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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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14287288 No.14287288 [Reply] [Original]

Ok guys you have left me no choice, I can’t get a straight answer and I’m losing money. Name ONE (1) flaw with this project besides:

>chink scam
>muh next ETH

And other ad hominems, and don’t ALLUDE to the problems of DAGs but specifically state one. If you guys can name one flaw with this project I will leave and never come back. Otherwise I will post this thread every day.

>> No.14287312

>mainnet soon
>saudi news in [redacted]
not going anywhere drop it now

>> No.14287320

I found some flaws, but since i am also holding this shitcoin. I'm not going to post them.

Btw, I was the one who initiated the shit talk on REQ saying they were french monkeys who are just shills. Which was unfortunately true.

>> No.14287322

clearly pushed to the ground by whales to buy more

>> No.14287332


Buying before mainnet is smart no? Link bled out for a long time before mainnet then mooned after even though no one uses the mainnet.

>> No.14287338

I am a fantom fan but the biggest flaw is the question marks on how they manage their development funds.

I was baffled when Andre said the project only had about 24 months of developer funding left when the burn rate was $240k USD per month.

They raised $40m for fucks sake.

They've since reduced it to $100k per month according to their CMO but there is no audit trail to verify this.

>> No.14287343

As with all DAGs. the kernal is prone to leaking. The solipcism between the kernal and the securitor is completely unresolved. It's literally 4 lines of code right now because they have no idea how to fix this vulnerability. Although to be fair to them they have had some success in difultrating sub-kernals which is a promising breakthrough.

>> No.14287345

You won’t receive legitimate criticism because there isn’t any, once btc stops pumping and alt season begins this thing will skyrocket

>> No.14287368

no working product

>> No.14287384

FTM is currently #1 in difultrating sub-kernals and honestly no other project will ever compare.

>> No.14287584

>difultrating sub-kernals
braunlet here. wtf is difultrating sub-kernals

>> No.14287634

No major flaws except that its bleeding atm, but that just means it's going to moon so fucking hard on the alt bullrun.

>> No.14287691

I don't have an explanation. I also don't know why anyone right in their head would even sell below 300 sats. Got in early so I'm not even mad that it's bleeding that much.

Guess we will understand later what happened here. Maybe price supression by whales

>> No.14287707

>I want free data

>> No.14287811

Pajeets jumped on the binance listing. They were dumb fucks who knew nothing of the project and dumped as it didnt 10x. Whales and fudders have been trying to push it lover and lower.

Real issue is Binance as a pure trading location is a bunch of third world losers. Fantom is doing great and will soon start moving up. The bitcoin pump did this to all the alts.

>> No.14287825

Wow, I remember selling at 10k a while ago and regretting it after it mooned to 13k...I'm sure glad I dumped my bags early!

>> No.14288049

It's essentially the equivalent to block-appendaging in traditional blockchain architecture, but without constricting scalability. Keep in mind the kernal is acting as the subductor in this comparison, with sub-kernals providing ventage points (depending on the DAG, in others such as nano they actually use multiple simulated kernals iirc, an imperfect solution to say the least). The FTM solution to difultrating using sub-kernels is what sets it apart.

>> No.14288176


Difultrating is not a work you colossal faggot.

>> No.14288193


>> No.14288250

>what is conflagrating
There's no need to difultrate with sub-kernels. The real projects out there know.

>> No.14288267
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no working product