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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1425888 No.1425888 [Reply] [Original]

NEET here.
Is "Monkey see, monkey do" the best strategy when searching for a source of income?

>> No.1425894

i don't even know what that means

>> No.1425906

It basically means copying what others who were in similar position did to make money.

>> No.1425971

broad as fuck question. what industry?

>> No.1425975

Many successful people either had a personal mentor or a historical figure whom they modeled themselves after.

>Kissinger had Richelieu
>Dali had Velázquez
>Napoleon had Ceaser
>Mike Ovitz had Lew Wasserman

but that's of no use to you until >>1425971 is answered

>> No.1426008

Software and cybersec.
I'm not 100% NEET per se, but a poorfag CS student who wants to make money.

>> No.1426012

For you it probably is, but that means entering an industry that is already saturated.

>> No.1426041

>implying other industries aren't saturated as well

>> No.1426044

Copiers are successful, stealers are dreadful

>> No.1426095


as they always say: if it's broke, don't fix it.