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File: 103 KB, 624x396, 1000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14273104 No.14273104 [Reply] [Original]

Get fucking rekt fudders.

>> No.14273130

Discord trannies will never be able to buy back at their sell price pre Google again. Lmao

>> No.14273148

L-l-literally who??

>> No.14273165


Huge. Irrational normie brained market. We should be over $10 right now...

>> No.14273166

So if i eat a cheeseburger from mcdonalds does that mean im a partner? Fuck you its nothing

>> No.14273168

>uh oh spaghetti ohs
here comes to sellers back in before the pump next week

>> No.14273173

Nice fake. Imagine falling for this link scam

>> No.14273176

Sweet, hope they all got burned.

>> No.14273177

They are really pushing it huh hahaha. Google has NO PARTNERSHIP with Chainlink. Nada. They fucking blogged about a proof of concept. This has ZERO real world usage. ZERO. NADA. ZIP.

>> No.14273179

fake and gay, nice link

>> No.14273180

jewgle is bearish is anyway
they just hire trannies, niggers and fat roasties who can't code these days
t.james damore

>> No.14273187

Any swing linkies out there who sold before the Google announcement?

>> No.14273193

Discord trannies who FUD are scummy as fuck. Bunch of fucking manlets with tiny dicks

>> No.14273194

Jason parser is a neo Nazi incel terrorist

Do not buy chain link

>> No.14273197

Stay poor brainlet

>> No.14273199

nvm its real

>> No.14273206

it's more like having 2-3 burger flippers coming over for a barbecue.

>> No.14273217


>> No.14273221
File: 43 KB, 581x417, Jo6xB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>specialized API

Aka ten lines of table data structure code.

>> No.14273227


>> No.14273231

Baby steps anon, Rome wasn’t built in a day

>> No.14273239

Kek imagining their shear terror watching that unprecedented green candle is the most funny thought in the world. Imagine how they felt when link was up 70% in a day at one point. Utterly petrified. They have been living a waking nightmare ever since that day. And it will never go below the pre-pump price. They ruined their lives.

>> No.14273241
File: 241 KB, 890x854, 1529547135355.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Google CP !!??

>> No.14273252

No need to post it here to prove anything OP. The amount of people on this board actually doubting LINK's potential compared to those who deliberately chat shit to keep the price down is tiny. Most people on /biz/ are aware of the potential coming from this project.

Do people remember back in December 2017 when coins like OMG were pumping because the creator or whoever had a picture taken with an apple logo on a skateboard? LOL

It was such an obvious bubble, people just kept buying anything. Literally starting with the top marketcap and working their way downwards. People at work were all of a sudden talking about crypto.

The truth is that LINK is the most undervalued project out there. Imagine if the Google thing had happened back in Christmas 2017. It would have exploded. In all fairness, people on /biz/ have done a good job of keeping LINK hidden from most redditors and casual users.

When people start talking about crypto again and get over the burst of the last bubble, LINK will skyrocket.

>> No.14273260

ok who the fuck cares? 3 nodes with KYC requirement is all there is, this is a nothing burger

>> No.14273269
File: 508 KB, 215x168, 1542398927357.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao this is nothing but a NOTHINGBURGER

>> No.14273271

5 nodes now actually. 21 EOY.

have sex

>> No.14273289


You can sense the desperation in their posts

>> No.14273294

how low did you sell

>> No.14273298

Oh yea let’s just open up the entire network on launch so it can get buttfucked, that makes total sense

t. Someone who has never built anything

>> No.14273300

How do we /biz/ collectively operate a node? Any of you faggots willing to partner? DM me.

>> No.14273306

You just dont believe. Link will be worth $1000per link or more by eoy. People will be using link to buy coffee and dabs and shit. All those btc fags had their fun now its our turn.

>> No.14273309

It cant be true

>> No.14273313

You too can partner with @Google, for 12 months free even: https://cloud.google.com/appengine/

As long as you can get hold of someone technical with the support system you can also claim to have co-developed with Google engineers.

>> No.14273317
File: 330 KB, 499x499, 1536407548109.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And you know what's best about it? They will still swing because they want to get back their LINKs. They will literally swing until their last swing from a tree.

>> No.14273318
File: 13 KB, 332x332, 1518007768745.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>TFW you realise its plural!

>> No.14273326

stinkies falling for fake tweets again kek

>> No.14273333

Past tense. They canned the collaboration after Google saw how racist the community is. "It is not in like with our core values"
>t. my boyfriend works for Google

>> No.14273339

Is that your girlfriend Fudder?

>> No.14273362

The amount of disinformation on biz this last week is staggering.

>> No.14273374

I'll take the bait. This is the closest a crypto has ever worked with another company of this size. It's a huge deal and if you're too much of a brainlet to realize this, I sincerely pity you. Now I understand your double digit IQ simply can't comprehend link's potential, and that's ok. But believe your IQ superiors when we say this is a good investment

>> No.14273376
File: 104 KB, 1439x317, Screenshot_20190621-115858_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14273397


As if there were any doubt considering the contents of the Google Cloud write-up.
But fudders gonna fud.

>> No.14273475
File: 5 KB, 250x164, sniffsniff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a level of cope never before seen on 4channel

>> No.14273478


Read the OP, it literally says the Google team WORKED WITH the CL team.

>> No.14273487

so happy I sold the news, full BTC right now, LINK going to $1, I'm gonna triple my stack soon

>> No.14273508

what about if McDonald's dedicated an important part of their team to work together with you to custom tailor your meal based on your exact specifications? o hey wait a min, actually you're right, that's exactly the type of top quality customer service I've come to expect at my local McDonald's™, where the service and quality is always striving to make me feel like I'm the most important customer that they have. In fact, as soon as I'm done making this post, I'm going down to my local McDonald's™ for a Big Mac, french fries, and an ice-cold Coca-Cola℠

>> No.14273574

Thats what I thought was happening. NuLinkers are dumping Chain Link to FOMO into Bitcoin. Its impressive Chain Link hasn't gone under $1.50 from that alone. Especially when it was 90 cents just two weeks ago.

>> No.14273602

FUDding or not, it doesn't matter. The market is irrational and highly manipulated. Surely the singularity will end the nolinkers and the swinglinkers.

>> No.14273606

Yeah that's what you get when you pay for service, they work with you. ChainLink is the Instagram chick who pays for photo shoots calling herself a model. Jason Middleware Parser is a loser. You're broke now and you're going to be broke in 12 months time.

Oh and your token is an illegal security that Americans are forbidden from buying in less than 2 weeks. You always said you'd never sell, well, you're all getting what you wished for, the ability to never sell.

>inb4 muh dex, some have already started banning American IPs and VPNs

>> No.14273644
File: 31 KB, 503x503, 1553554534656.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao cope

>> No.14273661

>Yeah that's what you get when you pay for service, they work with you.

>> No.14273672
File: 209 KB, 500x357, nolinkies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're not getting your target price to buy back in so just do it now.

>> No.14273694

Seriously. Goes to show you how fucking retarded 95% of people are in the crypto space.

Fuck off bsv/qnt subhuman

thanks for the chuckle subhuman, now please do dilate your fake vagina faggot

>> No.14273708

This. Imagine betting your life savings on an illegal security lol. If you didn't exit at $2 you're fucked. Just buy ETH instead you literally can't lose.

>> No.14273710

please dilate your fake vagina

>> No.14273724

>buy eth
>buy something that is worthless without LINK
yes sirs, by vishnu this sir is most based and correct in

>> No.14273827

Oh, but it is...

>> No.14274003

Americans are forbidden from buying drugs but that doesn't stop them LMAO

>> No.14274039

Americans are forbidden from collecting rainwater or planting a vegetable garden. Its truly saddening how far they've fallen

>> No.14274079
File: 94 KB, 363x363, 2734D2A9-D640-468C-BCF2-DF789565212B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14274101


>> No.14274111
File: 3.30 MB, 480x270, 9C1B039E-50BF-4738-8912-D12D8625BCCD.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The big gay disco
Meanwhile Nancy and chucky are caught cheering after their meeting with Trump when they thought a hot war with Iran had just started
And they call crypto a ((((ponzi))))
>Weimerikkka, the land of the free, to do as you’re told...

>> No.14274137
File: 1.68 MB, 366x275, 76C72DE2-59BB-47DE-BAB3-60E4153235C7.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Killary Klinton has a similar celebration when they murdered Gaddafi
A year after his murder, millions of African and Arab men start flooding into Europe
Surely just a cohencidence

>> No.14274139
File: 298 KB, 1214x1152, google_confirmed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>google adaptor
>ETH options contract

>> No.14274162
File: 312 KB, 1006x977, A3875438-2439-462E-A752-A14FE6AF1217.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>better not buy chainlink burger goys
Your creditors wouldn’t be too happy
>pic related: another ((((cohencidence))))
Don’t believe your lying eyes goy

>> No.14274212

It’s more like mcdonalds tried your ice cream and now wants to sell it at their restaurants

>> No.14274213

this guy is a bullshitter and very disingenuous
I can confirm Google had no direct hand in this...
only gcloudpartners

>> No.14274271

>the level of cup

>> No.14274317
File: 534 KB, 967x954, 1522708311260.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

T-t-they are not working with chainlink.
just built specialised API for them

>> No.14274359

>DM me


>> No.14274381


>> No.14274413

I'm doing it for the brainlets bro

>> No.14274429

doesn't have to be huge amounts of code for it to be innovative

>> No.14274476

pro-tip for all anons out there: you can get an incredibly high-paying job working in the service industry if you work on seaworthy yachts. It's all billionaires and their bro's and they tip like saudi princes. Its just a few blowjobs per day and you get all living and expenses payed PLUS a per diem. My brother did that shit for years and met this dude. We all got thrown out of a gay bar together when he was in port and became fast friends. He trusted us on this with his play-money. We'll operate a node together once shit gets real.

>> No.14274497

Imagine swinging before a 70% candle

>> No.14274514

That's how cheaply you can buy a politician? wtf?

>> No.14274520


>> No.14274536
File: 27 KB, 400x388, 99FEACC7-50A4-42A3-A40E-7CB766E0D139.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14274576

Nah these traitors get suit cases full of cash in back room deals. They become millionaires for a reason.

>> No.14274586

Not even gonna look lying faggot.