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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1424195 No.1424195 [Reply] [Original]

Money for non-shallow reasons.

Present them to me.

>> No.1424234

Do you like worrying about your financial future?


Great. Nice talking to you.

>> No.1424235

Orphans won't knife fight of their own accord. They need to be paid.

>> No.1424243

Do you like squandering half your waking hours doing shit you hate just to survive?


Great. Nice talking to you.

>> No.1424246

"Growing up I didn't get the care that I needed because my parents were struggling for money. I don't want my children having to struggle like I did, because all it did was make me cold."

>> No.1424248


most problems in life are caused by a lack of money.

Quality of life will improve when you are able to pursue what makes you happy instead of slaving away for someone who barely gives a shit about you.

>> No.1424254

there are none.
they are all shallow, selfish and superficial.

>> No.1424264

So I can afford to take care of my parents when they're too old to take care of themselves.

>> No.1424278
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>> No.1424282
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>> No.1424284

Read Nietzsche

>> No.1424297

To provide for my family

>> No.1424305

Overrated fag. Camus and kafka are better. Fight club is a better nihlistic view than thus spake

>> No.1424329

why? so i can be as clueless and cowardly as you?

>> No.1424335

Coming from someone who needs to be reassured that they'll never be dead even though everyone dies
Don't worry about learning stuff guise jebus knows all he made it this way

>> No.1424343
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You're a waste of human potential and free will.
I spit on your grave.

>> No.1424344
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>> No.1424347
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It is your ethical duty to free yourself from limitations in every way possible. Financial independence is a step closer to total freedom.

>> No.1424348


Camus can do, but Sartre is smart-re

>> No.1424350

How will I buy a fast as fuck two seater without it?

>> No.1424352
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>> No.1424354
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>> No.1424356
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[Stirner posting intensifies]

>> No.1424375

I want to save the world but to do it I have to succumb to this capitalist system and start a multi billionaire company that'll rescue the world trough clean energy and eco friendly technology, overthrowing the capitalist overlords in the process, and sacrificing myself at the end because it is the destiny of the liberator to die for his people, because he is not recognized by the values he represents but for his charisma, which eventually will lead him to his doom due to the jealousy of others, making the process of life a never ending circle of suffering and moral struggle that leads eventually nowhere. That's what I need money for.

>> No.1424420

okay miss america.

>> No.1424443

I think you misinterpreted Fight Club friendo

>> No.1424510

This. My primary goal in life is freedom. Fuck working for other people. Fuck needing to work.

>> No.1424518

you don't need money to have freedom.

>> No.1424539

When mommies and daddies get old, anon, they are too tired to continue working. And sometimes they even get very sick. So that's a reason why you need to save money too

>> No.1424542

Are you arguing against empiricism?
There's no other meaningful basis for knowledge, which is why we accept it despite its flaws.

>> No.1424562

i don't accept what you miscellaneous hodgepodge of butchered , then regurgitated freshmen philosophy 101 word-salad that you just attempted to put forth as "knowledge"

if that helps.

>> No.1424573

I see you're confusing philosophy with the scientific method.

>> No.1424574
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good goy

>> No.1424579
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i think ur confusing me , with someone who gives a fuck about the shit you say.

>> No.1424583

Whatever you say, reverend.

>> No.1424591

you're still doing it.

>> No.1424594

And you're still replying :^)

>> No.1424603

loop: {
till your done.

>> No.1424977

No i didnt

>> No.1424999

If you thought it was about Tyler Durden the Fight Club leader and not the narrator's lack of control, you misinterpreted it.

>> No.1425112

How do you figure?

>> No.1425129

i thought it was a nihilistic essay on why you shouldnt be confined by social trappings because life has no intrinsic value
>"were all part of the same compost heap"
its not that he lacks control its that he gives it up in face of this ralization. the movie isnt very subtle about this they literally shout just let go and he wrecks his car for no goddam reason other than he no longer values his or anyone elses life. the split personality was just a framing device for this idea. Take a lit class fag

>> No.1425148

i pity you .

>> No.1425181

Oh boy you sure got me, I fell right into that bait :^)

>> No.1425204

if you actually read the book you would know that he wasnt driving the car. its only that way in the movie.
take a lit class and actually read the books.

>> No.1425206

>he wasnt driving the car
Ed Norton was, right?

>> No.1425209

I did read the book. Thats why I said it happened that way in the movie. Movies dumb things down for plebs like you faggot

>> No.1425501

So why did he chose to stop Tyler from regaining complete control if nothing mattered :^)

"I Am Jack's Complete Lack of Surprise"

It was about the self destructive tendencies we tend to take on when we feel powerless and out of control. It was the complete opposite of nihilism senpai. The "I'm Jack's xyz" thing should have been a pretty big tip off for you. They were literal moments when the two characters desires were the same and the brain registered it as a synchronicity.

>> No.1425549

A good place to live with good healthy nutritious food is about it. Then spare money so you don't look like a bum around your friends when you are being social + travel money.

Anything else is shilling for the jew

>> No.1426897
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Biological advancements for our bodies.
-Control of ovules and sperm production.
-Control of body temperature.
-Control of hormones and chemicals within our body.
-Separation of mind from body. (no more pain, no more accidental heart attacks, no more body-related anxiety)
-Control of both subconscious and conscious
-Production of extra neuronal pathways.
-Increased cognitive abilities.
-Increased memory.
-Increased learning abilities.
-Newfound talents.
-Complete control of our mental states - euphoria, happiness, sadness, anger, jealousy, regret, satisfaction, etc.

-No need for oxygen.
-Immunity to radiation.
-Endless energy.
-No more need for food.
-Energy form.

>> No.1426913
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Modification of personality traits. In reality we are born with a few personality traits which we evolve later on, sadly some people have some very lackluster personality traits which are unable to mature. That's why changing personalities would be a breakthrough science discovery.

As for more biological related advacements:
Production of an ozone layer. - something we need in order to terra-form planets.
Rapid growth of trees and independent oxygen production.
Full control of the weather and climate - Antarctica and Africa will be just like Brazil and Europe.
Exponentially expanding cells. These cells would allow for construction and ways to plant trees for more oxygen.
A modified type of air which is poisonous to specific breeds of insects.
A new breed of creatures which are naturally morally correct and helpful.

>> No.1426915

are you high

>> No.1426931

I'm from /pol/ with the space elevator threads.

>> No.1427002

Why don't you get off biz and start claiming your autism bux then?

>> No.1427126
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>> No.1427174

>freedom is superficial and selfish
>Good goy, you OWE your boss. Your freedom isn't a given right, it's a privilege given out by US.

I didn't make the game, I'm just playing it a certain way to achieve what I want.

>> No.1427178



no wonder you're so dumb.

you cant read.

>> No.1427182
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>> No.1427565

I could probably buy Marianas Trench with enough money.