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14242184 No.14242184 [Reply] [Original]

Just snuck out of my office again, literally nothing happened.
I feel relieved and alive. Is this what true freedom feels like?

>> No.14243045
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sometimes when I have to go somewhere for a work reason I run a personal errand on the way as well

>> No.14243134

>tfw sitting at my desk shitposting and taking extra long breaks outside

Feels good bros

>> No.14243153

Dude you can go to jail for stealing time from your employer

Same with you OP. You may think all this is based and red pilled, but you're playing with fire...

>> No.14243154

I used to go to movies during work time kek

>> No.14243194

Sometimes while I was working personal issues would cross my mind, and I would just think about them instead of suppressing the thought and giving 110% to my work... then my boss found out and fired me, now I'm a NEET

>> No.14243204

>come in 5 mins late every day
>take two 20 min shits per day
>go fill up water or make tea every hour for 5 mins
>nobody can see my screen so browse internet all day
>pretend I'm texting on phone but just shitposting or checking crypto bags
>if boss isn't there just stare our it office window over the city and think about life

>> No.14243212
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hello mr goldberg I think I will get some extra sun today

>> No.14243252
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When i take a break, i always take an extra five minutes

>> No.14243300

I work at a wholesale occasion dealership so I can fuck with car dealers in the regular, I do like 10 calls a day and try to piss them of as hard as I can it’s quite fun actually

>> No.14243387
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Sounds like fun. Reminds me of me and my cubical friend who would routinely pass out with his hands on the keyboard. He was always reading the drudge report when I'd see what put him to sleep

>> No.14243455

You need to escalate OP

Start drinking

>> No.14243539

Word from home today. Did zero work. Just shit posted and play vidya

>> No.14243640

True freedom is not having to show up to work at all

>> No.14244330

Two years ago I lied to my physician and got myself diagnosed with clinical depression.
My workplace has this nice policy that allows employees with depression or other major medical conditions to work reduced hours as required and even get extra sick days off, all with zero reductions to your paycheck.
To this day I've slept in late almost every day and have taken at least one day off every week.

>> No.14244382

Whoa thats epic

>> No.14244414

Literally me.

Still known as a hard worker who delivers because my skill set is 100x more than that of coworkers

>> No.14244426

Im telling mr goldberg on you!

>> No.14244466


imagine working

im 26 and even tho i dont make shit, i work for clients. i haven't worked in 8 months. greatest feeling of my life. i play video games and work on my app from time to time

>> No.14244495

this sounds like libtard bullshit job tier HR policy - why dont they just fire you and hire someone who is not depressed?

>> No.14244650


Based and bosspilled.

>> No.14244701

very nice anon, but you do know that most employees get two days off every week without doing anything, right?

>> No.14244715
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Just blew a line in the trailer as I now stand 10 feet high atop my ladder surveying my kingdom.

>> No.14244770

So me it hurts. I actually get in so late that I can also leave 15 minutes early because I'm the last guy in the office so there's nobody to second guess me.

>> No.14244800

Where the fuck do you work, this sounds amazing. Though I probably legitimately have depression. I sure as fuck don't take sick days off for it where I work now though, they would laugh at me to my face.

>> No.14245327

Checked, do it op. Drink on the job

>> No.14245506

Sneaked anon.
You sneaked out, not snuck.

>> No.14245545

loooool they cant do shit especially if you're an exempt employee. at most they will fire you and if they do, you can collect the unemployment bucks.

>> No.14246348

Same here.
I've managed to automate my job (mostly code monkey grunt work, writing add/edit record forms and JavaScript input validation).

They give me a 40 man hour estimate, I auto-generate the code using my custom tools in like 15 minutes, make a few manual modifications and I'm done within the hour.
The IMPORTANT part is waiting until the deadline is near before checking in my work.

I basically just watch movies all day and shit post online. When our PM is not around (which is almost everyday), I take 3-4 hour lunches.
Come in extra late (we have "flexitime" hours), then leave early and no one can tell because no one else is left at the office.

>> No.14246363

I just tried this and got fired. Thanks for runing my life, OP.