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File: 15 KB, 500x320, sgs-gdp.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14239690 No.14239690 [Reply] [Original]

How have they been able to hide an economic depression for two decades?

>> No.14239704

>muh gdp
kill yourself

>> No.14239734

The media is controlled by the same (((chosen people))) who control the central banks and centrally plan the "economy".

>> No.14239792

As long as there is no sudden crash and instead a slower decline in standard of living most people won't realize what is happening. Think of the slowly boiled frog scenario.

>> No.14239958
File: 11 KB, 300x231, kike who hates Jesus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We do NOT manage Earth as a prison planet for aliens, you filthy anti-Semite!

Laughing out loud!

>> No.14239991

Oh wow they made a bunch of charts based on nothing that makes everything look much worse. Incredible work

>> No.14240106

>(((Based on nothing)))
The standard of living for average americans has undoubtably gone down since the early 00s. High suicide. High homeless. High obesity. Declining labor participation. Declining home ownership. Millenials lower net worth than boomers at same age.

>> No.14240211

While that may be true, it doesn't change the fact that the numbers on that site are completely made up. It's the same old scam as places like zerohedge - just prophecy doom and disaster non-stop for years and years and you can build a reputation based on that, and then maybe one day you'll even be right by accident

>> No.14240359
File: 14 KB, 500x320, sgs-cpi(2).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shadowstats numbers reflect reality far more than official government numbers. I think we can agree on that.

Like do you really believe the inflation rate has been hovering at 2% over the past 2 decades? When gas prices and rents have gone up hundreds of percent

>> No.14240370

Yeah shadowstats may have their own motive (they are for profit after all). But still more accuratr than gov numbers

>> No.14240546

>I think we can agree on that.
No, we absolutely can't. Just look at that chart, it says inflation has averaged something like 10% since fucking 2000. That would mean things are SIX TIMES more expensive than they were in 2000. Really? Has your income gone up by 6x, or are you just buying only 1/6th of the stuff you did back then?
I haven't looked at the site since I found out about it 5 years or so ago and saw that it was a complete joke, but I'll bet they also have a "shadow stat" that nominal wages have gone down over that period. You can probably make a strong case based on the numbers on that site that 95% of the US population has clearly already starved to death, and the entire country is just a Truman show thing the CIA is doing for your benefit. How do you know there are really 300 million people in the country? It's just government statistics after all, maybe there are really only 3 million of us left.
>Like do you really believe the inflation rate has been hovering at 2% over the past 2 decades?
Anecdotally based on the prices I've been paying, it seems like inflation has been higher than 2%, but not by much. Maybe 3% or so. But since I'm only one person who's lived in just a couple of areas, I have no way of knowing what the numbers "really" are for the whole country. However based on what I can see with my own eyes I have no reason to particularly doubt the government statistics.