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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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14262133 No.14262133 [Reply] [Original]

/biz/ what is the best way to make money WITH money?

I'm 24 NEET who recently inherited ∼$1,000,000 and a house from multiple family members dying simultaneously (srsly not kidding - I'm genuinely sorry if this pisses you off and your life sucks, I know I don't deserve this)

Point is I have the freedom to invest a lot of time/energy/money in whatever I want and I'm trying not to live a meme.

I'm willing to do any kind of work, education, whatever to build a healthy and stable future for myself and my future waifu and family.

So far I've got...
- buy a laundromat/dry cleaning business

>> No.14262173

all in bitcoin and LINK
there's no other way, if you buy stocks you will be a bagholder in 2 years time, buy the bottom of the next crash

>> No.14262194

start a biz right before a recession? dont be a fool, w8 and then buy biz with huge discount

>> No.14262197

Ahhh so your the one anon who just bought 23$k worth of NUKE

>> No.14262204

What I would do:
Half into index funds.
According to the Trinity study, the safe withdrawal rate from such an investment so that it never runs out is 4% annually.
I can frugally live on $20k annually.

Invest the other half in Bitcoin.
Next bull run is probably only a year or two away.

>> No.14262241

Immediately buy 20% precious metals. Gold silver platinum
Laundromaut is a nasty biz with bad dirty clientele and grubby quarters. They break the machines and put their homeless clothes in there. Appealing to wrong crowd.

You gave us no information as to your interests or passions, just said "I'm ultra malleable and willing to do anything to make money." Give us your dream job or role in life and then maybe you'll get some expert advice.

Also drop 5-10% into link and eth. Shit is looking like it could be pretty big.

>> No.14262283

At 24 in your position you could consider finding a mentor. An older gentleman who's already made it and have him show you the ropes or hire you.

Personally I would use the money to start my own business or service or work from home. Most enjoyable for me but many like being social.

>> No.14262341

>consider finding a mentor. An older gentleman who's already made it and have him show you the ropes
are you talking about gay sex? wtf

>> No.14262386

The only thing I'm passionate about is music so I write record and mix but I can't see any stable future there.

>> No.14262450

Although to be conservative I'd put 800k in index funds, safe withdrawal of 3% giving guaranteed 24k/year for life. Maybe take 4% after a few years if the stock market has done well.
Use the 200k to play at starting businesses if you want.

I advise you not to go using too much of your windfall starting biz as you could easily fuck up and lose it all.
You've already made it, so you can afford to be cautious.

>> No.14262482

Or maybe 100k in BTC if you want some risk. But no more.

>> No.14262508

Solid advice, it's like you read my playbook. 800k is my target and that's exactly what I'd do with it.

Vanguard index funds are the way to go

>> No.14262535

Although you should play it safer OP, don't spend 200k on a new business, you'll burn through that in no time. Better off investing all of it into index funds and living the good life.
If you really want to contribute to society or growth your wealth more, try to build something with a low startup cost, low enough that you can include it as part of your 4% living expenses, like less than 1k/year

>> No.14262660

Thanks for all the advice frens much appreciated. I have a buddy who works for Allstate who told me to do this (minus the second half);


Any of you anons small business owners, or landlords? The reason why a laundromat seemed safe and smart to me was because I've never seen one go out of business and the overhead is minimal... does this sound retarded?

>> No.14262701

You could do something tangentially related, like selling music equipment.

Good advice too

>> No.14262745

>buy a laundromat/dry cleaning business
No. Diversify. It's very important that you diversify. Don't put 40% of your eggs in any singular basket. you are already so wealth that your primary goal should be to protect it, but you can take some (spread out) risk. Aim for 10-15% return per year.

what if something unexpected happens with your laundromat? Better to down 0.2% of a large laundromat chain than to own a specific laundromat. Risk is spread across all the chain's laundromats then. Even better, 0.66% of three different laundromat chains.

>> No.14262766

>small business owners
often get dabbed on. single-venture risk. don't.
> landlords
coming recession will cut your real estate value in half or more.

>> No.14262767

Index funds
Don't blow all your money doing stupid shit like shit starting a business with your own money (there's a good reason normal people take loans or get investors to start businesses) or throwing it all in crypto
Taking stupid risks will put you right back where you started
After you set up a nice flow of passive income you can do whatever just as long as you don't touch the principle.

>> No.14262784

I don't know much about laundromats but your first biz will be a big learning experience. So just... don't invest too much and understand that you might lose everything you put in.

>> No.14262805

I should have elaborated more but I didn't want to sound like a faggot, welp.

I played in bands and stuff for years and making music with other people was always just a hobby. I learned how to record and mix out of necessity, I only know enough technical stuff to get by in what I want to do myself. I like writing and arranging songs, doing anything else music related is more or less like any other type of work, so I'd rather find something lucrative. I'm sorry if anyone read that.

>> No.14262866

Buy $2M of solid real estate, and you'll have >$120K/year income w/o having to pay taxes.

>> No.14262921

I'd easily put 100k in BTC and avoid panic selling even though it will have a few more crashes. Don't make paper losses into real ones.

As far as lucrative stuff, the best is online business. Anything else ties you to an office/job/location.

>> No.14262953

Real estate baby!

>> No.14262973

>boomers scamming younger generations into buying their bags

>> No.14263100
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Wtf is wrong with people who offer u to buy index funds? They will barely cover inflation.
Invest 500k in crypto, buy 21 BTC 100 Ethereum rest in different coins u like.
Sell house and move to cheaper country, so your million will count there like $4m in USA. In Thailand u can buy a luxury villa to live for $200k, elite visa for 10 years for $20k and some condos per $40k each to rent them out for stable passive income. After that just fuck hookers every day and do what u like.

>> No.14263115

franchise a fast food restaurant (specifically mcdonalds)

>> No.14263145

If you have any sort of professional ambition with high training costs (doctor, pilot etc) you can follow those without incurring debt. Put the rest in ETF's.

>> No.14263156
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Dude, fuck business seriously. Don't worship money like the rest of the world.

Here are some ideas.

Pay for a good school apply yourself and become an amazing scientist.

If you hate academia, build your own diy wetlab and teach yourself.

Don't want to be a scientist? No problem there are other ways to live a meaningful life.

How about strategically buying land and rewilding that land to help save the planet?

Don't want to plant trees? How about a farm? Would you consider starting a family and homesteading?

No? What about activism? What's your experience with community organizing? Find your politics and fight for them, just please don't be another neoliberal scumbag. Left, right, doesn't matter to me. Just fight the establishment somehow as they have completely mismanaged society.

All of that sounds like shit? Go be an artist, explore different fields, photography, painting, drawing, music, 3d modelling, sculpting, game making anything.

Point is, if you take this privilege that has been bestowed on you by fate and luck only to become a hedge fund manager or my boss I will kill you one day. You are a human being, you are already rich. Don't spend your days slavedriving through the business world, there is so much more to live for and all it takes is some work and imagination.

Real talk, invest 90% into safe bonds and live off the interest while investing the other 10% in riskier assets like Bitcoin and Ethereum. Don't covet wealth, use it to make something worthwhile out of yourself. And being a billionaire is not worthwhile, doing something other than greedy profit seeking with that wealth is what is truly meaningful.

>> No.14263194
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going into my reddit compilation

>> No.14263245

this is actually the best advice in this thread. you're young anon and it's clear to me by your ideas that you have no idea how to manage this new money. you really ought to be seeking council from people you respect who have more life experience than you do. I don't mean this in a condescending way, but you don't know shit at 24.

>> No.14263263

true. i know when i was younger, a mentor would have probably easily turned me into filthy rich early in life just by being able to offer advice. poor people or your friends just dont have useful advice and will often steer you in the wrong direction unintentionally.

>> No.14263275

people who are capable of giving real financial advice value it highly. The ones that give it, give it to prop their ego up - this usually means that they tell you to follow their footsteps regardless of how ridiculous that is given a completely different environment and opportunities.

>> No.14263322


Truth, no one likes the truth

I do though

>> No.14263340

god she's the prettiest woman on earth

>> No.14263344

How do you people fall for these fake stories, every day?

>> No.14263374

You have never known wealth and you probably never will.

>> No.14263430

this isnt the most exciting advice, but if i could change, like...everything i ever spent money on, i'd start with smaller amounts. certainly dont "go all in" into anything until you've really learned the thing in and out and that extra investment money can be put to efficient use

>> No.14263466

1) fashion stylist
2) nutritionist
3) physical training specialist
4) social coaching

>> No.14263485
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Wealth is not a end but a means. If you think it is an end you might as well worship cutting your own cock off because the level self flagellation would be comparable.

The wise among the rich know this. I encourage you to watch some Peter Thiel's debates with David Graeber.

It might surprise your rashness, but Theil, an accomplished businessmen and multibillionaire doesn't believe in the free market nor advocate for it. Nor does he see virtue in wealth for wealth's sake.

Moreover, if you think that huffing ass and chasing money for the sake of money will get you wealth you've already lost the game. The game is rigged, and if you're not in already your chances of getting in on very slim. There are ways, crypto is a potential vehicle, but you still some capital to start with.

>> No.14263635


Where do I buy NUKE, got a 360k stack of Fantom I'm trying to dump into another shitcoin

>> No.14263669

Why not wait to buy a crash then nostradumass

>> No.14263762

Underrated post. Aligns with OPs interest in music. I think spending 5k - 8k on an inhome studio with padded walls. Music computer. Great speakers. And instruments. May really appeal to you. You'll be able to consider if you would like to try and make something marketable and if not hey it's your hobby you enjoy

>> No.14263785

Good advice.

>> No.14263832

Wtf is your problem. Yuck. I love raising the collective conscienceness and increasing happiness thru smart long term choices. Blowing money to buy land to let it rot and go wild? You're both high and delusional.

And then threatening to kill the kid if he enjoys business and makes money? Ludicrous method to motivate someone. Your ego is boundless

>> No.14263910

Real estate

>> No.14263927

Hey OP I'm a writer. I need a place to crash while I write. I'll be your Butler if you give me a place to stay and let me, clean and cook for you. I'll do anything you ask. I just need some food and a place to stay and focus on my writing for a year. Sound like a good deal?

>> No.14263948

holy cringe
has this ever worked for you? was it rape or consentual?

>> No.14263952

>wait for incoming recession
>scoop up property then rent it out

>> No.14263982

Right now I have my apartment, food and gas paid for. Plus I get 1600 bucks every month on top of that. I barely work. I just visit some rich guys cousin in the hospital and talk to him. Keep him company while he's on hospice. Getting paid to do (almost) nothing is real boys.

>> No.14264002

I love abigail

>> No.14264008

1 million isn't even that much in america

>> No.14264012


>> No.14264041

Although im in australia im sure the same applies in america.
One of my good friends bought a shop that sells lottery tickets and other goods and it makes around 50k profit per month, 200k revenue p.m.
Don't waste your time on shit that isn't real like cryptos or stocks, that's just a guaranteed way to lose money. Get real equity, and something that people get addicted to.

>> No.14264074


$500k bitcoin price average over the next 6 months

$500k s&p 500

>> No.14264077
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Invest in dividend paying stock/bond portfolio, maybe buy one or two rental units in addition.
Ignore crypto spammers.

>> No.14264164

And remember global diversification. Diversify or die.

>> No.14264199


How did you stumble onto this board boomer?

>> No.14264209

buy low caps like SNTVT. sell at 5-10x's, and repeat. make 5 trades per year. be rich.

>> No.14264253
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Some people grow up in their 20s. Apparently you are not one of them.

>> No.14264302


>> No.14264348

Your idea of a good life is fucking Thai hookers. Kys

>> No.14264474


Some people will never understand bitcoin. You are one of them.

>> No.14264507

That's the tradeoff anon. An older guy teaches you wisdom and in turn he gets to use your boipussy

>> No.14264549
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>Thinks he understands bitcoin
Guess where you are on this chart.

>> No.14265562


>> No.14265577

unironically put about 200k into link right now, its at a low and wont be there much longer.
if you want quick returns, look up VIDT and FTM. you can invest smaller amounts for 5-10x gains by EOY. link is a long term hold

>> No.14265596

Ray dalio all weather portfolio

>> No.14265633

Buy a property, some guns and 100k in gold, 100k in bitcoin, rest in Vanguard dividends.

>> No.14265687

Municipal bonds will get you $40k-$50k per year tax free. Rent the house on a 1 year lease and hire a property manager to deal with the tenant bullshit. This will add another $10-20k to your income.

Use this $50 - $70k to travel the world for a year. When you get done you will still have everything you started and the experience to better understand your place in the world. This is the only way you will not piss away your good fortune. Seriously. Don't be a fuckin retard and all in on crypto.

>> No.14265795

You are arguing with no one. You are a crazy person.

>> No.14266085

With a million dollars you'd be wasting it trying to run a business, especially if you don't have connections/the-know-how or know of an unfulfilled niche you can insert yourself into.
We're about to see a huge sale on the stock market and crypto is gearing up for a big bullrun. That's the easiest way to get your money going for you to a point where you can retire even richer.

>> No.14266137

You'll actually lose money if you try to run a business without prior experience. Here is the safest passive income:
You buy a house or two and rent it out. Go to a good real estate agent and have them handle everything. You'll literally just be waiting around as a payment comes in every month. Best part? If you need a lot of money, you just tell your agent you want to sell.
This is literally how the boomers did it.

>> No.14266197

20% gold
20% s&p
20% tech stocks
20% btc
20% real estate


>> No.14266211

The hardest part about being poor is to become rich. The hardest part about being rich is to protect them.

>> No.14266566

Who is this woman, she is perfection

>> No.14266661
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Ben Shapiro's sister.

Her name's King Diamond

>> No.14266669


>> No.14266699
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Look at Bhutan, Bhutan is the only country on this planet that isn't actively in the process of killing us all. They have managed to maintain their culture, practically eliminate true poverty in their country due to comprehensive social safety nets, have a functioning democracy alongside an ethical paternal monarchy and still have over 70% of their land forested. We don't need to kill the planet or fuck each other over to thrive as a species. This little mountain society pulls 3x it's weight by sucking up 3x the pollutants that it produces.

Now look at yourself. Your selfish, ungrateful greedy self. You are likely an American, if not you are definitely a European. Our people put out magnitudes, I'm talking 100s of tons more carbon per capita than the people of Bhutan. We kill the planet and ourselves in the process. There's nothing wrong with striving, I'm a transhumanist and very pro space colonization for example. But there is a balance.

It is not egotistical to desire to live in a world that values culture, community and life. Worship your monied god if you wish. That will not stop me nor your own grandchildren from slitting your throat one day. The bloodletting that will come although I do not desire its coming, will be your own fault. It is not murder to act in proactive self defense. As far as I'm concerned the poisoning of the water I drink, the air I breath and the systemic destruction of the crops I eat very much justifies deadly force.

>> No.14266766

Hey man, I have a huge writeup for potential real estate partners if you're interested in hearing about it. I'm 24 as well and just bought my first house, real estate is a great investment at the moment. Basically looking for someone to contribute ~40k or so to make some serious cashflow (50k or so a year after the portfolio matures). These values are also malleable, meaning they can be increased with more contribution.

My email is soraspsp@gmail.com (throwaway incase you're LARPing). I have a 40 page writeup that I've love to share with you, and this would require very little upkeep on your end. I'd handle all the work. Please reach out if you're interested! I'm confident I can outpace the stock market with my strategies!

>> No.14266798


>> No.14266802


>> No.14266815

best reference on biz in a while.

>> No.14267834

Forget laundry mat, environmental hazard and pain in ass. Look for real estate where the land and structure are yours after purchase. I would buy a steel roof warehouse, big lot big structure, with tenants that have long term lease agreements. 5-15 year. Easy money monthly. A shopping center with 5 or more units is a good idea as well, all with long term lease agreements. Maybe buy a Starbucks leased commercial property.

>> No.14267853

bhutan's sovereignty is backed by the UN, which is comprised of US, europe, russia, and china. If india or china really wanted to annex or rape bhutan, there is nothing bhutan could do about it. please take your hippy philosophy bullshit elsewhere.

>> No.14267989

bhutan is pretty much as close as you can be to the Garden of Eden irl. whatever political bullshit going on behind the scenes to keep it that way is another story, but thats the price you pay for magical perfection

>> No.14268270
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I'd go 100% in index funds and withdraw 4% per year.
Pic related is a montecarlo simulation of an allocation to a certain 4 ETFs over the next 40 years. I can't say which so that I'm not giving up my advantage. But to figure it out, you just need to apply the concepts of modern portfolio theory.

If I were in your situation, 40 years from now in the worst case scenario I'd be paying myself over $100000 per year. And in the best case scenario that's $700000 per year.

>> No.14268308
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Probably a smarter approach would be to not withdraw much now so that you can withdraw more later. Pic related, life expectancy based withdrawal.

>> No.14268457
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How is she so beautiful brehs? I can feel my heart melting into the ground already.

Send help.

>> No.14268525
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Just go all in VIDT and you’ll be a millionaire in no time no need to listen to all these anons and their extra shit and boomer methods be fearless what you’re looking for is right here in front of you

>> No.14269166

Pretty much what everyone here has already said, index funds, 4% withdrawal rate etc.

Now if it were me, I would apply for a language program in a college abroad. Meet new people and make new experiences while keeping your brain active. You could also learn a skill/trade that gets you a stable source of income and a regular schedule for your life. For example start a handyman business, offer supreme service and customers will flock to you.

>> No.14269247
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Go to the casino and start on the roulette table, increasing your bets according to the Fibonacci sequence. Only continue to move forward when you win. If you lose, start the sequence over from one. Be sure to play in front of a camera.
Once the casino catches on, and they start letting you win several hands/rounds in succession in anticipation of taking a bigger pot from you later, randomly quit gambling and go home with your winnings.

>> No.14269341
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>index investing in 1976 vs index investing in 2019

Lots of shit advice ITT. Buy some Monero and prepare for societal collapse.

>> No.14269700
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Invest in a dividend portfolio and take out the profits as you need it. When the real estate dip or crash happens, buy up some real estate and rent out the place. Hell you could probably rent out your current place and go and live somewhere cheaper depending on things.

>> No.14269965

If real, diversify among REITs in different segments. Solid 5% dividends or more a yr (50k/yr) plus growth of underlying asset. Many have monthly dividends so you're in essence getting a few extra grand every month into perpetuity.

>> No.14270013

Invest in stocks, buy businesses or property if you know of any good deals.

Dont fall for internet jew coins or other scams please, think of your future children

>> No.14270053

is there any man who doesn't find this woman 100000% repulsive?

>> No.14270140

>multiple family members dying simultaneously (srsly not kidding - I'm genuinely sorry if this pisses you off and your life sucks, I know I don't deserve this)

>> No.14270263
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All in LINK = x 1000
= Billionaire.

4chan's first billionaire = buy 4chan.
delete 4channel
delete /co/ /tv/ /lgbt/

Sell honeypot data to FBI = $1 Trillion
Buy Israel and it's subsidiary the US.
delete /jews/
= be based

>> No.14270366

wb things with dividends or PoS?

>> No.14270378

ignore everyone else 100% in BTC, why would you be on here otherwise

>> No.14270403
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>/biz/ what is the best way to make money WITH money?

>> No.14270418

you wont need to pay for any hookers/hoes if you aren't a fat disgusting ugly pig.

>> No.14270427
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>> No.14270461


Recording studio

>> No.14270469

you think Fibonacci will save you from pure physical chance

>> No.14270541

Have you seen her nudes bro
Ugly titties and lots of plastic surgery