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14298002 No.14298002 [Reply] [Original]

im confused if btc is a store of value how come it went from 11.2k to 10.2 within minutes....

>> No.14298014

That last bullrun was when gold etf was released

We’ll crash back down soon enough

>> No.14298052

ok ok ok i'm allin link, when gold did what the graph shows did other shitmetals go up as well?

>> No.14298182

if you are retarded don't try to understand this shit, just save euros or dollars. we r gonna need cheap slaves to clean the toilets once the financial revolution has happened.

>> No.14298325 [DELETED] 
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what did CZ mean by these "M"?

>> No.14298350

Because it's still early

>> No.14298374

I’m surprised you’ve even made it as far as you have to this board if this an unironic question

>> No.14298432


because its easy to transfer

>> No.14298549
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1's gold, then crypto. Mark my words, this time it's happening.

>> No.14298562


imagine being a social failure
imagine being not successful
imagine being a "male" not able to have sex
imagine your parents are not proud, even a bit ashamed of what their son became
imagine becoming because of all those things a nazi and blaming other people for your loser lifestyle
imagine crying non stop on a anime board like a little faggot about how OTHER people ruin your life, instead of showing some discipline and changing your own life

but hey, at least most incels will suicide anyway :D

>> No.14298575

fiat has no value

>> No.14298576

>how come it went from 11.2k to 10.2 within minutes
because we are dealing with the valuation of a commodity where every person can on average only own 0.003 of, yet it is only valued at 10k

>> No.14298899

Store of Value is subjective. It could be property, or a car or baseball cards or a painting.

If property value goes up, a generation gets left out of the housing market. If precious metals appreciate in value, that inflates the cost of it's industrial use.

Much like fine art, there's no consequence for the value of bitcoin to rise unreasonably high.

For me the volatility is a feature, not a bug. I can take money off the table and buy my position back, or even expand it.

>> No.14299160

Meanwhile I made bank on arbitrage while you share a toilet with 10 people. Love Redditors, someone needs to be left holding the bag.

>> No.14299262

To answer the question - I wouldn't look at short term movements. Tere's still room for big movements up and down. 2-3 years after the recession kicks in the price will stabilize and it will be boring as potatos, moving sideways.
Nobody knows what it really fucking is, anyone who says they do is lying. DESU I don't give 2 shits, that's not how I think.

>> No.14299479

No Anon. We just end up depressed. And just for the record. As an incel I only blame myself. I hate the fact that I have autism and poor vision. But I maybe could have sex if I tried harder. My anxiety makes it hard.

I would rather die peacefully yes. I do not like my life. It has a very low life quality as an autist. There is much things that are a lot harder for me. I feel miserable.