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File: 302 KB, 711x995, 20190619_231943.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14247593 No.14247593 [Reply] [Original]

Holocucks BTFO once again

>> No.14247608

wtf is holo trying to do anyways?

>> No.14247612

destroy straight white men

>> No.14247615
File: 303 KB, 720x1001, 20190619_074921.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eliminate the white race

>> No.14247633

nothing, its literally some 50 year old guy who wears basic tshirts and jeans and has a team comprised of the most useless worthless "contributions" to society for that "social justice" and "diversity" the idea is a piece of shit and what its laughably trying to do is replace ethereum and bitcoin at the same time

>> No.14247650

i used to believe in them, but i dumped my bags a while ago

>> No.14247649

I'm unironically still holding millions of these and strongly considering dumping all but 1-2M for BTC/LINK. Fuck this shit

>> No.14247654

Why would those dickless faggots care if he uses Adderall?

>> No.14247686

Because they exclusively take shrooms and ayahuasca for their bizarre cult orgies

>> No.14247712

Is this a shitcoin now? Considering selling my stack, holoports are late, the technology has always been interesting but maybe more as a pie in the sky rather than something I could imagine being adopted in the near future.

>> No.14247739

I bought last spring on IDEX and even I'm fudding this now

>> No.14247745
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>> No.14247770

you should have dumped when it was still in the mid 20s in sats, anon. but yes, cut your losses. if youre not in the US then buy btc/link maybe xmr. if youre in the US then buy btc and xmr exclusively.

>> No.14247798

No losses yet these boomers saved my ass in the bear market. Definitely missed the top though

>> No.14247836

Don't sell the bottom. Its probably going to run up again shortly so make sure you sell the top then.

>> No.14247841

The Clockwork Elves are giving them poor technical support for their dick chopping sacrifices at least. They're not making deals with the right Devils. This pleases me.

>> No.14247854

Nope, BTC is gonna keep going up and ALL alts are going to keep bleeding sats

>> No.14247862


>> No.14247897
File: 34 KB, 902x172, (((divisive))).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LINK's not going to be fucked over any more than any other coin. They're just going to force us to make more trades and pay taxes on all of them.

I fucking hate this country and the kikes who run it.

>> No.14247930

Because they don't want to snort lines to get shit done like everyone in programming does.
Damn I miss Addies, I wish my blood pressure would let me take them again.

>> No.14247936

Thanks for the advice anon

>> No.14247940

>community manager of Brazil
How will I recover

>> No.14247951

Absolutely based article

>> No.14247991

I'm 100% convinced that America is worse off than other countries for being the epicenter of Jewry, rather than the chosen goyim. For a country all about "free markets" no other country tries as hard to make sure its citizens stay poor. For all the cuck shit that goes on in Europe, it's relatively generally just performative and done as a test run to make sure the Euros know their place. In America, this shit is done as a matter of course and people adapt to it because we are permacucked.

I can't even fucking emigrate to get better taxes on crypto gains the IRS STILL FUCKING COMES AFTER YOU.

>> No.14248002

Dumped my stack and went into BTT.

>> No.14248031

Haha of course, shit on him because he gets things done in spite of his squirrel tier attention span.

>> No.14248034

I'm in NY which is even more cucked than any other state- Washington comes in second and isn't even close. If it comes to it we could pull a Roger Ver and renounce citizenship I guess.

>> No.14248071

Is Oregon cucked?

>> No.14248087

You're still a burger, so yes, but not as bad as I am. I can't even fucking use Poloniex and have been b& from Bittrex for months

>> No.14248099
File: 1.22 MB, 1277x802, nothing to own.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can try but I'm in a shit state where I don't have enough money to emigrate before I get cryptorich and the IRS comes after you if they think they can get you for renouncing your citizenship just to skip taxes. They are that fucking evil.

Why does crypto have to be so hard man? I just want to HODL my linkies and moneros forever and be a millionaire in like two years but they make that hard.

>> No.14248101


It's not as if a bunch of us have been saying this from the first fucking hippe foot picture. Jesus christ you retards. If any of you actually bought this bullshit, you deserve to be poor.

Buy LINK and the new [redacted] smart contract platform and just wait.

>> No.14248108

elaborate pnd group.

>> No.14248133

Oh yeah and I'm not even supposed to be using IDEX but it can be evaded with VPN if I needed to

>> No.14248223

How the fuck are we even going to get to cash out, man? I know the US government will list LINK as a security just because they can, plus taxes on EVERY SINGLE TRADE. What about the times that I saw a project was going nowhere and I wanted to move it to XMR or ETH or LTC where it would be safer?

>> No.14248362

You have 3 months to figure out which projects are going places and which aren't. That's why I'll be dumping most of my HOT in the next week or so and probably trim some other shitcoin stacks down. As far as LINK goes we might be holding those bags until sensible regulation comes in. Think about it, they would want us to sell our coins so they can tax it, so if LINK or any other coin hits a high enough value they would want to get in on it. I think one day simply having the keys to sign a txn from a wallet with millions in digital assets will qualify you to get accredited investor status. They will be tracking all actvity in and out of that wallet forever though

>> No.14248388

Yeah, I sold all my HOT too with the recent news. This might be the bottom but based on what's coming out of the team I really don't see them going anywhere. Right now I'm only in XMR and LINK. But man, it's fucking spooky. This country REALLY wants me to stay poor. Maybe they'll let LINK in eventually but probably only after it hits the ATH.

>> No.14248404
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>> No.14248409

is this the same guy?

>> No.14248435

Different people. This guy stepped down a few weeks ago. That review is from February. They're scaring everyone away. Moritz is the most based individual on that team I hope they aren't giving him a hard time.

>> No.14248647

Imagine selling the next best thing in crypto because some fag is getting emotional about his job and quit. Holy fuck you guys are a bunch of girls. And omg! A negative Glassdoor review *gasp* dear Lord this is a sell signal!! Please see and put your money into btt Tron amb or any of those other worthless piece of shit

>> No.14248838

And still, holochain doesnt need any token.
Hows the holobox thingy going so far?

>> No.14248951

>And still, holochain doesnt need any token.
>Hows the holobox thingy going so far?
What r u saying? It's a distributed platform for hosting, how else are u going to transact on the network? It absolutely needs a currency and that's Holo fuel. This isn't fuckin QNT ok u cant that amateur fud out of your ass.

The holoports aren't even that big of a deal honestly, the software will run on all devices later but it's just a normie adoption tool. The software is more important, we all know it works, it works right now, it's just not fully ready.

>> No.14249063


>> No.14249121

aren't even that big thing? you think they were free, you fucking idiot?

>> No.14249122

These types prefer adrenochrome since it's trendy among hollywood elites

>> No.14249270

you're in deep, and retarded. it's funny to watch, thx

>> No.14249328

Literally CommieCoin lmao

>> No.14249392

This. Somebody post the pic to remind these holocucks who actually run this shitshow

>> No.14250368

Everything successful has this kind of infighting bullshit. It means people care.

>> No.14250399

Houellebecq is based af.

>> No.14250425

The part about non-hierarchical communities being driven by gossip in the absence of hierarchy is so fucking true.

Hierarchy: a male thing, you do what you're told and stfu

Non-hierarchy: a female thing, everyone is friendly to each other's face but is secretly forming alliances with whoever they can

>> No.14250434


>> No.14250435

Tranny Skycoin

>> No.14250491

Modern anti-whites are a highly group dependent neural archetype. The same people in a different time were the puritans finding witches to accuse of heresy. Now they find "racists" to accuse for insulting the religion of diversity.

They are desperate and keenly aware at all times of group beliefs and the ingroup/outgroup. They have no independent standing and are only as good as how far they can distance themselves from the outgroup. The actual content of beliefs that build upon this mechanism is irrelevant. They'll talk of disability rights to help cement their ingroup status and isolate others out but if someone is disabled they'll happily use it to try and elevate themselves at their expense if they can.

It's why apologising to them never works, they only ever seek to push you down and thus elevate themselves. If you go to them with illness, despite their apparent statements, they won't have any sympathy, they'll immediately consider how to lower you and raise themselves.

It's a great emptiness at their core, a lack of any real self. Just a black hole which they have to fill with the opinion of the group until the day they die.

>> No.14250669

Thread translation: HOT is about to moon

>> No.14251013
File: 80 KB, 615x321, mxs78nd6z0o11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this guy knows what's up

>> No.14251102 [DELETED] 
File: 297 KB, 3112x1244, Head&Shoulders.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't fall for it /biz

>> No.14251103

I dumped at 24 and put it in Link. What I've read lately about Holo leads me to believe the project will implode

>> No.14251149

You sound like you chopped off your dick and got a holo tattoo

>> No.14251158
File: 322 KB, 3136x1254, Head&Shoulders.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't fall for it /biz

>> No.14251169

The review that was posted here yesterday (although it dated from february) was astounding

>> No.14251178

Which review was this anon?

>> No.14251229

I'm unironically the same anon who found and shared this yesterday morning kek

>> No.14251287

Hardly astounding and the dude does sound pretty bitter. If one negative review of working for them from some inept dev who can't handle an SJW puts you off then fair enough.

>> No.14251322


>> No.14251323
File: 155 KB, 1200x630, S0YBOY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I don't get it. There are plenty of coins with s0i people working on them. ETH, BTC core... ADA... All of them mooned. Why would soye prevent this coin from mooning?

Also the review was written in February... No one cared then. No one cares now. Just people trying to get price down.

>> No.14251435

Oh it's not just that. See the tweet in my OP, holoport delay, and also wtf is this redgrid scam people are talking about?

>> No.14251452

I care because it's hilarious and I like sharing this stuff with my frens here. I'm fudding my own bags and definitely not buying any more of this shitcoin anytime soon. In fact I'm dumping most of it next pump

>> No.14251537
File: 201 KB, 856x1024, holopepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when you see
1. old FUD resurfaced
2. consensus about that FUD and "muh shitcoin"
that's when you strap in for the moon rocket or keep quiet and let the FUD do the work to accumulate from the temporary price drop.
Unfortunately, I already filled my bags a long time ago at a fraction of the price, so there's no stake for me to continue FUDing. If you're in the same boat as me, the most we can do is sit back and enjoy the show.

>> No.14251998

dude buying this shit on IDEX making bank were the good times. sold a few days before binance listing because i didnt want to get dumped on and it was already priced in.

>> No.14252102


>> No.14252197

you've never seen a proper h&s have you

>> No.14252220


>> No.14252256
File: 109 KB, 880x480, 655.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When i see post like this shitting on decent shitcoins I know to hold for the moon mission

>> No.14252261

yikes at that weak volume on "recovery"

>> No.14252278

>Sopa de Macaco leaves a team
Unironically good news and I don't even own any tranny shitcoin Holo

>> No.14252286

Holoports are going to ship soon. I would rather the devs delay shipping and have working product on mainnet launch than some shitty product with bugs and flaws that would dump the price

>> No.14252311

>minority man and one of Holo's staunchest supporters gets ousted from group even though they market themselves as an inclusive community
>even apparently recieved his holoport last month and leaves Holo shortly after
So what happened?

>> No.14252491

>>minority man
he's a white brasilin you mongoloid

>> No.14252519

You're being reeeeeeeeal flexible with your definition of "white" there fren

>> No.14253138

If he was brown, the kike-dykes at Holo would've worshiped him instead of attacking him

He was treated like how all white men are treated by libs/nigs/women in the workplace these days

>> No.14253175

Nigger, if you don't think white brazilians are "white" in every way that counts, particularly in terms of being hated by the SJWs, you are fucking retarded

>> No.14253307

People bitch about this but it's really nowhere near as bad as it sounds. The only bad part is basically that you have to pay taxes earlier than you otherwise would, so you end up paying somewhat more due to the time value of money. But this effect is small, and for the most part there is no net increase in tax for paying tax on all crypto to crypto trades compared to only paying when you cash out. If you don't understand this, read up about "cost basis". One way you can get fucked though is if you're a shit trader and lose a bunch of money while also forgetting that you were supposed to pay tax. If you paid your tax, you then get it back in subsequent years due to your capital losses from being a shitty trader.

>> No.14254148

Dag Chad

Holo cuck

>> No.14254229

It was very obvious to any dev that Holo was vaporware. Same with LINK

>> No.14254291

Link has a working product. Keep up with the news. Perhaps spending less time masturbating will allow you to do that.

>> No.14254354

>It's a great emptiness at their core, a lack of any real self. Just a black hole which they have to fill with the opinion of the group until the day they die.

The fabled day of the rope

>> No.14254467

NKN is the real HOT. Look into it.