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File: 212 KB, 999x1000, The-Ridiculously-Cute-Dog-Challenge-To-Distract-You-From-All-The-Doom-And-Gloom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14295820 No.14295820 [Reply] [Original]

Are dogs the best friends you can have in life?

>> No.14295841


>> No.14295881
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yes unless they are shitbulls
cats can be just as good too, but they can also grow hate you for no reason so they are a gamble

>> No.14295910

Whats the most based choice of breed? It's been decades of waiting but I can finally get a puppy! I'm so excited

>> No.14295956

I shall love them forever

>> No.14295976

labradors are solid
shepherds too but in my experience they are a bit more likely to chimp out so take care of them
huskies are very smart, but they are also less docile

i generally like larger dogs because they can protect you if necessary

>> No.14296009

You’re an ignorant cunt mate , I’ll save the pit bulls. You know fuck all about loyalty

>> No.14296010
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They die too soon

>> No.14296013

Border collie owner master race checking in

>> No.14296039


Screw having sex

>> No.14296067

anyone else fucking hate dogs, not for edgy reasons but because they are nasty annoying leeches

>> No.14296068

Smart, strong, loyal, minimal genetic health issues.

>> No.14296080

Seem like a hastle to own for my sophisticated lifestyle

>> No.14296091

that's why i prefer cats
by the time a dog turns 10 you know in the back of your head that it doesn't have much time, but with cats that time takes longer to come

t. cat survived for 24 years. but it hated me since i was born and almost never allowed me to pet him so i wasn't particularly sad.

>> No.14296101
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Rottweiler are absolutely based, but not for cities.
When I was a kid I played with a big black one, throwed a ball from the top of a mountain in the forest below by mistake.
Shit came back a few hours laters with that damn ball in his mouth.

>> No.14296106
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>> No.14296114
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Dogs are everything for you.

Your dog will get excited and greet you every time you come from home.

Dogs are excellent companions. They are loyal. They will protect you.

Get a breed that ties with your lifestyle.

>> No.14296142

Not really hate, but small dogs, yes. Worse than cats almost as bad as brainlet kids

>> No.14296246

I mean they've been genetically programmed to be your slave. Whereas all humans are in it for themselves, dogs literally exist to love you slavishly and support you in any conceivable way that they can. It's what they exist to do.

So, obviously, yes.

Viszla will love you so intensely it will be a religious experience. They really take the slavishness and blind loyalty to the next dimension. Also they're pretty.

>> No.14296256

Cats are selfish

>> No.14296259

Cousins had some beautiful ones growing up, sounds like a great call. What do i need to know?

>> No.14296374

Take a breed that's easy first if it's your first dog.

>> No.14296375

>border collie
They are the smartest breed, hyperenergetic and owning one is like a second job. You have to vigorously work out their minds and bodies on a daily basis or they will rapidly turn into neurotic engines of mass material destruction. Some kind of work or training routine like agility, herding, or etc is almost mandatory for them.

If you can handle the requirements though, they are probably the most rewarding breed to own. Just because you know you earned that relationship and trust, vs getting a golden retriever or something which is like playing dog: the game with cheat codes on.

Just depends if you want to feel like you earned it or not, really. No right answer.

>> No.14296394

I remember one day I had a very rough day. I got fired from a job. Girlfriend fighting with me. I was depressed.


Then my dog came to me to play around with me happily; not caring shit about world problem.

This was the only thing that improved my mood that day.

>> No.14296540

No, dogs are pack animals that have developed a dependent relationship with humans. They have evolved to put on a show because they know you'll give them food and shelter, humans are the only animals that humanize traits of other species, your dog is a dumb animal that couldn't give two shits about you... it's all an act.

>but muh Japanese dog story!
Irrelevant, it's an evolved trait, the dog had a mutant gene that was extra attached to his meal ticket. A dog raised in captivity sees living a life in the wild as a death sentence... which it often is, so they'll occasionally hold on to their host for dear life.

>> No.14296811

befriending an animal that is biologically compelled to be subservient and submissive to you, the provider, is pretty bluepilled

are they really your best friend if they don't have any choice but to be your best friend?

keeping an animal in a small yard just so you can get some good feels when it wags its tail at you is pretty pathetic

now if you befriend a wild animal and keep up the relationship, now that is fucking based as fuck

>> No.14296858

Golden Retriever, if you're white.
Jack Russel terrier if not.
English Bull Terrier is always a solid choice.

>> No.14296874

the mutt in the adoption room. Trust me Mutts > pure breed.

with that being said i got a big pure breed rottweiler, hes like 8 years old and aces like a playful puppy still. a bit hard headed and likes to tgrow his body around, but listens very well

>> No.14296962

Chinese anon who hates dogs with a passion. I like eating them instead. The moral fags can go kick rocks. You're the same hypocrites who will eat cows, chickens and fish and see no problem but if I eat dogs it's "fuck chinks" blah blah blah

>> No.14296976
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>> No.14297054

i would feed you to my dogs if i knew you personally. get fucked zipperhead

>> No.14297189

Well they have Williams-Beuren syndrome which is why they are so damn friendly
Humans basically bred retarded wolves (the friendly ones) and fucked up wolves (to make different breeds) and domesticated them and made dogs
So yes, they've been bred to be our best friends


>> No.14297485

If you educate them right when they are young you will have the best dog ever.
The smsrtest breed thousands of miles ahead of the second. Literally the Arian dog
The most loyal
The most Noble

They need a shit ton of physical activity
They are prone to digestive problems

>> No.14297556

Golden Doodle.....
Best breed IMO.
Super smart, easy to learn, great personality, they dont shed and are hypoallergenic. Extremely loving and playful.

Only cons are the too friendly do not much of a guard dog.

>> No.14297600

t. Grizzly Adams

>> No.14297729

golden retriever is my choice

>> No.14297745

This is reddit level shit, fucking normies

>> No.14297755
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the obvious choice!

>> No.14297771

>dogs are better friends than BTC



>> No.14297784

Is this a Dogecoin shill post?

>> No.14297804

best frens best heartbreak

>> No.14297803

newfags dont remember shoveldog.gif

>> No.14297832
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Retarded catposter. Literally ignoring how dogs evolved WITH man, unlike cats who've just adapted alongside us in a resource-based relationship, not one that has the emotional bond/connection that dogs develop with humans. Literal fucking retard. Go kys.

>> No.14298171

Humans are dependent on technology to survive, tech that mr. goldberg provides in exchange for your wage slavery

>> No.14298225

Any anon. Even mixed. All these puppies need someone. I love shepherd and own one but would love any other.
Dogs truly are a gift.

>> No.14298234

They're best for sucking your dick.

>> No.14298253

Get an american style golden retriever, mine is 95 lbs and handsome as fuck and i love that dog more than any other living creature and would sacrifice virtually every human in my life in a heartbeat to protect him

this, they are literally bred to treat you like you're a living god. their unconditional love is the most patrician feeling out there

>> No.14298279

If I saw you harming a dog, I'd armbar you and heel hook until your limbs look like a spaghetti bowl.

t. Uninronically Vegan

>> No.14298292


>> No.14298293
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>fucking up god-tier retriever bloodlines with a degenerate annoying as fuck breed because you're afraid of a little shedding
you are unironically the swinglinker of dogowners and you'll get the rope just the same.

>> No.14298313


>> No.14298342

You’re an ignorant edgelord
Dog’s love is not an act, it’s litteral oxytocin. They crave humain contact in and of itself.

>> No.14298373

Kill yourself edgelord
I've been browsing 4chan for over a decade and can tell you that what you're saying is absolute bullshit

>> No.14298391
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Cats and dogs are both great.

>> No.14299115

I grew a disdain for dogs because for years I was living with someone who had a bunch of the most ill-behaved, untrained, annoying dogs I've EVER experienced, and the person did nothing about it except exacerbate their annoying habits by rewarding bad behavior. Now that I've been away from there for some time I'm mostly over it though it still haunts me to some small degree. But I like dogs that are well trained, good dogs. I'd say bad dogs can just fuck right off but sadly enough you have to just blame the stupid owners. They really have no business owning a dog that they don't even have time for.

>> No.14299263

Westies are besties

>> No.14299312
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>> No.14299806

This pitbulls are loyal and redpilled

>> No.14299810

It's dead.

>> No.14299921

I had a border collie mix growing up, best dog. He was mixed with a springer spaniel and was actually very calm. Could stay at home all day if you needed him to but also loved to get outside. Saved me from a pitbull once by getting it to back off when I was little. Was also a natural hunting dog when we finally got around to using him as one when he was older. Lived 16 years.

>> No.14300314


>> No.14300324


>> No.14300335
File: 2.12 MB, 3968x2976, IMG_20181216_191042.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my doggo is my only friend I've had in years, she's all that keeps me sane.

>> No.14300341

Do your research on breeds. If you're a lazy fuck then get a couch potato breed. High energy breeds can get neurotic and destructive if they don't have an outlet for all their energy.

>> No.14300350

Yeah and who cares about cats, honestly

>> No.14300374

Adorable anon

>> No.14300413

>your dog is a dumb animal that couldn't give two shits about you... it's all an act.
You could argue the same about humans. All our emotions and connections with other people are just chemicals in our brain that compel us to do things for each other to boost our survival.

>> No.14300431


A dogs affection is as good and pure as anyone elses

>> No.14300457

It's a mutually beneficial relationship. We get protection and hunting aid, they get stable food and shelter. Both get companionship.

>> No.14300515

Border collie or border terrier are equally based.

>> No.14300710

I know that feel.
Good doggo.

>> No.14300727
File: 1.31 MB, 2100x1575, dog in bed blackout.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14301368

yeah definitely

>> No.14301388

Rottie or mastiff(English and Italian)