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File: 40 KB, 633x640, 1527719017437.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14279540 No.14279540 [Reply] [Original]

26 y/o boomer here. I've come to accept I am not made for this world. Anytime I "socialize", everyone always has their god damn phones out snapchatting everything. I just don't understand this world anymore...If you don't have a social circle, you're not missing out on anything in this new age.

>> No.14279633

biggest mistake man ever made was giving women rights. second biggest mistake was giving them handeld computers with cameras.

>> No.14279660


>> No.14279668

You're a milenial you fucking retard.

>> No.14279672

At least using their own narcissism against them is an easy way to break the ice. For example, a gaggle of girls taking pictures, you just join them. They'll think it's XD so RANdOM! and boom, you're in.

>> No.14279683


>> No.14279688


>> No.14279704

Lurk more newbie faggit

>> No.14279740

you're not a boomer, fucking millennial

> 60s boomers
> 70-80s x generation
> 90s millennials
> 00s zoomers

>> No.14279753

fone r bad >:(

>> No.14279816

There are many different variations of this. Most say millenials (gen y) start at 82 and goes through till 98.

>> No.14279837

Anon this is how you get arrested

>> No.14279876

Lurk more new fag

>> No.14279893

82 are still heterosexual, when you spot beards and vaseline (for beards) then you're in the millennial zone

>> No.14279919

20+ is boomer, almost grandpa tier

>> No.14279951

shut up and have another bong, retard

>> No.14279970
File: 80 KB, 250x244, 1531181950527.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep 31 year old boomer here, smart phones killed social interaction completely, 95% of people can't sit through a normal social setting without touching their phone. I've sort of just accepted the fact that I'm not gonna have many (if any) real friends from here on out, people are going to become increasingly more vapid and hollow and the only thing that gives them a dopamine hit to the brain is fabricating a fake world around themselves that people see on their facebook or instagram accounts and trying to out-do one another like crabs trying to climb out of a bucket. You're lucky if you have 1 real friend in the year of our lord 2019.

That's about all, peace out.

>> No.14279971

How did you go so far in life without meeting people who look down om snapchat brainlets, never been to college? Out drinking? Doing anything besides siting in front of a computer?

>> No.14280005

that's exactly the number of friends we had without smartphones

>> No.14280006

based boomer wisdom, I'm 26 and feel exactly the same, the only friends I have are from highschool and earlier, impossible to meet new people that aren't transactional leeches

I don't smoke, but you seem nervous so maybe try it yourself, grandpa, we boomers, deal with it

>> No.14280016

Boomer the new Zoomer.

>> No.14280024

>10k BTC
no one gives a fuck about ur life anon, straight up

>> No.14280062

>he doesnt know
Millenials are washed up and are boomers now. OPs pic is the iconic "30 year old boomer" meme. It's half a joke and half not

>> No.14280074

Son, bitcoin will reach $25k. We're not even at the top yet.

Sir, please do the needful and stop this talkings or vishnu will grant no braps.


>> No.14280165

Nah i thinked it very nicely

Idk, i'm a fucking grandpa, sorry

>> No.14280519

so you're a low value beta male? Just kys, no one will miss you.

In this world, people want VALUE. Money, looks, status, humor, connection, good conversation, entertainment.

If you bring nothing to the table, why the fuck would anyone want to talk to you?

Do some fucking work on yourself then people will interact with you. Or kys

>> No.14280545

Thanks, Rashmi

>> No.14280617

Completely agree with you OP. I wish smartphones were never invented. cancer that has plagued us.