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14286219 No.14286219 [Reply] [Original]

Is there ANY reason why btc is on a bullish trend? Iran? Gold? Like any plausible reason at all other than "whales"?

>> No.14286253
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are you retarded?

Bakkt is literally making it so MUCH EASIER for institutions to buy bitcoin, there's growing financial instability with people wanting to move to a more non inflationary asset, then the halving next year is going to cause a HUGE Supply shock on top of norms fomoing in...

a lot of it is simple economics, demand will sharply rise whilst supply will fall

>> No.14286257

numerous reasons
> tariffs and inflation biting china, and billions that want to get out
> Scent of trouble with Hong Kong (note Hong Kong pioneered private bank issued currency during the late British period)
> Iran war possibility. (note it was adoption in Greece and Iran that contributed to the first BTC runups)
> World economy cooling
> We're likely looking at Dot Bomb 2.0 in the next year
I'll also add this: buying physical gold is far more difficult than BTC. You by definition have to rely on a trusted "expert" to purchase it and storing it is risky and costly

>> No.14286271

No supply
Everybody wants moon

>> No.14286286


essentially theres going to be a broader group of consumers and users who have an appetite for bitcoin, with new on-ramps into the scene..... with the block reward cut in half net year (halving) being a large cut to the supply really adding to the fire,

>> No.14286318

all whale manipulation. we're going back to $2,000 by EOM.

>> No.14286336

its consolidating... which way will it break..hmmmmm

>> No.14286378

>Like any plausible reason at all other than "whales"?

Whale make big buys followed by regular people fomo'ing.

>> No.14286382

Because we're going to a 100K (conservative estimate) and everyone wants a piece of it. Couldn't you figure it out yourself?

>> No.14286581
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Bitfinex has been in legal and financial trouble since early April (which, you'll notice, is when this parabolic BS started) and are pumping it with Tether so that they can induce FOMO, then dump the market and cash in.

This is the truth of what is happening right now. Ignore the moonboy retards who are trying to justify this run with crap that they have no evidence for.

>> No.14286598

right, next stop 100k

>> No.14286679
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Gee, I don't know. I'm pretty sure tether printing had nothing to do with it.

>> No.14286698

even if printing tether has anything to do with it, someone had to buy the tether first.

>> No.14286799
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>> No.14286810
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>> No.14286850
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>it was adoption in Greece and Iran that contributed to the first BTC runups

what exactly are you on about nigger

>> No.14286865
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> having no memory

>> No.14286902
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Is this bait?

>> No.14286943

Q told boomers to buy it....

Well it would be nice if he did...

Could you imagine all that sweet boomer money in bitcoin???