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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 147 KB, 1280x980, neetnode.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14277541 No.14277541 [Reply] [Original]

No threads about this? /biz/ im disappiinted

>> No.14277563
File: 332 KB, 1387x1020, 1560115337617.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats so fucking sick

>> No.14277571

WOW a fucking total of SEVEN after 2 years

WOW such an ACHIVEMENT running up 7 instances on digitalocean hahahha

>> No.14277577

how can I fetch the price of ETH?

>> No.14277579

you want one million nodes at start up of the network? who are you? and why does the thread start to smell like poop when you posted?

>> No.14277590

who the fuck would pay 17 cents to get the price of eth when real smartcontracts like MKR/DAI get it for free

>> No.14277598


7 nodes after 2 weeks retard.

>> No.14277615

>half of them are hosted on fiews

>> No.14277616
File: 7 KB, 231x218, 1559605951827.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek there was some anon posting FUD about 3 nodes earlier today

>mfw swinglinkers and nolinkers on suicide watch

>> No.14277629


You are smelling yourself

>> No.14277630
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I will.

>> No.14277669
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>> No.14277705

They will have to update their pasta every few days at this rate

>> No.14277760

>seven after 3 weeks

>> No.14277770


>> No.14277791

7 nodes means $7.77 next week

>> No.14278309


Wow at that rate you might have like a thousand nodes in five years. KEK

>> No.14279144



>> No.14279203


>> No.14279483
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>> No.14279968

Mein neger

>> No.14279999

That’s not a network of decentralised oracles. It’s just a handful of computers running KYC. Anyone could have done this. Nobody cares about Chainlink. Enjoy July 1st.

>> No.14280031

Yummy quads.

>> No.14280042

What does the Omnipotent Science node offer other than coincidences that do not exist in my frame of reference?

>> No.14280050


>> No.14280064

2 years and MILLIONS of dollars! All Sergey could muster is a pathetic 7 nodes.

>> No.14280097

how to start node?

>> No.14280152


This exchange is exactly the kind of financial discussion I come here for. Simply beautiful

>> No.14280180

The future: smart assistants are ubiquitous and are all powered by secure decentralized oracles provided by chain link. Simple tasks like checking the time requires a consortium of AI powered machines agreeing upon the data received. It's been 17 hours since initial query, still no answer. You've paid 30 cents for this.

>> No.14280309

lol, you still don't understand why decentralization data for a decentralized platform like Ethereum is needed.

by your brainlet logic then why even have smart-contracts at all.

People are so dumb.

>> No.14280398

Why is there only 7 nodes? Because developers aren't stupid and they can see it's useless vaporware and that Google is not a partner. This shit is clear as day to any dev. Only normies and journalists think Chainlink is not vaporware

>> No.14280408


You need to go through KYC by StainStinks team.

>> No.14280428


StainStink is not decentralized. It requires a KYC.

>> No.14280636

that 7 nodes will become 10000 a year from now

>> No.14280675

how can a 2 man team get through 10,000 KYC applications in only 1 year?

>> No.14280686


Have brainless you ever done a Know Your Customer? It’s fucking trivial

>> No.14280700


>be aryan
>have aryan work ethic

they'll do it in 6 months, max.

>> No.14280732
File: 13 KB, 229x221, lolpepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh "decentralized" KYC nodes

>> No.14280790


You do realize MakerDAO is switching to Chainlink right?
Mariano Conti himself is already implement it
>It’s been stressful at times. When we released DAI I didn’t sleep for a week. I’d wake up in the middle of the night sweating to check the status of our oracles, even when I had alarms in place to blast me awake if anything happened.

>> No.14280846

That would be correct if the mainnet was decentralized. It's not.

The whitepaper also doesn't explain a plan that would work decentrally.

Learn some programming. You've been scammed fren

>> No.14280867

that's 17x more expensive than oraclize ($0.01)

>> No.14280874


Do you send Google emails telling them to learn programming and that Chainlink is a scam as well?

>> No.14280894


Programming doesn't explain the concept of decentralization faggot, it's just a language to compile to 1s and 0s for machine instruction. Do you even know what decentralization is?

I'm so fucking sick of swinglinking bitches and faggots and butthurt stinkies who sold too early, get off the board


>> No.14280900

hey man, can you please stop spamming obvious fake fud? youre in every thread, you dont even put any effort in sounding like a diff person. just stop dude, youre still early , youll make it, having 10 more links then you do now isnt going to do anything. try to go build something for link

>> No.14280906

you're wrong, they plan to retain the current oracle and start selling to feed to other contracts.

>> No.14280922

Price 0.1 link...

Remind me of how the economics work here...

>> No.14280929
File: 42 KB, 634x487, 1550442508274.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>start selling to feed
the feed*

>> No.14280937
File: 102 KB, 600x338, 1546983682515.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based thread is based. Can I get some links to the new contracts? Or are these new nodes contributing to the heartbeat?

>> No.14280959


Why would a decentralized trustless smart contract trust a centralized point of failure for price data? Thereby removing all benefit of the smart contract? Might as well write a fucking lambda.

I'm done for tonight, too many fucking brainlets triggering me
>logging off...

>> No.14280995

makerdao price feed is decentralized among 13 different people if I remember correctly.
How much different link nodes do you think are going to provide data for each request?

It's not trustless decentralization like in a self-contained network with internal consensus, that's impossible because data is external. It's a scale from 1 data source to infinity, you have to pick the number you consider good enough.
Only dexes can offer true internal decentralization, but their volume is too small to matter currently.

>> No.14281034


>> No.14281052

I was about to pump 21 BTC into link but then I realized it's technically flawed since there's nothing stopping all the API providers from returning false information when requested by nodes.

>> No.14281178

yes, but it's equivalent to trusting the provider.
The whole "decentralized" part of link is middleware that transports data from providers that don't self-sign. That's it.

>> No.14281625

Sergey and company are obviously going to use a lot of the decentralized oracle hashrate to get him into custody now that mainnet is up.

>> No.14281727

why does this make you so emotional?
why is it a big deal to you?

>> No.14281795


run the Json Parser across all markets for 0.1 LINK

>> No.14281887
File: 706 KB, 1140x1709, 043.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The sole providers will be running their own node, and have a large amount of LINK staked to back their data. If it's wrong, it's taken/reimbursed directly from them.

On more readily available/public data, the group consensus is reached off chain...and any node providing data that is "off" is omitted and penalized, Again, directly from their stack.

About as secure as can be with human nature involved. Fuck up, you loose thousands-millions. Make sure the data you're selling doesn't fuck up. Self policing

>> No.14281948

>The sole providers
>If it's wrong, it's taken/reimbursed directly from them.
the only thing they can be penalized for is being offline

>> No.14282049

this made me laugh harder than it shovel'ld've