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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1429198 No.1429198 [Reply] [Original]

Weekly reminder that over half of this board is UNEMPLOYED and thus has no authority of giving any sort of advice or criticism.

Take that into account the next time someone tells you about "making bank" off daytrading or buying whatever shitty P&D coin is popular now (we've had our fair share, PND, drk, doge, pepecoin, /biz/coin and more)

>> No.1429200


Don't give a shit. It works

I made a $800 trading memes last month based on some of the advice here.

>> No.1429203

Yeah and I made a billion dollars off pepe coin

>> No.1429205


Ok then, don't believe. Doesn't' change the fact for me.

>> No.1429206

I believe you.

Do you believe that I made a billion off pepecoin?

Doesn't change the fact for me that I have a yacht comparable to Abramov now.

>> No.1429214

>Take that
this post, in a nutshell

>> No.1429216

Just something to think about when you get some advice here, 50% chance the person doesn't even have a job, and probably even higher given how the people who do have money on /biz/ don't give much advice, they just shitpost for fun (iHaz for example)

>> No.1429217

>when you get some advice here
Why on earth would I ever do that?

>> No.1429220

Some newfags still get b8ed by the daytrading/forex/shitcoins/voodootrading/whatever bs.

Just trying to save them their time and money.

>> No.1429221

i voted in that poll, i chose NEET even though i own a prosperous little kneepad company

>> No.1429229

Just trying to save them their time and money
Darwin at work though, no?
You don't do this sort of thing at your local carnival?

>> No.1429231

I do charity work in my local community too

>> No.1429253

Well, ok.
But on this board, that's sort of like going to Vegas to decry the evils of gambling.

>> No.1429260

Personally, i love trading memecoins. I find the communities interesting and entertaining.. Especially the drama. I also like looking at trade graphs. More stuff to trade, double the fun.

although I do not reccoment putting all your money into memecoins, its a good distraction to keep one entertained all day.

>> No.1429283

what does a graduate student earning their PhD in STEM count as?

I make about 29K a year right now

>> No.1429350

>but what about the trolls

>> No.1430300

>but what about the trolls
20% of the users are responsible for 80% of the trolling also

>> No.1430313
File: 44 KB, 409x409, 1438176596959.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No authority? C'moon.

>> No.1430315
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Also in europe your net "salary" will be the same if you are a NEET or working on a median salary

>> No.1430331

like 3 people