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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 468 KB, 2916x1632, Skycoin-Bester.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14288374 No.14288374 [Reply] [Original]

Some of you cunts are OK.
The Skycoin price has been held down because a scamming faggot called Scott from C2CX exchange stole 2 million SKY and has been steadily dumping them for the past year.
Every time the price ran up he dumped more.
He's out of coins now and C2CX is exit scamming so the SKY price is ready to run up for real this time, easily back to $30 where the dumping began.

> inb4 "when obelisk"

Who gives a fuck about obelisk. It's not needed for Skywire or CX. And Fiber chains can use any consensus algo they want. Obelisk is a meme, even if they never release it this shit is still going to pump like a motherfucker.

> inb4 "muh scam muh kidnap"

Again, who gives a fuck. All in the past and the new round of plebbitors and normies aren't going to give a shit about this stuff, they'll fomo in based on the tech and all the cool shiny hardware regardless of that retarded fud (which is all debunked here anyway www.SkyFUD.com).

Buy now or stay poor.

>> No.14288809

Yeah, probably not a bad time to grab a bag. Volume is ramping up. If it breaks resistance at $2.25 it will go to $5 pretty fast. SKY is a legit project but they've been tainted by all the shit that went down.

>> No.14288991
File: 645 KB, 2094x2400, Justin-Tabb-Skycoin-Wojak-Meme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Notice how most of the Skycoin fud on plebbit and twitter has disappeared? That's because it was all being paid for by Substratum and Orchid Protocol, and both those projects have died and run out of funds for fudding. There's still like two pajeet fudders left on /biz who normally chime in with the same fud about obelisk or exit scams, as if it matters. I'm sure they'll be along soon to repeat their tired old rhetoric.

>> No.14289437


So SKY is at $2 now, and it needs to 25X to get back to ATH.
Let's say it doubles that and gets to $100 next bull run.
So a decent suicide stack would be 10K SKY?
How much do you earn from running a Skyminer?

>> No.14289470

Notice how people stop flushing when shit has already gone down the drain?
That's because they're being paid for by the green lobby to not waste water.
It can't possibly be because no one cares about shit once it's gone, it has to be a conspiracy to deprive me of my god given right to eat shit

>> No.14289635

KEK. Skycoin hasn't gone anywhere brainlet, so your theory makes zero fucking sense. The SKY community is 10X bigger and more active on social media now, and they're releasing new hardware, and wallet updates and CX updates, and new exchanges every week. If SUB still had the funds to fud SKY of course they'd still be doing it. The SKY fud died because it's all been debunked and there's no real competitors left anyway. But like I said, stay poor. Keep investing in your ERC20 tokens or whatever shit you're into. You can FOMO back in to SKY at $30 like the rest of the idiots here.

>> No.14290332
File: 2.43 MB, 480x480, FuckOff.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that skyshit is a fucking scam and synth is an autistic faggot who charges brainlets 1BTC for a box of orange pis that don't work. Sorry for your loss skypajeets but synth has been dumping on you for two years and your shitcoin is going to zero. At least substratum has a working product that got through the great firewall of china. What the fuck has skyshit ever done, apart from scam its retarded fanbois?


>> No.14290778

Weak fud. SUB is dead.