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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1429477 No.1429477 [Reply] [Original]

Isn't the federal tax system just slavery with extra steps?

>> No.1429490

Certainly feels like it sometimes.

>> No.1429492

>Taxes are just slavery with extra steps
>Debases rick in the process
Holy fucking shit you're either underage or an unironic fox news viewer. Either way your IQ is almost certainly in the double digits.

Fuck you for bringing down the IQ of this board even further, I cannot sage hard enough. Get the fuck >>>out REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

>> No.1429502

Logical argument man

>> No.1429508

I dunno man, I wish social programs were better constructed to motivate and educate the poor instead of just carrying them.

Makes absolutely no sense.

>> No.1429515
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>> No.1429534

I wish social programs involved forcible relocation.

>> No.1429554

>Like, dude, why do we like, even have laws and shit man. I mean like, shit, I don't need the government not to tell me not to kill anyone. Like, the police are just fascists, man, fuck. What's wrong with me doing whatever I want?! Like, shit.
>Dude don't call me a retard, like, that's not a logical argument. Shit.
Fucking kill yourself, it's the only way to make sure you never return to post on this board. We have enough coping nocoiners here for our retard amusement purposes.

>> No.1429557
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You sound like a guy who gets a ton of ass

> pic related
> you'll need it

>> No.1429570

>Jokes on them, I was only pretending to be retarded! Hurrhurr damn I'm funny
>I bet if I infer he's not getting laid they will think I'm actually cool in real life and totally getting pussy. Because I'm cool and not retarded. Yeah..
This whole suicide thing is starting to look like a better option for you by the minute.

>> No.1429575

I don't know what you do for money, man
But a functioning government is a prerequisite for it. You would more than likely be out of work in a stateless world

>> No.1429586
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Damn u got me there m8. How will i ever recover.

> tfw you will never comprehend essence of international law & the monetary currency exchange system

> feelsbadman

>> No.1429595

Let me guess, /pol/ kicked your ancap ass out? What made you think you would have better luck here? Admittedly people here are not as bright, but I don't think most people here are ancap levels stupid.

Have you ever heard the saying: 'If you go outside in the morning and you meet an asshole, you just met an asshole. If you go outside and meet assholes all day, chances are you're the asshole'?

Do you ever stop and think about your life? Or is that what you're here retardposting to avoid?

>> No.1429598

>Oh man that actually hurt a little.. even strangers on the internet can tell I must've felt that..
>Full damage control, time to meme it up!
This is actually sad and you should feel bad. Go sit in the corner and think about what you did like >>1429595 said.

>> No.1429606
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This is why i don't feel bad exploiting retards for profit

>> No.1429610

Not in the way that TV wants you to think.

The reality is that, despite being the loudest whiners next to the rich, businesses are hardly taxed at all.

If a company employs you to write software, you can write off your house payment and that's basically it.

If you're a self-employed programmer, you can still write off your house. Plus you can write off your electric bills, your water/sewer bills, your internet service, your computer, any books you buy, any software you use, your clothes, and many other things.

Starting a business was the best thing I ever did tax wise aside from buying a house. The first couple years when I lost money just made my refunds bigger.

>> No.1429611

The real argument here is about the size of government and what role it should play in society.

I'm personally in the small government/small tax burden/small benefits camp. Private and voluntary actions almost always yield better average results. The down side is that this will result in some massive winners and losers.

>> No.1429618
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Did you even read my post? Because the irony is palpable.

>Everyone is mocking me
>But I'm not retarded
>Everyone else must be retarded
>If I avoid actual responses I won't look so bad
>I am actual successfull biznissmen who r exploit stupid because am smart u r just jelus
Nice save buddy, I'm done here

>> No.1429629
File: 62 KB, 600x800, 12321376_776687965795365_8994795146884953130_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> greentexts solve everything

You're right anon, you're right, I give

>> No.1429653

>Meme arrows solve everything
That was actually funny, I'll give you that