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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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14247190 No.14247190 [Reply] [Original]

What's the most stupid way you've lost money ? I just wanna read some incredible way you've fucked yourself up.

>> No.14247217


>> No.14247234

I've lost ~35 percent of my stock investment trading biotech options

>> No.14247243

Got blackout drunk at a strip club and woke up $1500 poorer

>> No.14247245

Held ABBV, a few other stupid shit stocks.

>> No.14247253
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>tfw gambled away 1.2 BTC on YoBit dice back in the day

>> No.14247271

Discord Pump and Dump group. Brand new to crypto and lost like 35% of my profile in a couple seconds kek. Thanks to the Chainlink shilling on here I still ended up almost doubling my investment, thank you frens <3

>> No.14247286
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Had 90k in Washington Mutual, 46 bucks a stock. Lost it all in the financial crisis around 2008. They got bought out by Chase and pulled some fast ones.

>> No.14247295

I lost 100k trading options... Currently living with my parents.

>> No.14247304

damn that's rough anon. I hope you still have a good amount of money banked and that's not a big position for you :(

>> No.14247310

Sucks a lot if true, mate. I ain't gonna laugh at ya.

>> No.14247350

my bro and I decided to have a group of ''female friends'' for the benefits.

Benefits outway the cost.

>> No.14247360


It's over 4 years and it's pretty much all I've ever earned + loans. 20k was at a proprietary trading firm from May to December... Got fired 2 weeks before the massive crash...

>> No.14247365

not protitutes,

>> No.14247383

don't outway the cost

fucking drunk

>> No.14247402
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i bought xrp at 75 cents after it pumped from 28 to 75. i sold at 52

i bought canopy growth at 60 cents and sold at 43

>> No.14247412

60 dollars* on canopy

>> No.14247646

Bought like 10 etheremons at the top. You can imagine how that went...spent like 60 ETH at the TOP. Never seeing that money again.

>> No.14247680

100 bucks fell out of my pocket at the supermarket when I was a preteen.

>> No.14247721

fell for the hodl meme
rip 700k

>> No.14247728

Ouch, how old are you?

>> No.14248068
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Lost 12,000 XLM on a PnD when I traded it all for something shilled on /biz/ called XTCC, or TaiChiChain.

I keep the listing bookmarked as a reminder of my autism:


>> No.14248807

Genuinely horrific. I've done a similar thing, but it was just a regular bar, and I spent $90 and felt horrendous regret the next morning. Yours must have been much worse.

>> No.14248812


>> No.14248827

Thought alts would pump, they didn't.

>> No.14248842

Based. I lost some too anon, even though I knew the story was complete garbage.

>> No.14248850

Talked to a whore to have a deal for 1h , including anal and the full package. Came right after we started like in 3-4mins. She insisted i pay the full price we negotiated. Massively overpaid for a simple BJ.

>> No.14248855

Didn't cash out some shitcoin at the top.

Lost me 300k

>> No.14248858

Went all in on Enigma at $6 a piece.

>> No.14248864

Left my bags in poloniex and refuse to give them my SSN.

>> No.14248910

Probably the most retarded was buying bcash at $4k. I have no doubt a similar thing will happen with BSV to many people

>> No.14248983

Bought 100k of ELEC for 6K USD, now its barely worth $300. Ouch. This is why I mostly stick to large cap coins now

>> No.14249027
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>> No.14249069

After turning 250 bucks into 1800 in December 2017, that later went down to 1k, I got bored when the bullrun ended and decided to say fuck it, I'mma buy this while thousand dollars of a single shitcoin.
I've bought STORM at like 700 sats. All in.
You don't have to check, STORM is around 40 sats now. And I have less than 50 dollars or so.
Only lurk biz now and then, and I'm not gonna touch that ever again I think.

>> No.14249094
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>> No.14249101

not cashing out in January last year. The stupid part is me believing that it was all for real and not just a pump and dump

>> No.14249104

In 2017 I was mining for money to buy things and during the bullrun with $50 fees, unbeknownst to me, I couldn't work out why the fuck I kept having my money halved every transaction into my crypto debit card. It never crossed my mind that Bitcoin fees would be eating most of my fucking transfer I thought I was getting jewed by the crypto debit card somehow. I realized quite a bit later, after it all finished that this was the reason why I lost time and hundreds of dollars. Dumb mistake but fuck Bitcoin either way, in congested times if someone wanted to liquidate in a small emergency they'd get rekt by fees.

>> No.14249131

I accidentally placed an order to buy high instead of selling. Then quite literary five minutes later I did it again but selling low instead.

I also lost my BTC wallet from 2009.

>> No.14249143
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This was my first real mistake

And this is my most recent it seems

>> No.14249147

Sorry, not lost, DELETED ON PURPOSE.

>> No.14249159

shorted bitcoin in 2017

>> No.14249164

Ha I did that with shares though I was setting a stop loss and ended up selling £3k worth of shares for lower than market value! Didn't lose that much actual cash so was a learning experience!

>> No.14249231

i have two examples which are probably my dumbest waste of money. not too dumb but ultimately the way i handled it became such a waste.

i spent over 4000 dollars on video game development stuff. paying for unity assets to learn, paying artists for illustrations stuff like that but i dont have motivation or skills to make anything of value. if i had a lot more money maybe i can actually produce something.

i also bought a 2500 dollar 3d printer. prints took a lot longer than i thought they would take. its more limited than i realized and support structure are a real bitch to remove a lot of the time. it also has a high failure rate. when it failed 5 times in row i basically gave up on it and im not sure if it still works.

>> No.14249236

gambling, marriage

>> No.14249942


I first got into bitcoin in 2014 and I lost a ton of it (like 50 cones) on LITERAL Ponzi schemes.

This was before ICOs so I’d send my money to this site called “hashcloud” or “ahash” which supposedly bought mining equipment with your btc and gave you a percentage back. They exit scammed and I fell for them like 3 times because I was too lazy to just wait for BTC to moon.

>> No.14250059

Spent 2,000 dollars to pay off a friend of 7 years property debt, 2,400 on a car for him so he could have more job options after letting him become my room mate. He couldn't hold any jobs and I ended up having to cut my losses and lose the apartment since I thought he'd be able to at least hold a fast food job.

>> No.14250087

I set lot of my pages to noindex because I was paranoid about crawl budget. It took one or two years to realize I am retard when I removed it and traffic skyrocketed

>> No.14250131

In late 2017 but before the december run I got into masternodes. One problem is that in order to get in early you'd need to use a terrible shit exchange called coinsmarkets (now gone afaik).

One time I wanted to buy a new shitcoin but the order book was all fucked up so I thought let's just put up a higher buy price and it'll gobble them all up just like any other exchange.
It didn't. It actually bought at that price, ignoring all the cheaper orders.

Threw away 1k or so. By far the most stupid way

>> No.14250243

It literally ruined my life

>> No.14250306

fatfingered a 600 bucks trade high on brain fever

>> No.14250335

Fucking an 18 year old. Felt extremely guilty for it. Could've spent that 30$ on Link instead.

>> No.14250371
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Three words: Pets dot com

>> No.14250475

Bought a $4,000 basic 40,000 extended warranty for my Lexus. At the time it had 60k miles. Well beyond the 40k miles now and still have not had a single issue with the car

>> No.14250547

What game did you want to make, anon?

>> No.14250587


Bought Confido.
Bought more Confido when it 'dipped'.
Lost like 6 ETH.

>> No.14251428

I literally threw 300 dollars in the garbage can

>> No.14251971

Bought $1600 worth of cloudatcost servers. They marketed as "lifetime" service for purchases. The resources were oversold and servers ran out of IP addresses on day 1.

>> No.14252033

A Nigerian prince on his death bed once kindly emailed me. He told me he had no family and wanted me to receive his inheritance ($23,000,000) and donate 50% of it to charity. If I done that I could keep the other 50%, All I had to do was wire him $8,000 for the bank fees to wire me the $23,000,000. I sent this to him via Western union and it must have been my unlucky day as he died on his death bed just after I sent the money, so there wasn't time for him to wire me the $23,000,000..

>> No.14252147

Damn you were so close :(

>> No.14252277

Lost 500k on shitcoins and 200k on fortune jack.

>> No.14252771
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let a girl in my house :/

>> No.14253288
File: 68 KB, 720x400, B2E10497-AAE4-450A-9E54-639FBE48F89F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lost half a million in ENRON

>> No.14253413

my god son, im so sorry

>> No.14253430

I fell for the most obvious scam and lost $200

>> No.14253432

lost 1.5 BTC on Tronbet

>> No.14253444

boomers are not allowed here

>> No.14253449

I posted part of my private key on here. Some anon found out the missing characters and emptied my wallet of 40k$.

>> No.14253460

top kek

>> No.14253468


Thats sad. At least you were a good friend Anon, you did a good thing and your friend just isnt meant to make it. It happens sometimes.

>> No.14253584

you paid for an hour, why didn't you use the whole hour?

>> No.14253755


Numerous bulk buy contraband exchanges gone wrong, parcels missing/ mouldy bud/ shitty product blah blah. Foot soldiers dissappearing / offing themselves leaving you at a financial deficit.

This^^^this right here is why being a 'gangster' is bullshit, you just hemmorage money that you make and in the end you risk your freedom, anyway out of that world some 5+years now.

>> No.14253777

>go in BTC early 2017
>keep buying
>make tons of money
>lose my mind over greed
>shovel 10 grand in shitcoins and sell good portion of BTC for bitcoins
>at the literal ATH
>get uber rekt
>price keeps dropping
>sell more of my BTC at literal bottom
>mfw I was up over 100 grand and now down 5k on initial