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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1426995 No.1426995 [Reply] [Original]

Speaking for the very VERY few actually rich people on this board, I would like to publicly state that 99% of you people on this board are retarded and we only come here to shitpost. We will never point out how retarded you are because after a life of having to deal with people like you, we have lost all will to try to explain. Experience has taught us it is a futile attempt.

However, to not completely let you people in the dark, I will give you a quick checklist. If you have ever done any of the below, you are one of the 99% and you should stop trying. I will not explain any reasoning behind these. The whole point of this post is that if you don't emmediatly understand why these are retarded, you don't belong here.
>he "shills" stocks online
>he asked other people what to invest in, then looks up a graph of the suggested stock, looks at it for a few seconds together with a few indicators, looks up what the company does and then buys stock
>he is or has ever falling for a MLM scheme
>he has ever bought Trumpcoin
>he believes roulette can be beaten by the Martingale system
>he believes that the core reason behind casino's making money is that gamblers keep gambling untill they lose it all
>he has substantial credit card debt
>he reads self-help books
>he, at one point in his life, has googled "work from home" and clicked the first advertised link

If, at this point, you are feeling the urge to say "I agree with X, but to be fair Y is actually true!": stop. Just accept who you are. You're probably a very talented person in any area other than business, but please, for the love of god: stop pretending you are a business person. You're not. You don't understand business.

>> No.1427006

How can you tell if someone is rich because they deserve it or because they got lucky?
Also, for the non-retarded in the dark person, where should they go to learn business?

>> No.1427009

There is nothing wrong with self improvement and books are a great information transmission medium. The problem is paying for self help books. Pirate or visit the library, player.

>> No.1427013

I expected to read this and think "this guy's full of shit". I actually agree with your entire list.

Carry on anon.

>> No.1427014


>> No.1427015

At least somebody has the good sense to say it.

>> No.1427017

What if I'm already majoring in something else?
For some reason I think college is an unreliable way to learn business.

>> No.1427021

That's a fair criticism. I should have said "self-made rich people".

>> No.1427031

>never done anything on the list
>still didn't make it

so what now?

>> No.1427032

If you're ihaz, why aren't using your trip?

If you're not ihaz, why are you lying about being rich?

>> No.1427458
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You forgot forex

Forex is like triple distilled autism

>> No.1427472

this should be a sticky.. I have long since given up advice to most of the kids on here. Only Kneepads will ever suffice.

But there are alot of intelligent money masters on here too.. They are easy to spot by the way they post

>> No.1427901

>this should be a sticky

>> No.1427917

>he reads self-help books
thanks anon for the nice ideas. One question: What do you consider a self help book? I hope you do not refer here to books like :
- 7 Habits of highly effective people
- The Intelligent Investor
- Security Analysis

If you mean self help books which only exists in .pdf and involve internet marketing then I agree with you in all points.

>> No.1427964

>he reads self-help books
Yeah educating yourself means you're not gonna make it.
git gud

>> No.1427984

>you should stop trying.

And this is how I know you're either a fraud, or someone who did not earn their money.

Off yourself.

>> No.1427998

>Security Analysis
Not a self-help book
>7 Habits of highly effective people
Typical self-help pulp.

If you want to learn something you read scientific objectively factual university-level course-books. Things that you can check with a piece of paper, a calculator/mathematical program or at the very least look up in a database. "Educating" yourself by reading a writer's subjective opinion and anecdotal evidence is NOT education. It's reading subjective things and repeating them as if they were truth. It's how stupid people convince themselves that they're smart.

I can read The Secret and incorporate it's """lessons""" into my life. Does that mean I am more educated after I read it then before? No. The only factual thing that book would teach me is that it gives me an insight into what type of self-help books are popular at the moment. The content is nothing. It's just a speculative subjective nothingness, devoid of any information.

The only reason you should be reading books is to educate yourself on OBJECTIVE things. Every book that doesn't have a mathematical formula or a dictionary definition of a term every other page is not a book worth reading, in the educational sense.

We've caught one.

>> No.1428006

Do the affluent index?

>> No.1428040
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>> No.1428049

How would you hope to achieve a fulfilled life based purely on "objective education"?

>> No.1428058

What about books on neuro linguistic programming? are they also useless self help books?

>> No.1428064
File: 30 KB, 573x609, kek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he has ever bought Trumpcoin
>he believes roulette can be beaten by the Martingale system

kekked, this is biz pretty much

>> No.1428141

>math is king
>anything remotely subjective has no value

ahh autism, how you show your face

>> No.1428145
File: 864 KB, 160x270, 1435443375962.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>- 7 Habits of highly effective people
>- The Intelligent Investor
>- Security Analysis


>> No.1428151

>coming to /biz/
>thinking you're better than other people

gotta pick one bud

>> No.1428238

You must be a very intelligent "person"