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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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14256064 No.14256064 [Reply] [Original]

In /cng/ we discuss node, api's, hardware, cloud computing services, and anything else related to node operations. if you want anything added to the op feel free to call me a faggot and let me know.

>running a node


>Ethereum as a service (EaaS)

>web services
https://aws.amazon.com/ (free tiers)
https://www.cloud.google.com (free for 1y for new users (($300 credit)))

>chainlink adapters

>> No.14256067

>can i start making linkies right now with my neet node?
you must first operate a testnet node for at least 1 week before a review. your node must accept jobs every 10 minutes with no interuptions with a cron job.

>what is a cron job?
cron is a utility in linux for time based schedules. this allows you to do request automation. how do you use it? i dont know. i just know what it is. would love to have a sample cron job to put in a pastebin.

>What tiers should I use with cloud providers?
I don't know. I am learning. Tell me your findings and I'll add them Here is what my rough findings are
Database instance - postgreSQL - amazon db.t3.small ~$30 a month
Node instance - google cloud g1-small
Geth intance - i dunno trying fiews at the moment. let me know

>How do you use chainlink adapters
I dont know. You tell me or when I find out ill add it to here

>why didnt thomas include docker run --restart always into the copy paste run command?
i dont know. here it is, assuming you generated a password file. (if it errors out because name in use do docker rm chainlink or whatever you named it. then run this again)
cd ~/.chainlink-ropsten && docker run --restart always --name chainlink -p 6688:6688 -v ~/.chainlink-ropsten:/chainlink -it --env-file=.env smartcontract/chainlink local n -p /chainlink/.password -a /chainlink/.api

>> No.14256257

this thread is not approved by LINK marines

>> No.14256375

Any idea how to set up cloudwatch to monitor my eth balance on my node

>> No.14256393

is chainlink a security? yes.

>It is an investment of money
>There is an expectation of profits from the investment
>The investment of money is in a common enterprise
>Any profit comes from the efforts of a promoter or third party

Nodes are required to stake link into a common enterprise to run. They expect a profit to run the network. The network is maintained with these funds.

>> No.14256412
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this doesn't exist lmao
just give up stinkers

>> No.14256435


>> No.14256509

I hate watching link dumping and bitcoin pumping.

>> No.14256510
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How do you increase your node rewards? I'm mining 1500/Hash which is around 70 a day, not bad but I've seen node logs that get over 4000 per Hash. Should I switch to intel for SGX? I only have AMD processors in the setup.

>> No.14257183


>> No.14257283

Brainlet question, but what os are you running and what hardware are you running it on? Thanks fren

>> No.14257342

i have the most experience with ubuntu server. ubuntu server 18.04 lts to be exact. youll want a lts release (stands for long term support). hardware im running on is
>node 1 - google g1-small
>database - google sql server
>node 2 - aws t2.micro
im not even sure if the instances im running the nodes on is enough for a chainlink node. all this is new to me and im trying to get all info in one place.

>> No.14257393

Do you have an ETH full node running?

>> No.14257435

Thanks for the info, im assuming i would be pissing in the wind just buying a semi decent tower and trying to run off that?

>> No.14257443

currently using fiews. eth node takes a long time to sync. using them to get the ball rolling

>> No.14257462

You brainlets should probably discuss how Link is in no way decentralized and have no concrete idea on how to make it decentralized.

Learn to code brainlets, stop getting scammed by vaporware

>> No.14257470

can you guarantee 100% uptime at your house? do you have multiple isp's in case one goes down? do you have the home network hardware capable of rolling over to a secondary isp if before scenario happens? do you have a battery backup to power your home network and the tower in case of power outage? is that battery backup capable of holding that load of possible hours? do you have a generator that can power that network in case of the previous problems? if you said yes to all those then it might be worth it to do it then. saves money on cloud hosting

>> No.14257490

Are you stupid? The only reason KYC nodes are in place right now is due to how small the network is and if they were to let anybody in, Sybil attacks could happen easily. Once the network is large enough, then it will be decentralized and no need for KYC.

t. coder

>> No.14257543

>Once the network is large enough, then it will be decentralized and no need for KYC.
Incorrect. You're not a coder otherwise you would know. Stop larping. They have no specs out for decentralized reputation, let alone have started implementing it.

ANOTHER STINKY CAUGHT LYING. Do not trust them guys. They constantly lie about partnerships and the tech.

>> No.14257562
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I see you have included a meme in the OP, this thread is now of high enough quality to pay attention to.

>> No.14257591

Has anyone actually set up a node and gotten a legit request/payment yet? Seems hard to do without a marketplace.

>> No.14258018

not until you are certified. thats what im working towards right now

>> No.14258050

everything is wrong with chainlink.
there's literally no code on that project. only a json parser and some server instructions. mainnet was "released" and absolutely nothing happened precisely because they have no product other than an ETH price caller.

companies are not buying it, the few requests currently happening on the network are artificial and their info is not secure, nobody knows how to run a node (not that knowing would make any difference, demand is ZERO) so everyone is relying on companies that will offer that service, which defeats the entire purpose of the project! if private companies operate a significant percentage of the nodes then you might as well be using private oracles

this trainwreck would almost be a comedy if not for the upcoming suicides

>> No.14258058

ok linkies new bit of info i learned
make sure you setup a static ip for your nodes
ive been running through outage simulations on both of my nodes and found that every time it gets shutdown a new ip is assigned.
in aws its called an elastic ip
google cloud its under vpc network --> external ip addresses