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14301859 No.14301859 [Reply] [Original]

FUD is intensifying right before the Oracle conference.
Keep your stacks safe marines, do not sell.

>> No.14301868


>> No.14301880
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I never thought once about it.
U got a nice hint of blue+green in that ID there, anon
Blessed Green Candles for You

>> No.14301905

Finally somebody with a smaller bag than mine.

>> No.14301908

have 3500 link and 8500 USD in the bank. I've been DCAing 250 each week with another 250 USD going towards link next friday.

I fear I'm running out of time to buy and should drop another 2k USD on link before tuesday. Thoughts?

>> No.14301923


Honestly post-mainnet FUD has been worse and more vicious than pre-mainnet FUD. We were supposed to fucking stop. The last few weeks has been the worst onslaught of FUD I've seen since buying Link in September 2017. Fuck anyone still FUDing, you had 2 fucking years.

>> No.14301951

its like 1-3 people doing it lmfao

>> No.14301952

13000 link
will I make it biz?

>> No.14301965

$1.5mi is good enough fren


>> No.14301966

I want to fud link so bad but I told myself I wouldn't. Why do I feel this way?

>> No.14302007

buy now and don't get left behind anon

>> No.14302063

Just sell it all and get your money back.

>> No.14302105
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I have posted over 50 LINK FUD posts today even though LINK is my only chance of making it. Feels weird man, I can't stop though

>> No.14302149

WHY anon the FUD stresses me out dude

>> No.14302159

Just stop man, it’s demented and self destructive

>> No.14302186

please fucking respond my post gets ignored everytime i ask

>> No.14302209
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You might just want to GO ALL IN BABY!!!

>> No.14302217

It’s classic case of someone not trusting himself. You made choice but some how you don’t believe it. Only way out is FUD. Get some help man. Your mom n dad don’t love you but we are in this together

>> No.14302231

Whatever makes you happy man. If you can sleep at night then go for it. No regrets

>> No.14302236

LINK only goes UP long term, DCA is a terrible strategy for coins whose price is driven by news. Any day could be the day it shoots over $2, $3 or farther and never comes back. Price is heavily suppressed right now, there isn't a better time to buy. You saw how the floor is at $1.70 the past few days

>> No.14302240

You FUD because you still don't truly believe in LINK. You want someone to break the FUD as a means to reassure yourself.

>> No.14302243

I'm not going to tell you when to buy, or that we aren't going down from here. But know this - There will soon come a point in time when you will feel blessed for every single Link that you bought below $2, Anon.

Are you going to forever look back and kick yourself for not going all in 5 cents cheaper? That's no way to live.

>> No.14302251

I think a lot of biz needs loathe themselves, they deliberately sabotage their investments because they don’t think they deserve wealth and happiness. Wrong my brothers.

>> No.14302263


Consider killing yourself. Holy fuck, just stop FUDing you fucking spastic little shits. Go play a fucking video game or something. Good news is coming out and you fucks are actually FUDing it.

You can kill a good project with FUD you know, it's possible. Don't fucking laugh it off as a joke.

>> No.14302264

Go all in faggit. I'm living paycheck to paycheck dcaing as much as I can to get from 3k to 10k or as close as I can as fast as I can.

>> No.14302269


>> No.14302284

If you actually want to make serious money QNT and VIDT are the move

Signed... someone who has been in LINK since presale and still is.

>> No.14302298

Yeah I been there. Coming from poor family, when I bought my first expensive car I felt the same way. Be happy guys, no need to cry over choices, just live with it

>> No.14302337

Well 2500 USD more is all I need to hit my goal of 5k links. Banks don't move on sat or sun so I'll probably decide Sunday night to start send 2500 from my bank to kraken. Usually gets there in 1-2 days, I expect price of link will still be around 1.80 until Tuesday, so that will hit my 5k goal.

Then I'll just stop buying and live a normal life again until link either blows up or it doesn't. Thanks anons.

>> No.14302371

Good luck brother. Chin up and go to fucking work with smile

>> No.14303297
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Aye, send the last 5,000 LINK from Bisexual Finance into my MEW.

May the Swinglinkers swing from a rope.

>> No.14303332

>tfw I only have 800 link

Should I just end it now?

>> No.14303350

>Oracle conference
>Facebook will use Chainlink
Bullish news on LINK never come from hype building in this shithole. It's always something unexpected. So buy the rumor, etc...

>> No.14303373

Literally me. I’m dropping another 2k into link tomorrow

>> No.14303374

>DCA in a bull market

>> No.14303384
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keep your linkies close, and your stinkies closer

>> No.14303386

if I sold I could literally quit my SHITTY job and not work for 6 months while I do whatever I want and take my time finding something else

but I'm not selling because I wanna retire next year

>> No.14303394


We will end it together on our private yachts okay fren?

>> No.14303424

Just remember if you're American to not sell unless you've held for over a year. Paying 20% capital gains tax rate is better than paying 37% normal tax rate.

>> No.14303429

Jason parser, the head of the chain link project, is a known neo Nazi terrorist, incel, and cyber criminal.

Do not buy!

>> No.14303514

u mean JSON.parse()?

>> No.14303517

better gains would come with something like SNTVT. any bottom at a 1M cap.

>> No.14303518

No. Jason Parser. Look him up he is a neo Nazi incel terrorist.

>> No.14303557

Thats even more of a buy signal

>> No.14303564
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>> No.14303639


>> No.14303651

You know what? Fuck it. I'm in Canada and I want to buy $50,000 worth of link. How do I get started?

>> No.14303683

the neo Nazis chain link project has been delisted for being based out of the Cayman islands and financing incel terrorism.

you can only buy it via private boutique transactions now. gimme your PayPal I am willing to sell you 50 chain link for your money

>> No.14303713
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>the neo Nazis chain link project has been delisted for being based out of the Cayman islands and financing incel terrorism.
That just makes me want it more.

Anyway, looking it up, what's the best cryptocurrency exchange? Which ones do I avoid at all costs?

>> No.14303777

How long have you been in link?

>> No.14303798


Heh kiddos I have 900 LINKIES and I am going to buy 600 more soon so I can become a corporeal

>> No.14304171


You buy it from Binance. I don't know any local leaf exchanges, just avoid Coinbase. Maybe use Gemini or something to transfer your CAD (if it supports CAD, I have no clue) to an exchange, get some BTC/ETH then send to Binance to get Link.

>> No.14304193 [DELETED] 

Think about it, why would a yellow stone be worth this much? Why has it always maintained its value since the ancient of times.

Well, what if I told you aliens need GOLD to survive. Yes it is useless for us humans, it is just a rock, but for aliens they need it in massive quantities because some substance /energy in it is crucial for their survival just like food and money is for us.

Get enlightened my simple minded mundane friends.

Bitcoin, blockchain, link, eth will never fail. For an omnipotent ai super computer to be present, it needs to eliminateits only weakness first, which is a centralized point of failure. Remove this centralized source of power, and push for decentralization as well as backup decentralization plans in place and you can literally never shut him down or hack it to be within your control. Once blockchain is the backbone of the current digital world, things will change for the worse for the lower and non existent middle class.

The government has been priming you for this reveal decades ago, all the movies/dramas now involve some kind of extraterrestrial being or people with superpowers, we have been primed so much to the point that when they do reveal their existence as our overlords and dependency on our chi, creativity and gold, we will not even be surprised or scared anymore because it has become pretty normal actually especially for generation z.

This will happen, and you might as well profit from the extraterrestrials by going all in the foundational pillars of blockchain as well as the prime resources needed for their survival and enjoy that wealth for hopefully some long years before we can’t.

>> No.14304225

don't let the normalfags influence you, true chainiggers whove been around for a while understand the importance of FUD

>> No.14304757

Serious question though, did anything happen with the Accord connection since smartcontracts is no longer listed on their website

>> No.14304789

I only have 72

>> No.14304803

You think buying links in general this year is prepping me for big gains 3-4 years from now? I only have 72 rn. Thinking if I should pull 100$ out from my personal savings to make myself feel better.

>> No.14305174

Jason Parser? He’s Rory’s dad. He’s got a problem with Sergey because when Rory and Sergey were friends when they were younger, Sergey used to raid the cupboards and eat everything in the house. It cost Jason Parser a lot of money to replace all the food Sergey used to eat. The final straw was when Sergey was staying at Rory’s one night and stole his car when they were 15 to sneak out to a McDonald’s drivethru. Rory’s dad Jason thinks Sergey is a bad influence on his son and does anything he can to stop them being friends or working together. Why do you think we haven’t heard from Sergey in so long? Jason Parser has been staying with Rory and Sergey has been in hiding shitting his pants.

>> No.14305214

it could just as easily be because they are going to list chain link instead of smart contract

there is way to know or even care at this moment

>> No.14305233

what the fuck have you been doing the past 2 years

>> No.14305978


>> No.14306015

I prayed for an opportunity and Link came into my life. The universe wants me to be filthy rich or lose everything. Time will tell.

>> No.14306074

when is this oracle conference?

>> No.14306241

anyone who asks if they will make it will not make it

>> No.14306250

same reason anon will never be able to hold a relationship.

>> No.14306422

Dude just put all 8500 in...that gets you close to 10k. It isnt like your going to get to 16k if you wait and it goes down a little.