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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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14243755 No.14243755 [Reply] [Original]

i made it with this crypto mess but i lost my soul while doing so. i was in just purely for the money and it all came too fast. i went full degen and am recovering from a multi year coke binge now.

i need a reason to wake up in the morning. hedonic treadmill has fucked me all the way up. i need to start a business before i end up killing myself.

should i open a hotel in med south europe? a restaurant? a mining farm? cafes? sports betting spots? pawn shop?

what would be the most fullfilling business? what would you do? what is your dream?

im thinking of starting small with a small pizzeria so i have project i can focus on and from there on build it up step by step.

>> No.14243800

I'm starting a private school. Give back to the community.

>> No.14243850

thats neat but that section is basically pure corruption where i am from so thats out of question

>> No.14243887

Fuck off sti lol

>> No.14243907

Don't start a business. That's a guaranteed loss.

Become a politician

>> No.14243917

who is sti

>> No.14243963

you need top tier talking skills for that which i lack

>> No.14244029

The aesthetic quality of this photograph is astounding. Not just saying that for the content. The color, the angles, the fib, AND quality ass! Does it honestly get any better? Thanks OP.

>> No.14244044

I wish that were me

>> No.14244057

how much money you have left? lots of people who got rich off crypto just did small hobby businesses like a neighborhood bar. costs essentially nothing to buy and run.

>> No.14244067

Are you still holding your harmony bag? When the fk does CZ turn on the bots

>> No.14244080

1) nutritional coaching - eat properly
2) physical training coach - get your physique as you always wanted it
3) Fashion stylist - get the clothes that will make you finally not look like a hobo
4) social coach - learn how to interact with people effectively. PUA works here, but one can swap it for something else.

>> No.14244088

>multi year Coke Binge
Op were hookers involved?

Also Start your own crypto Fund and buy up smaller companies, try to build up your own little Berkshire Hathaway

>> No.14244120


If you really made it open a charity NGO to fight for something you deem important


>> No.14244127

He lied to us bro. CZ not turning on the bots anymore

>> No.14244147

>still holding one
anon..i... i thought you jews are good with money

>hookers involved
i doubt anyone doing good coke isnt doing so while trying to stick his limp dick in a mami

>> No.14244193

i already was maxxed out on this before money

im thinking on maxxing out on stoicism philosophy next

>> No.14244211
File: 102 KB, 1064x1108, FC611023-0A3A-4A10-A1C4-42D7C76FA741.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cant imagine how justd Richie is rn

>> No.14244224

lad so you sold your linkies for this chink scam...which you are still holding?

>> No.14244229

Start mining bsv


>> No.14244243

An anon a few days ago recommended setting up a trendy restaurant. Supposedly, your social life gets a 1000x boost

>> No.14244251

Both unfortunately. I’m waiting for CZ to turn on the bots

I’m sending what little fiat I have left to cuckbase to buy some more harmony. I-I’m gonna make it r-right

>> No.14244350
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For me it's based Hannah Barron the huntress and bags of LINK and RSR.


>> No.14244393

Hahahahahaha. No. It's all about connections and selling out.

>> No.14244411

I can second stoicism.

>> No.14244412

You can't sell out if you don't have value..

>> No.14244433

Politicians are literally just figureheads for lobbyists. The situation in the US is beyond fucked. Lobbying being protected by the 1st amendment is a sick joke.

>> No.14244434

i saw your tinder pic, unironically a solid looking chap. a bit of a framecel but other than that u gooci (nohomo)

financially though you about to be murdered. how did it feel to witness the google pump while being in one

>> No.14244450

>Politicians are literally just figureheads for lobbyists
You seem to lack even a rudimentary understanding of the world, relying on edgy teenage rebellious memes to do the thinking for you.

>> No.14244464

How could you max out on food/fashion/physique before making it.
You are deluding yourself.

>> No.14244467

>wasting money on the most fattening and addicting drink for years and years instead of drinking filtered water
Yikes anon

>> No.14244511

implying brocoli/chickenbreast/yams and lifting heavy every 2nd day requires any wealth.

fashion is a meme aswell. designer clothes are nigger tier. you look good in anything if you shredded

>> No.14244521

pay as many people's student loans as you can

>> No.14244522

Hahahahaha. The fucking NRA even rates them. The whole system is fucked, since they need so much funding for their campaigns they either sell out to special interests or collect small donations from a ton of citizens. But the system is so fucked that the second method is harder. Compare the participation in elections in the US and Europe. That mindset that "the system works as intended" is one of the main causes for it to be so fucked. You Yankees hate introspection with a passion.

>> No.14244627

But did you slam prostitutes

>> No.14244638

open a small hostel in a beach town in costa rica or nicaragua

>> No.14244647

More than you or I will in multiple lifetimes

>> No.14244656

you can cook for the people in the hostel and write their stories in a book while sipping cognac and surfing

>> No.14244662

It's good that you have delusional levels of self worth, but what you said is utter bullshit
Proper food alone can bankrupt you. Caviar and expensive meat cuts are not a meme.
>designer clothes are nigger tier
You're just another poorfag larping as "made it"

>> No.14244698

>hostel costa rica
why costa rica? i been told its very nice there but im already cocaine addicted and that place might put the final nail in the coffin lul.

>> No.14244723
File: 7 KB, 231x219, 4F203FA0-2A6E-48D1-BEAE-2272016EDA70.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people seriously responding to this obvious larp

>> No.14244732

>eats yams and chicken
>thinks he made it

>> No.14244737

its a meme in terms of it doesnt make a difference in physique build. macros are just macros.

you wont get more shredded on caviar salmon sushi and wagyu beer and oysters and all that shit which i ate a while until even that got boring

and yes most designer clothes are 100% nigger tier and if you believe otherwise congrats my g you fell for the lowest tier of jewish marketing.

>> No.14244754

>bumbing my thread
keep going

>> No.14244791

>4) social coach - learn how to interact with people effectively. PUA works here, but one can swap it for something else.
also lmao @ me for talking to a literal aspie recommending me this. absolute state of no single cell brainlets

>> No.14244804

go cure cancer or somthing

>> No.14244841

my dream is to setup a high end laboratory with my own mouse facility and shit so I can freely conduct my experiments on them when I want. Will mostly be experimenting with longevity boosting drug/transgenic knockout lines.
women are overrated. I found this out even before I get to make it with chainlink kek

>> No.14244859

also fuck fda regulatory bullshit.

>> No.14244880

This is the biggest reason why I can’t wait for a post crypto world. Where neets are in charge of capital, no governments to regulate us.

Real science and real projects will start happening again

>> No.14244882

Love to show others how poorfags think. doing the opposite of what you do is literally what a newly wealthy person should do.

>> No.14244893

Says the coke addicted whore-monger. Literally new-money nigger-tier habit

>> No.14244900

In that case stay away. May I ask what’s the best coke you ran into and what country?

>> No.14244903

do something that makes a difference. the world doesn't need another fucking pizza shop. you think you'll find direction in making pizzas? do some heavy doses of psychedelics with the intention of having your destiny revealed to you. whatever brings you to tears in those moments will be what gives your soul peace and you should follow that path with conviction.

>> No.14244964
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>> No.14245010


>> No.14245037

Restaurant with family. Brothers a chef and good fren

>> No.14245047

im not saying im not a new money degen (until now) but im also past pua looksmaxxing meme shit because i never lacked social skills including fashion

spending money on good food is always great but when you trying to shred bodyfat counting calories i dont care about no damn sushi and special cut meats

>> No.14245139

>not thinking about shrimp farms
Not gonna make it

>> No.14245199
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