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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 44 KB, 550x382, 35076UNILAD-imageoptim-dan-bilzerian-myspace-web.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14262401 No.14262401 [Reply] [Original]

>constantly feel stressed at work because of unrealistic expectations set by management
>constantly fear about losing my job if i make a single mistake
>constantly come back home late at night completely drained of energy and depressed
>get only 5 hours of sleep since I'll have to wake up at 6 am AGAIN to hit the road for a 2 hour drive

>meanwhile, pic related gets his dick sucked every single day by a new supermodel
>instagram thots and camwhores make millions a year thanks to incels funding their lifestyles
>reacting to videos is actually a thing and niggers are making 6 figures posting a YouTube video of their ugly faces reacting to the latest Anime plot twist


>> No.14262440

There is a nig in Africa saying the same thing about you.

>> No.14262448
File: 35 KB, 484x497, 1515914168636.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are we here just to suffer

>> No.14262449

Have you realised that the majority of people are in the same boat as you including myself? I May not be that comforting but still. We are all humens

>> No.14262505

stop being a whiny little faggot

>> No.14262514

>>instagram thots and camwhores make millions a year thanks to incels funding their lifestyles

Wrong. Incels are the ones seething over it. It's wagie gen x cucks with a findom fetish and disposable income that fund these women.

>> No.14262544
File: 359 KB, 858x821, 1548620888660.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I sometimes feel like screaming at my boss, jumpy on his back, and biting his ear off in act of complete insanity. Then I'd proceed to set off the fire alarm to cause complete chaos. Before the police arrive, i'd tear all my clothes off, set the office on fire, and start imitating like a gorilla.

But I am fucking pussy and I know I'll just keep wagecucking like good obedient wagecuck

>> No.14262572



>> No.14262817

That guy is as low as it gets. If you're gonna admire him you might as well admire a meth head on the streets.

Dan has tens of millions of dollars and his big accomplishment is paying women to hang out with him and bragging about it on the internet.

Truly successful feel pity for this guy.

>> No.14262837

His father's business record is much more impressive. Too bad he got shafted by the SEC.

>> No.14262858

Who is that bearded faggot?

>> No.14263153


Indeed. I think his dad was around 100 million when the feds got him. Now THAT is impressive.

The reason Dan uses poker as the explanation for his money should be obvious.

>> No.14263177

start dealing meth or crack.

>> No.14263190

not really. op is just a modern slave with a shitty life.

>> No.14263219

Anon I too have desire of revenge. But we must keep calm because that would only makes thing worst. Invest in yourself, but every penny you can in investment, hone your skills so you can sell yourself better, and try to aim for a better job and BTFO your current job ans Boss.

>> No.14263488

plus he's a manlet. it's always manlets.

>> No.14263627
File: 122 KB, 1280x720, chiang_rai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there is a simple path to freedom
1. save 10-20k
2. move to thailand (e.g. town outside chiang rai)
3. live off of 200 per month (minimum wage is less, so you can make it work. just get a roommate)
4. you now have 50-100 months to get a recurring source of income together. your brain is no getting JUICED like a cheap whore by mr shekelstein shareholder.
5. when your passive income hits 300 per month, upgrade to a decent apartment, then enjoy your freedom for life

too bad 99% of wagies are risk adverse cowards which is why they wage in the first place

>> No.14263680

Imagine wanting to barely get by in a shithole in Thailand

>> No.14263752

LOok at you you fool. Handed quite literally all the opportunity in the world, a knowledgeable and powerful mind in a first world country in the 21st century and you complain about a choice to work for someone else? You deserve nothing but shackles

>> No.14263793

well for poor fags there are 3 options
move home
quit working and live somewhere cheap

if you don't mind working then dont post in a wagie cope thread like this one. reread the OP if you like. this is a thread about getting your freedom ASAP

>> No.14263863

Based, I watched this german streamer on twitch and now im realizing he just did what you mentioned plus he gets tips live on stream usually 50 usd to 1oo usd.

His id is something like team pms

>> No.14263965

>move home
You mean move back in with your family?