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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 123 KB, 960x924, pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14247230 No.14247230 [Reply] [Original]

anons, i have a bag of shitcoins from the 2017 boom, which are worth diddly squat(didnt average down at all). Just getting back in the game now whats the most promising altcoins out there? Would love to be able to make some cash to get out of this tax debt hanging over me.

>> No.14247251

don’t buy any of the coins from the 2017 bullrun, you won’t make it. I won’t shill you on coins because I’m not an absolute pajeet faggot, but I’m up atleast 20-150% on 3 that I’ve put money into in the past 2 weeks after the same hiatus you took

>> No.14247257

Dyor but I'm all in Fantom.

>> No.14247258

Follow the stampede into btc

>> No.14247266

Get on NERVA for hot gains. It's on tradeogre

>> No.14247292

I unironically think there’s money to be made in all of these if you play your cards right, gl anon

>> No.14247302
File: 3 KB, 225x225, xsn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Instant one-click private swaps between BTC, LTC, and now Tether via LN swaps. Goods payable with BTC can be bought with LTC, Tether, or XSN.
>Re-establishes privacy that LN routers potentially compromise while re-establishing privacy for otherwise-traceable BTC funds
>Truly decentralized DEX - run by MNs, secured by the network - that hosts every blockchain for every coin available for trade so the end-user doesn't need to download them individually
>Pioneered TPoS (trustless proof of stake) - stake 24/7 while your computer is off or even from cold storage
>Working to make TPoS a one-click option
>Trustless MN hosting services payable directly in XSN. Run several MNs while your computer is off and receive a 16% annual ROI in XSN
>DEX Aggregator that intends to pool together numerous other DEXes that suffer from low volume
>CCPoS - stake XSN, receive BTC, LTC, Tether
>Dedicated hardware division.
>Intending to pool MN hardware into a collective supercomputer secured by the network. The DEX is the first dApp.
>No KYC to use the DEX, perform LN swaps, or use any of the other features mentioned above.
The X9 Developers are working to obsolete centralized exchanges. They've routinely delivered on all their ambitious goals to do so.
They're doing it in a way that honors the original cypherpunks that built Bitcoin.
Stakenet is being built for the collective benefit of the entire space.

If you trade between BTC and LTC alone, this will have a tremendous amount of benefits to it.
>No bid orders
>No buying down sell walls
>No need to transfer
Funds and keys remain secured and completely in your control whether you wish to hold, trade, spend, or cold stake.

>> No.14247388

Thanks for the recommendations, will do some research into all of them.