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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 3 KB, 64x64, it'stime.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14270310 No.14270310 [Reply] [Original]

I posted a thread yesterday warning everyone about the big dump incoming, yesterday it dumped at 1.78 in 10 seconds, now it's at 1.69 and still dumping.
The partnerships are a fucking hoax, Microsoft never announced anything, McDonald's just pulled out.
It's time to pull out to anon, before it goes to shit, I have flashbacks of the bitcoin dump just by looking at LINKs' chart.

>> No.14270316

we were at 1.63 an hour ago
idiot fuck

>> No.14270324

>McDonald's just pulled out
Do you have proof? After everything that happened between them you really think they'd just drop link? Going to need more than just "dude bro trust me" lel

>> No.14270328

It dumped again anon, pull out now, I feel the dump coming, screencap this.

>> No.14270330

dump of your braincells

>> No.14270355
File: 1.06 MB, 2251x1022, 3A13C412-10CB-49D2-A304-51788C377682.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Discord trannies out in full fucking force trying to take advantage of the BTC pump.

Every ALT is bleeding atm, LINK is actually holding remarkably strong considering.

When will you learn?


>> No.14270369

Oh nevermind it's going up.
Well I'll keep you informed, I'll look at the chart for you anons, be safe tho.
If it dumps I'll make another thread, I'm going to
This one.

>> No.14270388
File: 395 KB, 930x1024, 1558620860431.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I sold half of mine at $1.95, and since I don't live in a shithole country like the US, I turned it into money in my bank account tax-free, in 5 minutes.
Now if it goes to shit, I won't mind.
Now if it 2x, 10x, 1000x, I still have some to enjoy those gains.

>> No.14270400

Uncle oldfag actually warned us too, wish I listened. I lost 3 BTC holding LINK

>> No.14270522

>I feel the dump coming
>has feelings
never gonna make it

>> No.14270851

Thanks for looking out for us anon