Are you sure you aren't a moron?

>> No.14306046

This is a fabulous project, and will return very good gains. But the Binance thing is just a stupid rumour propagated by a virgin anon who wants to pump his bags. Though there is a screenshot in which a team member submits to the Dex. But generally just ignore that stuff and look into the project, anons.

>> No.14306060

>on all blockchains we support
is this a dev post?

>> No.14306120
File: 77 KB, 962x598, mca.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Airbus and Wididi were already partners before V-ID. They made a form for reporting hacks and a CRM app.

> Maritime Cyber Alliance was established in 2017 by Airbus, CSO Alliance & our technology partner Wididi. The aim was to create a global 24/7 anonymous cyber crime reporting platform for the rapid sharing of cyber incidents against, ship owners, ships, ports and the wider maritime supply chain.

> Our clients, like Airbus Defence & Space, use WIDIDI's Sensitive Information Management Solution to enable individuals to securely store and share sensitive files as well as automate business processes to securely collect, distribute and access sensitive information.

>> No.14306136

No some of the pasta is from their website

>> No.14306237

Yes. watch what happens when anons wake up.

>> No.14306290

Had I missed these gains I would FUD like a raging toddler too.

>> No.14306297

Wait until it goes to $1 next week
He's gonna rage quit life

>> No.14306321

Why would it go to a dollar next week?

>> No.14306347

>Airbus partnership
>New exchange listings
>Paying customers
>Altcoin season

>> No.14306383

is 107k too hopeful atm?, missed 102k earlier bc my app is slow

>> No.14306435

2k are negligible

>> No.14306455


>> No.14306506

$1 = $28m marketcap. seems entirely realistic to me given the partnerships and quality of the coin.

>> No.14306522

i honestly wouldn't be too surprised if this doubled today after anons woke up

>> No.14306592

are you completely braindead? 99K VIDT at ICO price was like $8000, who the fuck cares about that transaction? Anyone with deep pockets could have just planted this there to make biztards wonder

>> No.14306613

it doesn't matter that *technically* what they do is "easy", who the fuck cares, it's being used by companies and they have serious partners

stay poor

>> No.14306625

the HAS NOT applied for Binance DEX

look at the binance chain explorer: https://explorer.binance.org/txs

sort by type > listing or type > proposal and try to find a listing proposal for VIDT. You won't see it because ITS NOT THERE retard

>> No.14306651


>> No.14306688

the "draft" doesn't matter you fucktard, the binance chain is governed by the validating nodes, everything is transparent and you HAVE to make an on-chain proposal to get listed, now stop being so stupid

>> No.14306701


There is this draft that was deleted

Non-issue as a top exchange is confirmed for Q3 anyway.

>> No.14306762

I know about this draft but it doesn't mean shit, anyone can make an account an post on an online forum lfamo

the only thing that matters is whether there is an on chain listing proposal

>> No.14306852

Non-issue as a top exchange is confirmed for Q3 anyway.

>> No.14306894

ask on telegram then it's legit

>> No.14307215
File: 725 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20190623-050540.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14307241

The fud grows more professional looking. What’s next. Deep fakes.

>> No.14307247

there are always a bunch of shitcoins in binance wallets anways. And OP is just trying to shill his bags and get you to buy at +40%

>> No.14307251

inv link plx

>> No.14307262

It's not coming on Binance DEX. This is an erc-20 not a bep-2 so it's going straight to CEX if it's really coming to Binance at all.

>> No.14307271

but this fucking tard said this
dumbfuck tries to make up a binance listing
why in the hell would you shittalk about this

>> No.14307276


>> No.14307293

shoo shoo dirty pajeet

>> No.14307294

It's in the telegram. They're doing damage control now of course.

>> No.14307308

i meant invite link to the telegram, can only find a link to some other news telegram

>> No.14307331

Here ya go fren:

>> No.14307356

>I know about this draft but it doesn't mean shit

We aren't even in Q3 yet so settle down.

>> No.14307381

how obese and ugly of an incel do you have to be for that to be considered a "pretty boy"?

>> No.14307443

thx fren

>> No.14307805


>> No.14307825

Amazon is basically an elaborate scam. People have been buying and selling stuff since the dawn of men.