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File: 401 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20190620-230107_Blockfolio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14264843 No.14264843 [Reply] [Original]

Well biz?

>> No.14264866

Put it all in Bitcoin and you’re guaranteed to make it anon.......why the fuck no BTC. 6-7 Bircoins are guaranteed make it. Don’t miss the opportunity of a life time anon

>> No.14264874
File: 32 KB, 464x618, 1548788913521.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fuck dump all of that chink garbage ASAP

>> No.14264885
File: 258 KB, 720x1365, Screenshot_20190620-200544_Blockfolio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Advice please

>> No.14264903

Best advice you can get, I wish I had as much as you to invest. You'll be a millionaire in a few years if you do this- Sell all of those just buy 80% btc 5% eth 5% ltc 5% xmr 2.5% qnt and 2.5% vidt,

eth address if u wanna give a tip :3

>> No.14264949

You're basically all-in the NEO blockchain which will either make you a lot or go to 0. With the amount you have I'd dump all that and go

50% BTC
30% LINK
15% ETH
5% XMR

Retire in a couple years. You're welcome

>> No.14264954

Checked. Because nash and 3.0 are guaranteed moons.

>> No.14264962

50% BTC
30% ETH
20% is whatever shitcoin you want to gamble on

Go to 100% alt when it's alt season
No point holding alts when BTC is pumping.

>> No.14264969

not gonna make it

>> No.14264994
File: 49 KB, 1494x440, Screen Shot 2019-06-21 at 3.13.35 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

will i make it frens ?

>> No.14265010

20 years from now, the news will talk about a new class of tech bros who became fabulously wealthy because they owned 0.02 btc back in 2019

you will not be one of them

>> No.14265012

Hope you’re out before you’re just’d. I’m sure your satoshis values are great idiot

>> No.14265016

Looks like it.

>> No.14265019


>> No.14265038

No at most you'll have 600k.

I had 60 BTC back in the day when NEO was $200. Itll come back.

>> No.14265041
File: 234 KB, 768x1024, 27C9FB0E-8812-49AE-B39C-6D63F25A62D5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dump NEO for BTC and keep the NEX for an easy 20-30x short term

>> No.14265044

Not with NEO. Its dead.

>> No.14265055

You've been bagholding NEO for over a year? Is this bait or are you actually that retarded?

>> No.14265056

Imagine if it wasnt. The returns would be astronomical. Hint: its not dead

>> No.14265058

Sell everything for btc, ltc, or eth, but keep some neo.
Sell everything for btc, ltc, or more eth.

>> No.14265059

Probably wont get rich or anything off of ETH at least for a long time but it's a safer bet

>> No.14265070

My god
You made it and let it slip
NEO is not coming back, all these POS coins will get just’d
Get out while you can, BTC about to go to 20k, do you really wanna miss that?

>> No.14265071

GAS and long term capital gain rates. Just waiting for 3.0 to take it to $500

>> No.14265073

Kys faggot you said you wanted advice and now you're just turning this into a chink shitcoin shill thread

>> No.14265087

I know you haven't kept up with NEO but i have. Its going to moonshot to $1000 in 2021. Why would i sell?

>> No.14265092

lol u held 3000 NEO all the way down. top kek

>> No.14265095

What's good about neo?

>> No.14265098

Lol at the envious butthurt from 2017. Stay mad.

>> No.14265105

>$13 after a five month Bullrun
>thinks it’s 17
Anon, this might be the most important interaction you will have in your life, it’s not going back to $500, Adtually I’d be shocked if NEO is here in a year or two from now
6 Bitcoins and you will make it anon, my god don’t do it, you’re gonna neck yourself

>> No.14265116

You could have cashed out over $1M USD and decided to baghold this shit all the way down

>> No.14265122

3.0 is a brand new chain that scales with state channels, data storage for dapps, digital identity for incoming regulations and pays GAS to hold for ltgc rates. They also have the money to develop into a real blockchain ecosystem, many projects dont have the financing

>> No.14265139

You really have no idea about NEO.lol 100 million in financing for ecosystem development. Its not going anywhere and is the only competitor to Ethereum.

>> No.14265148

Go fuck yourself chang no one here is going to pump your massive bags

>> No.14265180

I bought at $8.lol stay mad. When alts move its going to be huge pumps everywhere. Then ETH will battle NEO for the best developer chain next year. Why the fuck would i miss that run?

>> No.14265187

Nothing else I can say anon, just remember this convo for your own sanity in the future

>> No.14265244

Yeah. You should go buy some bitcoin and wait a year for it to 3x when everything else is gonna 3x a day

>> No.14265330

If you think owning nex is betting on the neo blockchain you are a fucking idiot

>> No.14265345

Anon I have 10 BTCs in a cold wallet and more than twice your portfolio in shitcoins
My base is safe, my BTC will help me make it no matter what
Shotcoins is gambling, yes it can 20x quick but it can’t disappear quicker
Good luck, I really hope you make it, this convo is over

>> No.14265375

>this convo is over
Go back to tumbler

>> No.14265410

Dude you had $600,000 in a chinese scam coin and didn't sell any of it you have no room to talk

>> No.14265436
File: 554 KB, 1242x2208, 1CF4AAF7-D82E-4D27-988B-4C179268FE49.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will I make it biz? I’m not full gay and have a baby on the way. Definitely need to make it here

>> No.14265441

800k. I didnt know markets could fall 99%. But when it recovers and the market cap is $3 Trillion, I'll retire off NEO. Yep, fucking NEO. Stay mad

>> No.14265467

It's called tumblr, boomer

>> No.14265475

Why not put some of that neo into eth? There won't be only 1 platform that will be used. There will be multiple.

>> No.14265479

Your one BTC will get you there
If you hold long enough

>> No.14265515

What coins should I invest in right now that will be worth a lot by next year?

>> No.14265538

>no link

it's over for you, anon

>> No.14265549

Well bud my current portfolio is the best guess I got

>> No.14265563


pretty much the perfect portfolio. I'd recommend just putting future funds into BTC. It's basically guaranteed gains.

>> No.14265587

Good call. Had two but fomod into a link suicide stack after google

>> No.14265593

people like you never make unironically you will probably watch it go up to millions and not touch it only for a correction to occur and panic sell for pennies.

>> No.14265605
File: 159 KB, 1280x720, 1524516405381.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, many alts will moon at least 10x by the end of this year.

>> No.14265606


>> No.14265619

You should try to buy nash for the run to $30. NEO is a guaranteed moon with 3.0 and the marketing thats to come with an enterprise ready chain

>> No.14265629

Ive seen it rise and fall 3 times. Im the definition of iron hands

>> No.14265637

the "full retard chink scam" portfolio I see

>> No.14265725

You have plenty of time to accumulate. 100 years left until all BTC is mined ;)