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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 12 KB, 705x196, 0xbtc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14288708 No.14288708 [Reply] [Original]

A-anon d-did you listen to us? It's not too late.

>> No.14288727

>$50k volume

Lmao fuck off pajeet

>> No.14288728

I will never spend a dime on your scam garbage 90% held by the initial circle of secret club miners.

>> No.14288729

I refuse to invest in this extremely volatile market or any other extremely volatile market. It's not wise. For every one that makes it, hundreds lose out.

>> No.14288746

Like buying bitcoin at $0.36, easiest fucking money ever shilled on /biz/.

>> No.14288837

does it bother you to say stuff like that? you know you can't provide evidence, because it isn't true. what compels you to shit up the board with noise?

>> No.14288935

what part of it was secret? The project was publicly announced on the day the smart contract was created. This fud is getting lame.

>> No.14289133


>> No.14289177

then there's 4,500+ secret inner club members using your math.
why you not in the circle brah?

>> No.14289210
File: 197 KB, 618x700, 1547608134555.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Idk I heard this coin was a scam. Guy who usually posts in these threads convinced me well.

>> No.14289257

the guy who always says 0xbitcoin is "biz invented" and "fpga miner scam" convinced you? do you think 0xbitcoin was invented by biz or initially had anything to do with fpgas? it wasn't, and it didn't.

>> No.14289265

That's a copypasta, man
he doesn't even try to update his bullshit numbers everytime he posts it

>> No.14289274

Fuck off, scammer.

>> No.14289276

Is the Hotbit trading volume legit? I'm glad the obviously fake Mercatox volume is excluded on CMC now but I never used Hotbit and don't really know whether that exchange is legit.

>> No.14289293

explain the scam or shut up dickhead

>> No.14289447

Don't trust any exchanges and disregard the volume, since a lot of it is fake. Just look at what is currently on the books and if you see that there's enough available in the price range you're comfortable with, then deposit, buy and withdraw immediately.

>> No.14289450

you guys don't seem very forthcoming with details or evidence about the supposed scam. you weren't just making up stuff and talking out your asses, were you??

>> No.14289482

Volume (24h)
$59.576 USD
5,48 BTC
193,99 ETH

>Good luck selling anon

>> No.14289512
File: 17 KB, 144x336, 0x.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

at first I didn't believe that this really is a scam, even though some anons made elaborate arguments that it is.

pic related proofs that they were right, fuck off stupid miner scammer pajeets NIGGERS


>> No.14289564

i find you fairly representative of the crowd that doesn't like 0xbitcoin.

>> No.14289580

Representative of a crowd that doesn't like getting scammed

>> No.14289599

are you capable of having an actual conversation? do you have a working brain? you just said it is a scam -- now back it up with reasoning and facts.

you can't.

>> No.14289605

obivious scamcoin shilled by a coordinated group

>> No.14289628

are you capable of having an actual conversation? do you have a working brain? you just said it is a scam -- now back it up with reasoning and facts.

>> No.14289656

its so obvious when another calvin payment comes through
honestly whats the point of paying for "social media engagement" if the indians you hire cant make it look organic?

>> No.14289694
File: 703 KB, 3840x2160, IMG_8234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bitcoin for Ethereum Applications

>> No.14289705

Fact - if pajeets can't rape it or shit on it, they'll scam it

I dunno about you but I don't argue with science or facts

>> No.14289725

>selling before $10k
Not gonna make it

>> No.14289727

cool, did you have fun making up bullshit? ok, playtime is over now. do you have any thoughts about the 0xbitcoin smart contract? do you have the slightest idea how it works?

is that too much work? why don't you just call me a nigger instead?

>> No.14289830

That would be insulting to our black brethren. That type of language is offensive. Do they not teach you that in India school?

>> No.14289873

He has literally no arguments

>> No.14289886

Ignore him he's an idiot. He'll buy when it 10x. We need him.

>> No.14289893

you're really good at responding with racial crap and really bad at responding with verifiable facts. are you capable of making any meaningful criticism of this project?

>> No.14289926

Dumb brainwashed zombie is all he is.

>> No.14289955

Yeah I agree

This guy is a dumb brainwashed zombie

>> No.14289991
File: 205 KB, 1571x762, 0xbtc miners march 13, 2018.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time to put this "FPGA scam token" shit to rest. Pic related is the list of miners mining 0xBitcoin on the contract creator's pool on the 13th of March, 2018 - more than a month after the token was released. As you may see, there isn't a single FPGA in there.

>> No.14290030

Right... What coins you hold?

>> No.14290175

need to accumulate while under $1.

>> No.14290186

You mean what coins do I hold?

Only 5 0xbitcoins but I'm hoping to get more once we scam these people

>> No.14290197

thank you, good info. mining in 0xbitcoin followed a very normal progression. first miner was actually in js, then briefly in cpu, then in gpu, then fpga at some point. yes, the guy who deployed the contract was totally mining with a js miner as it was the best one that existed at the time.

>> No.14290269

literally who cares who was mining what. looking at the chart whoever was mining has been dumping while mining so literally who cares.

>> No.14290527

I was the guy arguing with the pasta poster in the last thread, but not gonna lie, I would think twice about fomoing after a sudden 60% pump.
Protip: unless you only want like 1000 coins or something, watch the stats https://0x1d00ffff.github.io/0xBTC-Stats/?page=stats&
and wait for the hash rate to go back up, this is when the miners eventually start dumping again and there's good liquidity for buyers. It's been a bit of a dry spell due to lack of miners dumping for the past month or two and I haven't bought anything since the hash rate was around 10GH/s

>> No.14290649

On the other hand a pump like this is exactly how you get the miners to start mining again, I've been watching them for a year and they are very opportunistic and are happy to switch their miners off or switch to a different coin when the difficulty gets too high or the price gets too low. So although I'm not sure, I suspect the hash rate may start climbing soon

>> No.14290910

This is going to be voted 2020s most comfiest hold.

>> No.14291240

the reason the picture is useful is that we have a delusional person who says every single time he appears in a thread that somehow fpgas were used as part of a scam. it wasn't a scam and fpgas didn't show up for about a year.

>> No.14291570


0xBitcoin was a /biz/ invented FPGA miner scam token.
Almost everywhere online 0xBTC threads are deleted, ie plebbit, its that big of a scam.
The actual daily 24hr volume on 0xBTC is under $10,000 - CMC reported volume is 95% wash trading
Don't believe me then buy $300 worth of 0xBTC and watch the price move by 20%

Around the time that these miners were pumping 0xBTC they shilled /biz/ CONSTANTLY with it.
There was at least 15-25 spam threads about it daily up until they dumped their bags on all the anons buying in.
It was a coordinated pump and dump and these 0xBTC scamming faggots think that /biz/ has forgotten about what they did.
Lots of anons were fooled into buying it at $2-$4.
Now there are tons of bag holders of this shitcoin and ALL of the 0xBTC threads on /biz/ are made by these miner faggots where they coordinate /biz/ shilling in their 0xBitcoin discord.

This project has a better chance of always being worthless than even worth $5.
No one will really tell you the truth about this scam because so many ppl were suckered into buying it on /biz/
Truth is, not many ppl are smart and wise to scams and it takes a high IQ to realize that 0xBTC is a miners scam token.
What's more is the FPGA miners mining this shit are now only making about $0.08/0xBTC and it keeps dropping.
It's incredibly not profitable for anyone besides FPGA fags to mine this shit.

Don't fall for this fucking miner scam token, its always going to be worthless.
>entirely community driven
>zero money for marketing or exchange listings
>scam artists for devs - who literally orchestrated a pump and dump on bizlets
>miner shill faggots who constantly spam threads about it bc they are so desperate for you to buy their bags because LITERALLY NO ONE IS BUYING THIS SHIT ANYMORE

What's more is that 0xBitcoin DOESNT EVEN PUMP WITH LEGACY BITCOIN!!
>do not reply to 0xbtc shill posters

>> No.14291707

thanks, really added depth to the convo to just repost the exact same blob full of delusions

>> No.14291934

Right cause chainlink and neo and every other major crypto didn't have a pump and dump at some point... How about the time link. Dumped from 1.20 to 0.16?

>> No.14291976

have ~700 i got sometime ago, hope it moons

>> No.14291993

Oh no I bought chainlink at 1.20 and sold at 0.16 it's a scam!

>> No.14292006

PND is back, 0XBtc wants to make money for the summer

>> No.14292014

>hiring Indians to simulate humans
this concept is fundamentally flawed

>> No.14292802

How much to make it?

>> No.14292831

Impossible to determine. If it really takes off, 2100 could be plenty. In clown world, even 21 could be enough. If it doesn't take off, you won't make it no matter how much you buy.

>> No.14292864

2100 to be sure

>> No.14293601

>meanwhile, in 2012


Bitcoin was a /g/ invented FPGA miner scam coin.
Almost everywhere online BTC threads are mocked, ie plebbit, its that big of a scam.
The actual daily 24hr volume on BTC is under $100,000 - Mt. Gox reported volume is 95% wash trading
Don't believe me then buy $3000 worth of BTC and watch the price move by 20%

Around the time that these miners were pumping BTC they shilled /g/ CONSTANTLY with it.
There was at least 15-25 spam threads about it daily up until they dumped their bags on all the anons buying in.
It was a coordinated pump and dump and these BTC scamming faggots think that /g/ has forgotten about what they did.
Lots of anons were fooled into buying it at $20-$30.
Now there are tons of bag holders of this shitcoin and ALL of the BTC threads on /g/ are made by these miner faggots where they coordinate /g/ shilling in their Bitcointalk forum.

This project has a better chance of always being worthless than even worth $40.
No one will really tell you the truth about this scam because so many ppl were suckered into buying it on /g/
Truth is, not many ppl are smart and wise to scams and it takes a high IQ to realize that BTC is a miners scam token.
What's more is the FPGA miners mining this shit are now only making about $0.40/BTC and it keeps dropping.
It's incredibly not profitable for anyone besides FPGA fags to mine this shit.

Don't fall for this fucking miner scam token, its always going to be worthless.
>entirely community driven
>zero money for marketing or exchange listings
>scam artists for devs - who literally orchestrated a pump and dump on /g/entoomen
>miner shill faggots who constantly spam threads about it bc they are so desperate for you to buy their bags because LITERALLY NO ONE IS BUYING THIS SHIT ANYMORE

What's more is that Bitcoin DOESNT EVEN PUMP WITH THE STOCK MARKET!!
>do not reply to btc shill posters