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File: 27 KB, 496x329, nordic countries.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14248804 No.14248804 [Reply] [Original]

Are Nordic countries successful because of socialism or in spite of it?

>> No.14249077


It has a lot to do with their culture too, but yes, they are proof that socialism leads to healthier societies and can coexist with private enterprise.

>> No.14249102

Socialism works if the majority of your people are willing to work. Most germans for instance are beeing ashamed if the can't get a job and have to take gibs, though the sentiment is beginning to turn over the last two decades.

>> No.14249116

it was so successful that they decided to import half of Somalia and that was it. Now it will either turn into a right-wing roll-up-your-sleeves decade long cleanup or it will totally fall apart and become just like the other Somalia.

>> No.14249119
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If people are good, it doesn't matter what system they have You can put dictatorial tyranny in Nordic countries and it would work out for everybody.

>> No.14249138

Social Democracy, NOT democratic SOCIALISM.
I.e = welfare CAPITALISM, there is no nordic socialist country.

Just stop. Please.

>> No.14249140

Thats true, the system was so succesful that blue eyed, good willing nordics thought they would be able to cure the whole world.

>> No.14249165

it's because they're white

>> No.14249192

Whitest on earth, feels good man.

>> No.14249218

Does the state own most or all means of production?
Are you allowed to own property?
Are you allowed to be the owner or shareholder of a company?

Then it is not socialism. Plain and simple.
Fucking liberal American millenials. I blame boomer Republicans too for instilling the idea that "ANYTHING GOVT DOES IS STALINISM!!".

>> No.14249230

Small, European and (until recently) white countries are always successful regardless of governmental structure.

As they are diluted with mudskins, things will get worse. Look at Sweden.

>> No.14249244

Norwegian here. This.
Also, tons of oil for Norway. Swedes have this uncanny asperger-like knack for manufacturing processes (see Volvo, IKEA) which they've built their economy around. Finns are like white celestial chinks, they work hard and play hard with pure good genes giving them very high average IQ. Denmark and Iceland can fuck off.

>> No.14249250

Watch the new movie Stockholm, it shows really well what not taking part in world wars while profiting immensely from them then spending that money on increasing the living standard of the average Joe does to people.
And then remember this was in the 70s.

Sympathizing with the one holding a gun to your head is ingrained in them for generations now. Sure they will be afraid, just like any animal, but in the end they will want to befriend and help the "poor soul". Their whole society is one giant collective Stockholm syndrome victim and if there is nobody to hold them hostage, they just import them en masse.

>> No.14249323
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They are not successful, they are being stolen from. They are subject to among the most fortuitous market conditions in the world owing to geography and demography yet pay over half of their wages to their worthless government while receiving nothing in return that isn't available in many other countries that take less. Norwegians in particular have been taxed so severely over the past 30 years that the government, while maintaining a substantial public debt, has a surplus fund worth over $95,000 (might be EUR equivalent actually) per citizen locked away where they can't touch it. Brainwashed faggot losers lmfao

>> No.14249338

It would be awesome if modern Social Democracy didn't come with cuckold in its package.
And it's a very Swede thing, from what I hear other Scandinavian countries are not insane like Sweden.

Underrated. Young Americans think that Norway is a example of Democratic Socialism, but Cuba is actually closer to their theories.
Nordic countries do have high taxes and advanced welfare states, but they also have strong property rights, strong justice and courts and stable governments, all of which are essential in building a healthy Capitalist economy. Not to mention their small populations and high productivity and technological advantages.

>> No.14249562

Using nordic countries as an example of socialism is wrong, they are not.

>> No.14249586

They were successful because they were 99.9% white.
Social democracy in a mixed country is a death sentence.

>> No.14249617

American liberals point to the nordic countries as evidence of socialism's success.

>> No.14249628

Norwegians get free healthcare and generous welfare from their publicly owned oil company. I love when Americans talk shit about other countries when they can't even realize what kind of third world shithole they live in.

>> No.14249667

>see a bunch of foreign people praising scaninavia on /int/
>make a post and show that my flag is norwegian
>everyone starts screaming cuck, commie, shithole etc suddenly
But why?

>> No.14249737
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Lutheran ethic and high morale.

>> No.14249873

Finn here, this place is a shithole.

>> No.14249886

A lot of other european countries have "free healthcare", yet they pay less taxes.

idc how you spin it (im norwegian), taxation is theft.

>> No.14249908

I agree but, that nature and family keeps me in here.

>> No.14250003

Ever lived abroad for an extended period? It's p ok here, despite the downsides.

Also, needs to repeated ad nauseaum: welfare state =/= socialism. Though our public sector is too extensive.

>> No.14250112

Agree, nothing wrong with the nature here, its awesome when the weather isnt shit, its just the people here are fucking absolute trash.

>> No.14250328

>capitalistic societies
>have some different social policies than the US
huuurrr it's socialism over there
>being THIS fucking stupid
god you are a dumbfuck

>> No.14250336

you are stupid as fuck

>> No.14250339

Remarkably redpilled and based

>> No.14250353

the us taxpayers are paying for the military that protects those western free healthcare societies from sand niggers and commies. those societies don't have to pay the true cost of their defense

>> No.14250359

Nordic countries are successful because Nordic people live there.

>> No.14250387

Extreme cope
>muh we live like third worlders to protect you all

>> No.14250406

What if I told you that Nordic societies are actually not successful?

>> No.14250441

Enjoying your stay Mohammed?

>> No.14250448

What's wrong with the Danes and the Islanders?

>> No.14250501
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Scandinavian countries are not truly successful. They're the most highly polluted countries in the world, full of weird crazy people. Denmark, for example, has the world's highest cancer rates and lowest sperm counts. Almost everyone has to live in social government housing.

The system for them was even just barely working when they started importing millions of shitskins.

Nevertheless they'll be praised by the UN and such and be called the "happiest" countries in the world, even though scandinavia is just a sad place with nothing going for it.

>> No.14250540

>polmagatards constantly call those countries socialist, all euros are socialists etc
>when the argument is made "why is socialism successful in these countries" suddenly "HUUR THEY ARNT SOCIALIST!!!"
get your shit together

the US taxpayers are paying for the military that makes countless thousands of middle eastern shitskins leave their bombed shit holes for western soil

>> No.14250542


>> No.14250543

how many fucking times does a mixed economy have to be explained to amerifats

>> No.14250564

They have massive amounts of natural resources. Any country can be rich if it has them. Look a Saudi fucking inbred tent dwellers but they are some of the richest people on the planet cause they live on an oil field. Its the same to some degree for these Nordic countries.

>> No.14250573

Nothing I guess, they're just not as remarkable.

>> No.14250578

>free healthcare
Stop saying that. Also our benefits doesn’t come from Statoil. It’s just a Government Corporation. Our benefits comes mostly from taxes, while retirement benefits come from the Oil Trust Fund

>> No.14250579

US taxpayers pay more for healthcare than any other first world country.

>> No.14250606

>protects Western countries
>you mean “””protect””” Israel. Helping them acquire more land through attempting to set up puppet states

>> No.14250609

Everyone knows "free" in this context means free at point of service and funded through taxes. Usually it's only americans that don't get this.

>> No.14250651

I always use universal healthcare because it’s the proper term: everyone is entitled to subsidized(sometimes fully) healthcare funded through taxes. This means everyone has access to healthcare no matter their economic status
Saying free almost sounds like we think it’s free and is not funded by our taxes but other incomes from the government which is not the case

>> No.14250742

Nordics have slave like mentality, which results in lutherian works ethics. Maybe this has helped to pass genes through times in extreme enviroment conditions. Socialism is also in nord blood. You can only survive winters by planning and working together. Capitalism is the result of more individualist population which the founding people of USA mostly were.

>> No.14250840

What are they doing? Did someone fart?

>> No.14251059
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>high IQ
>risk takers (unlink chinks) but not too agressive (unlinke blacks)
>protestant work ethics
>christian culture

Nordic countries are successful because they're white.
The redpill is that the economic system (outside of very extreme cases) doesn't matter that much.
For an economy to flourish you need smart, driven and energetic people who are at the same time decently individualistic and not too belligerent.

>> No.14251087

>the us taxpayers are paying for the military that protects those western free healthcare societies from sand niggers and commies.

Fucking muttretards, it's the opposite, they pay for wars that encourage all the middle east to migrate here.
The US have been nothing but malevolent toward Europe when it comes to geopolitics, they are scared shitless of an eurasian economic axis that would make America an irrelevant island.

>> No.14251168

>pic from finnish bus stop
Personal space, very, very important in finland

>> No.14251335

Unrelated, they are successful because of oil.

Related, the socialist policies worked with Nords because they are autistic workaholics.
With the recent 'demographic' shift, the social policies will fail.

>> No.14251643

Because of oil? Ok.
Wait, are you the guy who thinks Nordic means Norwegian?

>> No.14251675

theyre successful because of white people

>> No.14251884

Social democracy built on the template of National socialism is the Nordic way

>> No.14252031

la creatura.................................

>> No.14252059

Nordic means fag

>> No.14252088

No, success is funneled from globalized cities to hillbillies via taxation.

>> No.14252132

*stops farming*
oh... now ur dead :((

>> No.14252234

>pay for wars against ME countries that don’t submit to Israel
>people from the war-torn ME countries flee to Western countries
>Western countries absorb both military costs of war and welfare costs of refugees

>> No.14252263

Socialism only works in homogeneous societies, where you don't have an entire fucking "welfare class".

NAZBOL is the only way to break free of Jewish control.

>> No.14252272

What do you mean? People here are awesome

>> No.14252380

Voted for far left marxist cabinet just to keep the patriots in the opposition, for example

>> No.14252571
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So people want to starve and gulags? Good

>> No.14252809

Socialism is capitalism. Socialism is organizing society in a way to make capitalism a little less harsh by taking a little money here, and giving it there. But it's still structurally capitalism.

>> No.14253297

nice idiotic response dumbfuck. demonstrate that those capitalistic democracies "are socialism" if you can. Having different social policies does not make a country "socialism".
>imagine being as stupid as you

>> No.14253319
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>> No.14253330 [DELETED] 

THIS, even Burgland is more socialist than capitalist.

>> No.14253335

I meant to reply to you not the other chad, so I'll just copy/paste it here for you.
>nice idiotic response dumbfuck. demonstrate that those capitalistic democracies "are socialism" if you can. Having different social policies does not make a country "socialism".
>>imagine being as stupid as you

>> No.14253352

THIS, even Burgerland is more socialist than capitalist.

>> No.14253401

no it isn't.

>> No.14253421

they're succesful because they became rich being capitalistic for a long time before turning socialistic, but it's not going to last forever

>> No.14253442
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Nordic countries are no more socialistic than germany, france or spain. Similar tax rates and public pie, denmark has higher tax rates of all tho but the whole tax system is a bit different there

Also tax paid public services work only if you dont import people from third world as sweden has done, they have fallen far from top in standard of living compared to other western countries


>> No.14253447

>Are Nordic countries successful because of socialism or in spite of it?
a socialist country cannot be successful. It's an impossibility. All 'success' is confiscated by the state.

>> No.14253569
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kek amerimutts weighing in on politics in eu

stay poor and fat

>> No.14253608


>> No.14253642

Posting /pol/ threads here should be a permanent IP ban.

If I wanted this circle jerking over whos the most woke, I would browse that garbage dump. Eat shit

>> No.14254075

>wars 30 countries away means you need to take in refugees

This is what government worshipers actually believe. European countries like Britain and France openly support US military hegemony because the alternative would be a Chinese or Russian one, they directly benefit from the USA "running tank" on the world stage while playing the victim card and pocketing the savings


The countries the US invades are a potential military threat-if they pose any at all-to Europe and Jizzrael, not the US; European firms were also the ones that received the majority of oil contracts in post war Iraq


>When Iraq divided up its oil pie two years ago, the Russian company Lukoil won a slice equivalent to about 10 percent of Iraq’s known reserves.

>It was part of a trend: Five of the six major fields, together representing several million barrels per day of potential output, went to European, Russian and Asian oil companies.

>> No.14254096

The Nordic countries are not socialist, they are social democrats. Most of the means of production in these countries are privately owned. It's basically just welfare capitalism.

>> No.14254355

the nords will lead the way on dealing with the t*rkroach and sandnigger menace
it's gonna be like the bullied nerd at school walking the hallways with an assault rifle one day

>> No.14254409

>muh Swedistan
>muh Muslim rape
Are right-wingers the ultimate NPCs?

>> No.14254425

>discussion of economic models does not belong in /biz/

>> No.14254477

if you ignore the past my s 0 y slurping friend you'll be buried in the snow with invaders

>> No.14254516

>muh invaders
>muh heritage
>muh past
How original

>> No.14254551

>muh browns
Get new lines

>> No.14254558

In spite of. Socialism can work but only in small homogenous countries where everyone is relatively equal in terms of values, capability, IQ, etc.

>> No.14254587

>quoting worsening trends hoping to trigger an inexistent self-rebuttal
the absolute state of deluded libtards

>> No.14254600

In the past, Sweden WERE the invaders. My town still celebrates each year that we fought them back.

>> No.14254637

What worsening trends?

>> No.14254927

So what? Mestari will win next election after they fuck up literally everything

>> No.14254950

I have and Finland is pretty shit except for nature and ok housing prices. If I had no family/friends there, I would probably never even visit. Taxes are insane also

>> No.14255037

We give you our oil and you tell us to fuck off?

Ok, keep sucking that Muhammed Swede "manufacturing" dick

>> No.14255113

Socialism. Private property of the means of production (wheter private owner or a State), wage labor, a State. This is Capitalism.

There is no clear definition of socialism, however, if socialism is a system were the means of production are owned by the state, that's basically what USSR was. It's shit because is doesn't solve the wage labor problem, nor the fact that production is based on a market (exchange value).

>> No.14255175


stop projecting

>> No.14255981
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>Owing to Geography
>Any Nordic country but Norway and even then all they have is oil and fish
Like the other anon said, hilarious when Americans flaunt how inefficient their education systems are while simultaneously having to wade blindly through the flood of shit that is current America.

>> No.14256134
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Could you please remind me of then you glorious Americans actually defended anyone? You can't even defend yourselves. Thank you for your sacrifice I guess but the only real reason you are being skinned alive for your money while simultaneously receiving less benefits for it compared to all the other first world countries is that you are just literally too dumb to vote in your own interests. That and that alone. To go back to my question when did America defend anyone else the last time? Don't say WWll you came in to steal the glory at the very end and only to protect your own interests after the Japs took the fight to you out of desperation as the Axis were already losing.

Infact if I remember it correctly the only country to ever use NATOs Article 5 is America themselves so if anything the other countries were called in to protect americas "freedom" to keep being lazy and uneducated. All of this is just well known facts of the world.

>> No.14256284

whats it like that far up north ahmed?

>> No.14256391

Yeah the fault of social democracy. Niggers and joos dindu absolutely nuffin.

>> No.14256598
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Socialism worked because the Scandinavian countries were homogeneous, high trust societies that had strong shared cultural values of co-operation/teamwork/protestantism and had natural resources and industry that didn't get flattened during WWII which gave their economies a head start on the larger industrial countries in Europe after the war. Now the countries are no longer homogeneous (demographically, culturally, values), public trust no longer exists, the industry has all been outsourced, the companies have left for countries with a lower tax burden, and people are in more debt than ever. The conditions for successful socialism/social democracy were there in the mid 20th (which is when wages in these countries peaked historically iirc), but those conditions no longer exist and Scandinavian countries' living standard (especially Sweden) are increasingly held up by huge private debt.

>> No.14257126

Then you get raped by refugees.

>> No.14257390
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>> No.14257401

its a combination.
like both sweden and norway have had ether the capitalists or the social demo. they are basicly capitalism with a social system and unions its a good combination.

>> No.14257532

>they're just not as remarkable

As if you wouldn't be poor salted cod niggers if not for oil

>> No.14257643

Norwegian here. Literally nobody takes religion seriously. If you want a realistic image of the Norwegian spirit, just imagine a decently wealthy, white and liberal American state, and make every single person a Democrat.

>> No.14257717

This, all swefags are bound up by loans. The upper class has also started to fuck their workers in their ass in a very unswedish way. I mean they always fucked them in the ass hard, but now it has a cynical touch to it.

t. swefag wagecuck

>> No.14258214

Du borde ha pluggat McDonalds broder..

>> No.14258524
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>> No.14258985

>the nordic countries are not socialist except they are socialist

>strong property rights
>high taxes
you have to pick one

>> No.14259083

Im a Norwegian, and taxation is needed.
I gladly pay my 46% tax, cause I know i can go to the hospital every fucking day and get a x-ray, medicine or what ever. And if i get fucked by my employer, ill get my money anyway.

>> No.14259160

what if you're healthy and take care of yourself? you would rarely see a doctor enough to justify being robbed half your income

>> No.14259293

People usualy go to the doctor once a year for a check up. Broken foot or arm? Free. Infection? Free. Your child is getting sick, as every child do? Free. I know ill have a security net IF i get sick without getting in alot of debt, so im fine paying 46% tax.

>> No.14259338
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It shouldnt cost half your income for a doctor to check your blood pressure once a year

>> No.14259366

With their natural resources (in combination with low population) and the work ethic of the population you can try any political regime and still see success. You can have a monkey dictator and they'll still scrape by for a few more decades.

>> No.14259389

And you think this justifies a 50% tax LMAO what a cuck. You literally work half the working week to enrich the state.

>> No.14259417

The last year my doctor sent me to both an MRI and a CT just to check if things was okay, and it was. In the IS this would have cost $5.000 for the CT and $2.600 for the MRI. Money I would never pay for such, but could have cause a bad outcome.

>> No.14259430

god damn it they aren't socialist

>> No.14259768

While I agree that a lot of Western European have pussy armies your argument is invalid because you guys are the ones poking the hornets nest most of the time..

>> No.14260752

Agreed and thanks from Finland!

>> No.14260808

As long as USSR existed
Nordic countries where Socialist, run by Socialist Democratic parties

USSR ded
Sweden is going to absolute shit
Capitalisms taking over
Cant even walk outside at night, gotta fear the subhuman scum
The capitalists imported them, they are cheaper