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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 468 KB, 986x1472, SmartSelect_20190623-011335_MX5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14299729 No.14299729 [Reply] [Original]

Did it make sense from a business point of view? Why make the horde of pajeets SEETHING? Why making fun of all the incels donating for her when it's literally her job to please them?

>> No.14299783

She's a thought leader. Fighting an anti-porn war by first becoming an object of pornographic desire. How else could she reach the people she so wants to save? She wants to send a message, to motivate the incels to...

have sex

>> No.14299785
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>Why making fun of all the incels donating for her when it's literally her job to please them?
Perks of not wageslaving for someone else and /making it/ is you can do whatever the fuck you want.

>> No.14299819

Zoomers like you will get drafted first when the war starts with Iran the more people support these trash thots the worse it gets
Come on daddy trump lets get the war started finally! Bring back traditional woman and values! MAGA!

>> No.14299839

she's probably worth 8digits now and doesn't care anymore

>> No.14300132
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>> No.14300150

Im already in the military anon

>> No.14300157

I wonder if she pays taxes...

>> No.14300160

link to unsexy vid plz

>> No.14300178


Cause she's already rich

>> No.14300201

Makes you wonder why most women cannot put in the effort to do their make up like her.

>> No.14300210
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the fuck, since when is this legal instagram content

>> No.14300217
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>> No.14300222


>> No.14300224

I dunno I kinda like it


>> No.14300227
File: 71 KB, 640x480, absolute degeneracy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>search belle delphine

>> No.14300230

she will 'apologize' and promise to release a more lewd video if she gets a certain number of likes or subscribes or something, and then she'll throw out a slight nipple tease and the paypigs will go all in until the next time she teases a big reveal and lets them down. it's the same thing over and over with all women and all betas

>> No.14300237

It is diffefent to spend hours of doing makeup for few photos than doing make up everyday

>> No.14300245

Is this the girl from hit or miss?

>> No.14300248

wtf is a belle delphine?

>> No.14300249

no, that one is a child anon

>> No.14300283

100% makes sense, if she actually posts nudes her market value will evaporate entirely

>> No.14300298

Please don't compare my wife to Slut Delphine

>> No.14300332

Thot audit when

Ethot and enabler purge when

>> No.14300346

It's a pointless thing to do, but it doesn't really hurt because most of her money comes from Patreon and not Instagram

>> No.14300358
File: 24 KB, 450x278, yeahhhhhhhhhhhh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

speaking from experience?

>> No.14300359

Her market would evaporate if she actually got naked. What's more interesting is that she can now effectively play gatekeeper for non-pornographic content on a large streaming service. I would consider that to be a valid exit strategy from her current position, and a savvy one if she can successfully spearhead a major exodus from platforms like youtube.

>> No.14300369


No, Patreon is kicking anyone too "lewd" off because of demands by paypal.

>> No.14300378

There's nothing more pathetic, disgusting and repellent than a group of thirsty omega males lusting over a random woman they'll never meet in their fucking life and sending her money.

>> No.14300380

>got her braces off
boner ruined

>> No.14300389

>Her market would evaporate if she actually got naked
Wtf why? Do they actually enjoy getting blueballed or something

>> No.14300409

no one is in disagreement about that

>> No.14300422

Why would it take hours? It shouldn't take more than 25 minutes at the most. I spend that much trimming and shaping my beard and skincare routine afterwards.

>> No.14300446

Why don't those retarded incels and Pajeets spend that cash on a home gym and some therapy to go fuck women in real life?
I used to despite e-thots and their apparent easymode riches, but I've come to respect them as /biz/nesswomen. Because we'd all do the same thing. Get paid like a luxury esort without taking dick? Nobody's fault but her customers.

>> No.14300449

because she looks like any one of 99999999999999999 internet thots out there and her specific holes are nothing special at all

>> No.14300471

>Why don't those retarded incels and Pajeets spend that cash on a home gym and some therapy to go fuck women in real life?

Only looks, money and status matter. But you're right that that money should be spent on copes, not e-whores

>> No.14300484


Theiss Titillation Theory.

>> No.14300525

She has that nympho look, and she perfectly hit that meme/weeb demographic with her antics.

>> No.14300529

Hmm there is some footage of her, one can jerk off to it, if they really wanted. Good things chicks like her are plenty in porn. Her trolling makes my dick hard

>> No.14300549

She’s a genius and has paved the way for younger girls to value themselves properly if they’re going to do this slut stuff. Stupid whores sell themselves for 5 dollars to put shit in their holes and are seeethiinggg.

>> No.14300582

I didn’t know who she was until a couple days ago, and with all the degenerate shit I do, this is kind of a pleasant surprise. Good for her. She sure as hell ain’t getting my shekels

>> No.14300585
File: 48 KB, 862x540, 14237510_1111675598911814_7222814283976623656_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

being a reddit memelord she probably heard of that shit and pays like a good little goy

fucking kek, this chick is actually based

>> No.14300601

What do other women think of her? Are they seething at the attention she gets?

>> No.14300670

My gf loves her, looks at her stuff every day.

>> No.14300684

thats their mistake number one!
if they are incel, then they shouldnt give money to someone who would never going to known them in first place.
i know its harsh, but its their fault for paying her money.

>> No.14300714
File: 2.17 MB, 1280x4173, shot-20190623-9836-1b3wqot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seriously, is pornhub is replacing youtube?

>> No.14300739


At best it's going to benefit from being a temporary layover as another platform for content stricken from youtube and patreon to migrate to is developed.

>> No.14300752

>Bring back traditional woman and values!
good luck with that shit, the genie is out of the bottle
your best bet is to go live in a rural area where the internet hasn't corrupted everyone's lives yet

>> No.14300777



Holy fucking shit, Belle is literally based and deserves every cent. This is fucking top tier bait/bantz.



>> No.14300787

It is good incels got btfo but this is too much. please kill yourself beta

>> No.14300817

Look back into history and you find the same sentimentality. It's a bit worrying because these were all periods before a crash but on topic it also means it won't last forever.

>> No.14300821



I don't donate to her, I am just keking at this god tier bantz. I am just saying she deserves the money for fleecing all these losers. She is clearly smart and knows what she's doing.


I hope so, Pornhub is unironically great.

>> No.14300858

A retard could think of these "god tier bantz xD"

>> No.14300865

there are full music concerts and shit that get taken down on youtube but not pornhub
you cant even swear on youtube anymore lol

>> No.14300886




>> No.14300896

God, I miss Hitler

>> No.14300898

She needs BBC. Hopefully she'll decide that she needs to film herself with a BBC.

>> No.14300923

Literally this

>> No.14300925

Pornhub is for NPCs. Spankbang and sxyprn are infinitely better.

>> No.14300930
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Dios mio, una goblina disfrasada

>> No.14300952

>ree I want to suppress peoples free will because I am triggered by their actions

>> No.14300960

She should definitely do a documentary with the BBC as a British ambassador. Fir example visiting Stonehenge or showing how to cook fish and chips.

>> No.14300961

see >>14300886

>> No.14300966


>> No.14300973

but we all know your girlfriend is a tranny, anon.

>> No.14301012
File: 35 KB, 468x487, 1551652459717.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>supress free will
Fuck off kike, I want to inspire loyalty and purity, something you wouldnt understand

>> No.14301066


Cringe. Your posts only inspire me to cringe at fascism.

>> No.14301067

Just imagine her stroking the BBCs of Prince Yeshua, Mandingo, and Dredd. It would be fucking amazing.

>> No.14301078

No, you want to suppress the free will of others because you have no place in this world and feel you'd do better in a fantasy land that conforms to all your retard ideologies.

>> No.14301099
File: 29 KB, 634x318, dredd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


A year in the cube for this shitpost.

>> No.14301110

>inspire is the same as impose
Fuck off nigger, that's why you'll never have any influence in this world

>> No.14301126

t. seething beta orbiter
Even you might actually make it one day, just stop being beta.
>u want to supress will ebil nahzi
>no I actually don't

>> No.14301156
File: 940 KB, 900x1200, Firefox_wallpaper.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Actually... Yeah. Even non-porn content creators get paid more and you won't get banned because you pissed off an advertiser cause people already taking it in the ass on camera.

>> No.14301170


Wrong. The only people mad at Belle are seething beta's and incels. Everyone else enjoys her and finds the fact that she causes incels to seethe so hard funny.

The fact that Belle's video's make you seethe so hard you want to bring back Hitler is hilarious. You have real mental problems anon. Maybe you need to go back to your safe space echo chamber as real life is clearly too triggering to you.

>> No.14301187



>> No.14301196

then why is every post of yours itt defending her?

>> No.14301204

I prefer the way she's making pornhub's resident "actresses" seethe. They have to take black dicks in every hole to make 1/10 the money she makes from a few sexy instagram pictures. Its hilarious

>> No.14301227

Butthurt all around. I knew this was going to happen from the start. The day she actually shows something for everyone to see is the day she's done.

>> No.14301240


Because she makes incels seethe and that is fucking based. Fuck incels.


This kek, it goes both ways. She's making everyone butthurt on every side. I love it. She's even making /biz/ butthurt. Count the number of seethe posts every time Belle is brought up, it's amazing.

>> No.14301267

But anon, being the white kight of some thot make you the incel

>> No.14301304

I fucking called it in /b/, horny faggots were saying she would but I knew she would pull some bullshit like this HAHAHAHAHAHA INCELS BTFOOOOO

>> No.14301322

>pornhub actively encouraging young girls to make porn

this is going to end so badly for the sluts but as a clown world enthusiast I cannot wait to see how it all ends. there's going to be old, childless grannies who will "reminisce on the old days" by watching themselves get railed on pornhub in 50 years, fucking kek

>> No.14301326


No I actually have sex anon. Defending a seethestress in the presence of her seething incels who regularly post shit like "it's NOT FAIR that thots can get rich easy and I CAN'T REEEE FUCKING ROASTIES" merely brings me personal pleasure in seeing you fags get so cut up.

>> No.14301331

It is someones free will to post videos on pornhub. Hitler still being here would mean what in regards to that?

>> No.14301353

Wait wait...

This fucking girl all you loser faggots obsess over is a fucking tranny? What in the fuck has this world come to?

>> No.14301365


>> No.14301376

How old are you? Girls without makeup almost all look like goblins.

>> No.14301397


Stop jacking off to traps you fucking degenerate little shit. Not every woman on the internet has a cock.

I swear to god it's always trap fetishists that think every woman is actually a tranny.

>> No.14301481

Probably a bad idea, when you're making money hand over fist doing something, maybe don't try to change it just because you're bored. This is the mentality of a dumb girl who thinks she's rich but 10 years down the line all of a sudden a few million won't seem so big.

>> No.14301505


>> No.14301513

if you barely know who this toxic whore is, then you're already fucked

>> No.14301547
File: 26 KB, 208x232, 1520021149734.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>childless grannies

>> No.14301549

lol, she is an ugly without make up. even me pretttier withou make up than her yet she has gross brown eyes

>> No.14301590

fuck off incel

>> No.14301628

>tfw gambling on shitcoins instead of being born a cute girl and raking in stacks from incels..

Tbh many girls can look like her if they did make up and werent fat.

>> No.14301669

Just sent a link to my sister, she found the description of events hilarious. I doubt she even clicked the pornhub link.

>> No.14301768

Watching your girlfriend get railed by bbc while you drink onions in the corner is not having sex

>> No.14301786
File: 53 KB, 600x640, 1553823892363.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All porn is for NPCs and is degeneracy.

>> No.14301790


Strawmanning is not BTFO'ing someone.

>> No.14301796

>t. Has never seen a woman without makeup
Oh man are you in for a surprise.

>> No.14301797

If you find humor in that pic, you're a psychopath and deserve to die.

>> No.14301845


How long until you are fucking trannies in a motel room kek.

>> No.14301906
File: 13 KB, 251x242, 1556294393567.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he does not know the ugliness of the average real woman without massive fakery that is make up
being this incel

>> No.14301953

There wouldnt be any need for that in the first place. Thots would be actual women and incels actual men

>> No.14301955

Just women who smoked and drank away their early 20s. The mark is on them

>> No.14301962

patreon thot that charges like $50-2500 per month (it's packaged into tiers) so you can have the privilege of getting sexy text messages from her (male)

>> No.14301978

>porn company is encouraging people to make porn
Why are you acting like this is surprising?

>> No.14302012

While its true that those things can effect skin health, you're out of your mind to think what's observed in the picture is representative of that. The reality is that women literally look like guys (particularly those in their family) without makeup. It's part of the whole being human thing. We arr rook arike and make up is just bait for men because we're designed to fall for that shit.

>> No.14302022

Because they were brainwashed as children and feared punishment if they did not fall into line? Sounds like suppression of free will to me.

>> No.14302048

You can say the same about today's thots and incels. Brainwashed into thinking selling yourself on pornhub is A ok

>> No.14302091

Porn is still seen as taboo in society even among young people and people who participate in porn are seen as social pariahs, even among young people.
Seriously more than 9/10 women 18-30 would get disgusted at the idea of being in porn.

>> No.14302140

>Seriously more than 9/10 women 18-30 would get disgusted at the idea of being in porn.
Lol. Most of them would do it given the roght price. Also give it a few years, and porn will have less and less social stygma around it. It is already less of a taboo than it was 10 years ago

>> No.14302158


This is actually true but the fascist in this thread would have no idea because he never leaves his basement and gets all his info on modern culture from the fucking internet.

Seriously, go start talking about porn with coworkers and watch yourself get avoided.

>> No.14302166

>It is already less of a taboo than it was 10 years ago
Well thats true. And shit man 10 years ago was only >2009.

>> No.14302215
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>> No.14302226
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People have been saying this for fucking decades. I remember in 2003 people saying advertisements will start using full blown nudity in the next few years. You are fucking wrong and always will be. Porn brands like Playboy have actually declined in popularity, they used to be sociallly acceptable but now many newsagents wont even stock them.

Pic related, a popular mainstream film from 1969 with the hero of the movie enjoying pornography.

KYS, Have Sex, leave your fucking basement you virgin.

>> No.14302268

actually no. recently there is an increasing shift toward healthy shit, sane life style and porn is increasingly seen as not sane, fapping in particular for younger men

>> No.14302286
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Absolutely seething kek

>> No.14302304


Imagine being this mad because you were proven wrong in an internet argument.

>> No.14302332

they do though retard, ever use snapchat? I literally saw an ad today with a girl holding a fucking period cup and it was disgusting. if you dont see degeneracy being normalized its probably too late for you

>> No.14302335
File: 226 KB, 533x332, eye2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

brown eye master race

>> No.14302352

seriously shut the fuck up for speaking so matter of factly when you're so wrong, 10 years ago interracial anal gangbang and yas girl go get that abortion! wasnt trending

>> No.14302438
File: 19 KB, 180x280, juno 2007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yas girl go get that abortion! wasnt trending

Imagine being this fucking wrong. Okay now I am convinced, you are a little zoomer shit who was probably in middle school in 2007 and all the politics of the 2000's went over your head. This shit isn't new. Abortion was a massive issue in the 2000's and was even brought up in movies like pic related.

Race mixing stuff has been around forever too. Quit being a thin skinned faggot. Don't search for BBC blacked cuckold or whatever you faggots search for if you don't want to be bubbled into race mixing results.


I don't use social media, maybe you shouldn't use services regularly used for nudes posting if you don't want adult ads targeted at you. By ads I meant television ads and billboards and shit. In 2003 internet ads were still in the form of annoying popups and crap.

>> No.14302482

Yes retard, abortion WAS an issue, now it is getting normalized and seen as womens right

>> No.14302500
File: 446 KB, 1080x988, SmartSelect_20190623-043714_Twitter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish that was true, anon.

>> No.14302519

Clearly you don't know what this generation is like or the type of media they consume. These topics have been trending literally for all time, but they have been pushed and normalized more and more, its a slow creep up.
>maybe don't use social media?
I'll try to refrain from calling you a dumbass here. Has nothing to do with me, literally every 13 year and up uses these apps all the time and its no coincidence these types of ads get shown more and more, I have confirmed with multiple people. I also have been on nofap for like 2 years. But no "just grow up and have sex incel!". Go live your simple life bro, things are worse than you know

>> No.14302529


It was seen as a woman's rights issue since the fucking 60's you child. In the 80's the abortion issue was such a hot topic in pop culture rage that proto-alt righters literally bombed abortion clinics killing doctors and shit. You think some tame ad now is the worst. The abortion argument was settled and normalized before you were fucking born kiddo.

If you don't believe me, here


But keep beleiving that Abortion is only an issue now though, kek.

>> No.14302552

>17 posts of white knighting

>> No.14302562

>thot leader

>> No.14302590

You're not getting it bud. People were in different mindset, a different world back then. Parents barely supervise their kids nowadays, not trying to be a conspiracy nutjob but those elsagate videos were getting tens of millions of views. There are reality TV shows for 14 year old trannies, white girls get pimped out, braindead retards are purposely placed in positions of power and fame, being a thot is seen as favorable more and more, MTV and 16 and pregnant made celebrities of young girls. If you think what is happening is being made obvious to the masses...its precisely the opposite. Thats exactly why it makes perfect sense that people were up and arms bombing clinics whereas now....

>> No.14302616

>things are worse than you know

No they are better than ever. I used to browse /pol/ (it was called /new/ back then) very seriously back around 2010-2016. I left because I slowly realized the world is actually a great place but we go out of our way to find things that outrage us so we can be entertained and enjoy our "righteous" anger that gives us meaning and motivation to spread our own beliefs and culture. It's all bullshit and a waste of time. Quit finding things to get mad over. /pol/ is literally a scam. The redpill is a joke and it will take from you a good few years of your youth that you will never be able to get back.

I remember in around 2011 telling my dad about how niggers are taking over everything and blacks rights, anti racism etc was getting pushed and he was just like "yeah same old who cares" and I was shocked, said none of this shit ever happened before, why aren't you getting mad at this stuff? And he just laughed and told me what I told you above. That shit has been going on and off for decades, the same anti racism pro nigger shit was around int he 60's and 70's when he was growing up and that he hated it back in the 70's too. They literally just repeat the same bullshit over decade or so for a new generation to buy into it. Best thing is just to ignore and go on with your life. Took me years to realize my dad was right.

I think if anything, pop culture is actually becoming more and more family friendly and we as a people are too scared to touch on adult issues anymore. Everything has to be kid safe now for mass appeal, all 4 quadrants all the time.

>> No.14302658

>Parents barely supervise their kids nowadays

Same thing happened in the 80's. Why do you think an entire fucking generation (gen X) was called Latch Key Kids. They literally raised themselves as their parents spent their lives at work, and the kids were instead raised by tv.

Fucking dumbass please try to learn some recent history.

>> No.14302881

Listen I agree with the righteous anger and time wasting thing wholeheartedly, seriously wholeheartedly, I almost don't even care enough to write this reply. Yes similar themes pop up here and there all the time throughout history, but the general consensus ideology is massively important and only gets more valuable as the population grows. Technology also changes the playing field, the internet porn industry is MASSIVE. The original poster is right, a lot of women already do whore themselves out at the right price (see: harvey weinstein). There is a reason things are dumbed down, and these wars of attrition are made to seem pointless. I think you and I would actually find a lot of common ground outside this kind of stuff. I could die incorrect and all alone, I'll ask forgiveness just the same

>> No.14303023


Yes the internet speeds things up and makes things worse because now every retard can react on the world stage without their parents there to sort them straight and call their bullshit out.

But you also cannot deny that parental locks and child safety laws and internet blocks aren't equally in vogue right now. Every big piece of tech is shilled as kid friendly with easy and simple parental controls to block kids from seeing anything even remotely dangerous. When you use the internet you get bubbled, this is the problem. You have gotten yourself into the political bubble and the culture war bubble so you are stuck is this feedback loop and constantly hear about all this shit that pisses you off. There are plenty of people who aren't in this bubble and their experience of modern culture is so much different to yours simply because Google/Youtube/Facebook etc has bubbled them differently based on their initial big searches.

Also in regards to Weinstien etc, women have always been whoring themselves out. It's not called the oldest profession as a joke. Even in old westerns there is usually a harlot or a whorehouse somewhere, women will always sell themselves. You know that movie Citizen Kane, made back in the 1940's, and the whole "Rosebud" mystery of what the guys last words meant. Apparently it had a double meaning and wasn't just a sled, it was also an inside joke amongst the films producers and "Rosebud" was the nickname given to a popular actresses clitoris. Women have always been whores and will always whore themselves into wealth and positions of fame. The difference is the internet just makes it easier so now tons of chicks try their hand at it for a while in their youth.

>> No.14303142

Belle is what everyone should aim for in life. She creates maximum butthurt with minimal effort and makes a fortune don't it.

Some whore literally takes 50 nigger creampies and made what Belle made in one day off non nude pictures and the beta incels are on suicide watch.

>> No.14303144

the internet has alot allowed often isolated people to band to together to form a coalition. Which is how we now have the tyranny of the minority with a vast global outreach.
If someone wanted to be a tranny in the 80s it just be the hand full of weirdos in the town, but thanks to the internet, those hand full weirdos can connect to the other hand full of weirdos and soon you have thousands if not tens of thousands of weirdos with a voice.
This can be said for every "frindge" group.

thots and sex workers are organizing, i await a netflix trailer of a young happy go lucky teen who moonlights as a sex worker to pay off her student loan debts on my twitter feed.
If you understood the concept of neo-feudalism and where will be going (if jesus doesnt return) we are going back to complete degeneracy and feudal times.

>> No.14303167

There is a porngirl posting on Belle's video talking shit saying people should support "real cosplay pornstars" instead of watching belle and seething that people are defending belle.

How can you not like Belle when she literally make fun of beta incels and make real sluts seethe?

>> No.14303186

>>Her market would evaporate if she actually got naked
>Wtf why? Do they actually enjoy getting blueballed or something

imagine a show on talkshow on pornhub, yes a talkshow where scantily clad women show up and talk nonsense, if you wanted to mainstream porn you get people hooked on viewing the just on the edge stuff

>> No.14303199

>She has that nympho look
ill let you in on a secret, nymphos rarely look like nymphos

>> No.14303208


Belle is not a virgin. Somewhere is some guy not getting what was agreed upon when he invested in hitting it. Somewhere is some guy exchanging high-fives with his bros and Belle is unironically on the list and he may or may not have pics.

What do you think is happening at any given time? What markets exist or don't exist?

>> No.14303245
File: 38 KB, 275x425, Glen_or_Glenda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Okay I completely agree here. The internet does give a loud voice to minorities and freaks and it is a problem. But it can be solved by simply not visiting or using fucking twitter. That site is a left wing/SJW/feminist/tranny fucking haven and needs to be abandoned to them. You will be much happier if you just stop using it. Like in the old days when they had to stay in weird parts of town, let twitter just become a weird part of the internet.

Oh and in regards to trannies, check pic related out. 1953 film pushing a fucking tranny agenda. It got rightfully blasted, but still, it goes to show that even back then trannies could organize and get a film funded and produced with well known actors at the time. Every few decades they try to push the same garbage. Just sage and fucking ignore them IRL to make them fuck off for another 10/20 years. Do not respond to them because they use your criticism against you, humans naturally support and underdog and they take full advantage of that and try to make themselves an underdog going against some bullies. Literally sage and ignore these tranny faggots.


>> No.14303250

You can go your path I'll go mine. I appreciate your concern but I'm not in any type of bubble as you describe. As much as I've said, I really don't concern myself with such things, I'm not 'angry' at the 'world'. Its just a lot of moving parts. I don't accept the way things are so easily, and still one can't dislike something for one reason without liking it's opposite for another if that makes sense, I'm not a hopeless doomer or anything. You simply can't dismiss these things with "grow up have sex", its frankly absurd.
Yup. Let's hope he comes back sooner rather than later

>> No.14303257

>People have been saying this for fucking decades. I remember in 2003 people saying advertisements will start using full blown nudity in the next few years

have you seen the carlsburg ad with paris hilton
the problem is advertisers per say, but with the standards advertisers have to abide by on broadcast tv. Those advertisers dont have such a standard on the internet. Which is why you can go on instagram and see kim k almost nude advertising some product.

plus i do think media will start(continue) becoming more decentralized in a few years as more platforms start to grow and audiences start to splinter off from the main group.

>> No.14303276

She will bring a generation of little teens into this shit
Good for CM, bad for society

>> No.14303283

Some people can't just ignore things okay, and whether you use Twitter or not doesn't mean the ideologies aren't gaining momentum and reverberating louder and louder. Your picture once again proves you wrong, they keep pushing it over and over, and now its widely accepted.

>> No.14303307


Trannies are not widely accepted anon. "Trannies are widely accepted now" is the lie they are selling you. Recognize it. It's just another sneaky attempt of theirs.

Remember social media is media. Don't believe the media.

>> No.14303339

Dude, why are you trying so hard? Believe it or not I have a real life, I am friends with real people, I have heard them accept these things with my own ears. I know you want to paint me as some pol user consuming media, its really not the case.

>> No.14303366

And again its not exactly what I believe or what the media says, its the effect on my world and life that I see on a daily basis

>> No.14303400

> But it can be solved by simply not visiting or using fucking twitter.
i understand your point of view but disagree, twitter for me is a resource, i closed my fb and instagram because it was abject waste of time, but twitter actually provides me with some resource as the nature of twitter you filter your feed based on the people you follow.

where i disagree with you is not visiting social media, problem is as things become more digitized and meatspace starts to lack it luster, the digital world is become more and more as the place to go to escape to met up with like minded people.

>> No.14303428

God I love the onions filter

>> No.14303463

I hope she gets raped on all of her holes by multiple old men. Fuck the law, I'd pay hundreds of dollars for it to happen.

>> No.14304048

she's the slowest eater I've ever seen

>> No.14304279

Wait is this the hit or miss girl?

>> No.14304308

I admire her hustle a lot and she's obviously pretty smart

She would ironically enough lose money in the long run if she did porn because then she'd just be another run of the mill porn star who would get used up quick

>> No.14304325

>clown world enthusiast
hearty kekking

>> No.14304494

>Also give it a few years, and porn will have less and less social stygma around it
So we're going full Weimar Republic?

>> No.14304570


>> No.14304703

She has more white fanboys than pajeets

>> No.14304706 [DELETED] 

Think about it, why would a blue cube be worth this much? Why has it always maintained its value since 2017?

Well, what if I told you aliens need CHAINLINK to survive. Yes it is useless for us humans, it is just a cube, but for aliens they need it in massive quantities because some substance/energy in it is crucial for their survival just like food and money is for us.

Get enlightened my simple minded mundane friends.

Bitcoin, link, eth will never fail. For an omnipotent ai super computer to be present, it needs to eliminate its only weakness first, which is a centralized point of failure. Remove this centralized source of power, and push for decentralization as well as backup decentralization plans in place and you can literally never shut him down or hack it to be within your control. Once blockchain is the backbone of the current digital world, things will change for the worse for the lower and non existent middle class.

The government has been priming you for this reveal decades ago, all the movies/dramas now involve some kind of extraterrestrial being or people with superpowers, we have been primed so much to the point that when they do reveal their existence as our overlords and dependency on our chi, creativity and chainlink, we will not even be surprised or scared anymore because it has become pretty normal actually especially for generation z.

This will happen, and you might as well profit from it by going all in the foundational pillars of blockchain and enjoy that wealth for hopefully some long years before we can’t.

>> No.14305511

Just call these subhumans "paypigs".

>> No.14305532

>>14299729 >>14299783
>>14300132 >>14300160
>>14300178 >>14300217
>>14300222 >>14300224
>>14300230 >>14300248
>>14300283 >>14300378
>>14300380 >>14300446
>>14300549 >>14300585
>>14300684 >>14300777
>>14300898 >>14301187
>>14301304 >>14301513
>>14303276 >>14303463
>>14304279 >>14304703
>>14299819 >>14302562
>>14299785 >>14301797
>>14300150 >>14300752
>>14301590 >>14299839
>>14300157 >>14300923
>>14300201 >>14300930
>>14301353 >>14301549
>>14300332 >>14300227
>>14300237 >>14300210
>>14301322 >>14300582
>>14304048 >>14300358
>>14300422 >>14300245
>>14300249 >>14300298
>>14301962 >>14300346
>>14300369 >>14300359
>>14300389 >>14300409
>>14305511 >>14300449
>>14300484 >>14303186
>>14300471 >>14300525
>>14303199 >>14300529
>>14300601 >>14300670
>>14301669 >>14300973
>>14300714 >>14300739
>>14300821 >>14300865
>>14301156 >>14300817
>>14300787 >>14300966
>>14300858 >>14300925
>>14300886 >>14300961
>>14300896 >>14300952
>>14300960 >>14301786
>>14301012 >>14301066
>>14301078 >>14301110
>>14301126 >>14301067
>>14301099 >>14301505
>>14301170 >>14301331
>>14301196 >>14301204
>>14301240 >>14301227
>>14301267 >>14301326
>>14301547 >>14301978
>>14304325 >>14301768
>>14301953 >>14301365
>>14301376 >>14301397
>>14301796 >>14301906
>>14301955 >>14301481
>>14302335 >>14301628
>>14301790 >>14303428
>>14301845 >>14302022
>>14302012 >>14302048
>>14302091 >>14302140
>>14302158 >>14302166
>>14302226 >>14302268
>>14304494 >>14302215
>>14302332 >>14302352
>>14303257 >>14302500
>>14302286 >>14302304
>>14302438 >>14304570
>>14302482 >>14302519
>>14302529 >>14302616
>>14302590 >>14302552
>>14302658 >>14302881
>>14303023 >>14303144
>>14303250 >>14303142
>>14303245 >>14303167
>>14303208 >>14303283
>>14303400 >>14303307
>>14303339 >>14303366
Have sex

>> No.14305564

no u

>> No.14305570


>> No.14305580
File: 2.15 MB, 320x320, is attractive and playful in your path.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

actually pretty fucking funny

>> No.14305600

>Why making fun of all the incels donating for her when it's literally her job to please them?

Imagine being this fucking sheltered. Have you not heard of financial domination? Men who give money to women to humiliate them and call them loser faggots? It gets quite a few men off, more than you'd think. Belle Delphine is a thinly veiled FinDom, but for most of the western world.

>> No.14305617

>thread watcher lights up
>its a mass reply post

every time

>> No.14305689

>Natcuck angry beta
>jerking off to muscular statues

Every time.

>> No.14305821

Based and redpilled

>> No.14305853

this is literally what happened to me

>> No.14305869
File: 139 KB, 1024x765, privilege.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all i want to know is if she actually lost income from it?
how big of a percentage of her supporters walked away?

>> No.14305935
File: 390 KB, 1125x1125, 1558616864712.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks for the real (You) fren. here's one for you as well

>> No.14305942

>t. kike

>> No.14305949

all whores are women

>> No.14306024

If we keep abandoning every cultural stronghold they'll naturally take them over. You just have to get used to the fact that these people will always infect every site they come to and need to be beaten down at every opportunity.

>> No.14306030

Imagine being this obsessed with incels.

>> No.14306163

Imagine being this guy

>> No.14306171

Not sure if genious or stupid:

>> No.14306285

based and honkpilled

>> No.14306432

>she will 'apologize' and promise to release a more lewd video if she gets a certain number of likes or subscribes or something, and then she'll throw out a slight nipple tease and the paypigs will go all in until the next time she teases a big reveal and lets them down. it's the same thing over and over with all women and all betas

>> No.14306545

>I used to despite e-thots and their apparent easymode riches, but I've come to respect them as /biz/nesswomen.
They deserve respect even just because there are millions of e-thots who try the same and are not even 1/1000000 times as successful

>> No.14306723

>give it a few years, and porn will have less and less social stygma around it. It is already less of a taboo than it was 10 years ago
Correct. Next threshold is on minimum age.

>> No.14306755

AstroDomina is based though

>> No.14306902

>per say
Based retard

>> No.14306939

>I hope she gets raped on all of her holes by multiple old men. Fuck the law, I'd pay hundreds of dollars for it to happen.
Sorry but it will never happen. Keep seething, Raj

>> No.14306992

0, she's a professional cock tease and a savvy business woman.

>> No.14307008

i think she is a man

>> No.14307031

>She has more white fanboys than pajeets

>> No.14307051

delete this

>> No.14307070

>all i want to know is if she actually lost income from it?
>how big of a percentage of her supporters walked away?
that's the question. Some walked away, some who didn't know her now they know

>> No.14307223
File: 50 KB, 640x640, knight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

makes sense, she probably lost some old supporters but gained more new ones that had not seen her before or who appreciate this type of humor.

there are even anons in this thread who now all of a sudden refer to this slut as "based".

>> No.14307277

Low T commie gets put against the wall.

>> No.14307330

Why do people spend money on internet porn when free internet porn is literally a post scarcity resource?

>> No.14307332

Aren't the nudes of her out there real?

>> No.14308038
File: 2.86 MB, 400x800, blue_dance_2.8.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is selling the fantasy of the youthful nympho who will do everything to please you sexually and can never get enough, which was my point.

She figured out how to sell a very compelling fantasy, which is what all the other thots failed to do.

>> No.14308073

not the same person retard look at earlobes

>> No.14308125

This GIF makes me rage more than delphine ever could.

>> No.14308577
File: 544 KB, 1200x1600, 23008296_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone who is a fan of some ethot deserves to get milked for every penny they own

>> No.14308579
File: 131 KB, 638x720, hairy2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's sad but it's because jacking to a girl you give money to is one tier less lonely

>> No.14308640

Brown eyes a cute

>> No.14309636

Good taste, my anon. I wish you good fortune with crypto.

>> No.14309856

imagine paying money for a premium snapchat when there's millions of women giving out pussy for free and an infinite amount of free pornography on the internet

>> No.14310056
File: 49 KB, 694x653, belle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Success for Belle Delphine, her patreon subscribers are at an all time high.

Not doing porn is 100% what she should be doing.

>> No.14310121

Wait she only gets 3k a month for all this shit? Might as well get a job.

>> No.14310152

Why subscribe when all the best lewds are uploaded to third party sites anyway?

>> No.14310196

4200 patrons. considering there are rich degenerates who probably pay high tributes to get a personal reaction or pic... the average contribution is probably like ~50$ per month which would put her at 150-200k per month

>> No.14310204

No lmao, lowest tier is $1 and you don't get shit for that. $25 is when you get access to the HD lewds which I guess is what most people want, otherwise you can just look at her instagram for the soft shit.

So assume many of her 4000+ patrons are AT LEAST at the $5 if not the $25 tier and above and do the math what she makes per MONTH.

>> No.14310244

Look at the other Y axis

>> No.14310332

Yea thats bullshit. Imagine the amount of rich thirsty incels DM her to get exclusive pics for 1k+ a pop.
Hell, some random ugly findom whores make 5 figures with like a hundred paypigs.

>> No.14310389
File: 83 KB, 519x1038, Belle-Pikachu-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's plain wrong, simple math refutes it. 4200 patrons with a MINIMUM payment of $1.

If we assume most of her patrons pay $5 dollar for Tier 2 she makes $21.100 per month or $253.200 per year.

If most of her paypigs want the HD lewds at $25 dollars she makes $105.500 per month or $1.26 million a year.

Safe to say she is ballin out of control.

>> No.14310508

I don’t claim to know how much she’s making I’m just saying if you disregard the right label you disregard the left.

>> No.14310522

Using logic is allowed.

>> No.14310668


>> No.14310790

god shes beautiful

>> No.14310838

Ethot and enabler purge when

>> No.14311444

>he says, as he spend yet another night being angry at people on 4chan

>> No.14311825
File: 15 KB, 201x280, liz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can see exactly what you get on her Patreon here:

>> No.14311899
File: 60 KB, 510x332, 1556710599183.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I ain't clicking that shit nigga