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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1424623 No.1424623 [Reply] [Original]

Affiliate Marketing General

Share your stories, ask questions.

How should someone use clickbank in 2016?

>> No.1424650

go blackhat

>> No.1424661


I wanted to ask here.

>> No.1424688

no i mean use blackhat tactics

>> No.1424706

care to share?

>> No.1424723

OP/anyone else, could you post a small guide on how to get into affiliate marketing on, say, facebook?

things like finding the right bots to use or creating a page that's interesting enough to generate revenue would be extremely helpful

>> No.1424731
File: 204 KB, 800x670, fs45h7jd1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hack dozen of sites, place backlinks, google starts to love you

watch dem money flows

>> No.1424756

I feel like we don't use the great opportunities that /biz/ gives us

There must be a way to profit off a community with a not so small userbase like this one

>> No.1424791

Full time ebayer here with extensive history in IM/SEO, I've been visiting various threads sharing advice on /biz/ the last 1-2 weeks.

The very first online venture(s) I had was article marketing for clickbank affiliate links (with adsense tied to them for extra)

I haven't been in the affiliate marketing game for YEARS, but I do go back and look at it from time to time.

-Focus on ONE product, or one niche of products. Devote your efforts to focus perfection on one area vs the shotgun approach doing a little bit for multiple products/niches

-Purchase the products you are going to push and use them. Understand them enough so you would be able to teach your grandma how to use it. When you reach that point you will be able to come off as an expert on it. This will give you an edge on 90% of the other affiliates out there.

-Provide real, useful knowledge/solutions for your niches audience, and peper affiliate links in. Do not sit there and hard sell BUY THIS MUSIC DOWNLOADING SOFTWARE.

-website/blog creation is still profitable, but you -have- to do your keyword research and implementation well. DONT half ass your research. Keywords will become harder and harder to dominate as time goes on, that's the nature of the internet.

-Youtube is also a GREAT source of targeted traffic that requires less SEO research, but more more understanding to be billed as an expert on the subject and gain momentum. In return if you succeed in branding the channel as an authority you will start earning dank youtube $$$ from the traffic created.

-generally try to avoid blackhat techniques. Whitehat/grayhat is all you need and youll have no fear of being banned or payments removed. Blackhat is for people that want to stick and run for some fast cash and a small percentage ever create a sustainable income. They are always having to weasel their way into new tricks and can never stop hunting because theyre never "safe".

>> No.1424799

also don't forget your Backlinks and linkwebs. if you don't know what that is get to googling young grasshopper

Build them naturally over time, don't just hire some indian to write 100 articles and publish them at once. The influx of backlinks will get you sandboxed by google.

I have no experience with this particular trick, but lots of people like to pay for google ads for traffic. If you were to design a strong authoritative website then I would agree paying for google ads would probably be highly beneficial. I DO recommend researching this first, as I don't know for fact since I've never paid for google ads myself.

>> No.1424815

bots will rarely create good traffic, I tend to suggest avoiding non-whitehat methods as they tend to be a waste of time, or short lived in my experience. I prefer to do things that create lasting results that I don't have to worry about vanishing.

As for creating the page, as I said here >>1424791, figure out what product(s) you want to sell, research the product and the niche it caters to. Actually learn and understand the niche and how to use the product. From that point you can create a strong fb page just like making a website or blog. You will have the knoweldge and ablity to share it, so once you start the page it will naturally begin building itself for you.

If you go look at the various ebay/online marketing/SEO/passive income threads on /biz/ you'll find my replies to various people over the last week or two. This is in itself a perfect example of how it works.

>Come in, answer anons question
>Real experience, real answers, real working advice and solutions to yalls needs/wants
>answering Anon makes Anon2 and Anon3 ask their own questions
>repeat process

becoming a legit authority is how you make long lasting, big money. Yes it takes a little effort, but if you focus on niches that are of your own interest, it can be a very enjoyable experience. I -enjoy- talking about and doing my online ventures. I can do this for hours at a time and enjoy every moment of it.

>> No.1424872


See clickbaitmillionaire.com

I know, the title it pretty kek, but it has some legit shit in their, and it doesn't cost anything