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14236554 No.14236554 [Reply] [Original]

I'm taking these. Goodbye cruel world.

>> No.14236566

see you in 10 hours.

>> No.14236577

You won't be missed.

>> No.14236580

I get the liquid melatonin and put it on a slice of bread. Before this I was taking 8 Tylenol PMs a day/night. Almost killed myself one evening on them, LMAO!

>> No.14236592

>still falling for the nootropic meme

>> No.14236602
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>> No.14236638

I live in a heavily wooded compound and have dropped Herbalife associates with a 357 rifle because they are drug pushing terrorists.

>> No.14237476 [DELETED] 

Goodnight, OP.
However, as an alternative to spending money on supplementing melatonin, I suggest you look into biologically active peptides; peptides of the pineal gland repair damaged amino acid sequences in you DNA and act as signalling agents that your body only uses when necessary, naturally indefinitely restore your body's regular melatonin production to the right amount, at the right time. Your cognitive faculties and immune functions will improve, your organs will function better, your risk of various different types of cancer will go down, and you may live much longer as a result of the restoring of the length of your telomeres; Epitalon (Ala—Glu—Asp—Gly) and Pinealon (Glu—Asp—Arg) are known sequences that can easily be produced synthetically, and Endoluten is a natural pineal gland extract of various peptides that works wonders. They can be pricey, but they're definitely worth it.
Biologically active peptides are a critical component in the future of medicine; BPC-157 (one-letter amino acid code GEPPPGKPADDAGLV)—a peptide sequence isolated from a parent protein sequence located in the stomach lining—is another example of a side-effect free peptide that simply assists your body's natural healing process, indefinitely restoring various parts of your body to a normal state. Digestive disorders, central nervous system disorders, and muscle injuries have been treated with BPC-157.




>> No.14237508 [DELETED] 

Goodnight, OP.
However, as an alternative to spending money on supplementing melatonin, I suggest you look into biologically active peptides; peptides of the pineal gland repair damaged amino acid sequences in your DNA and act as signalling agents that your body only uses when necessary, which naturally indefinitely restores your body's regular melatonin production to the right amount, at the right time. Your cognitive faculties and immune functions will improve, your organs will function better, your risk of various different types of cancer will go down, and you may live much longer as a result of the restoring of the length of your telomeres; Epitalon (Ala—Glu—Asp—Gly) and Pinealon (Glu—Asp—Arg) are known sequences that can easily be produced synthetically, and Endoluten is a natural pineal gland extract of various peptides that works wonders. They can be pricey, but they're definitely worth it.
Biologically active peptides are a critical component in the future of medicine; BPC-157 (one-letter amino acid code GEPPPGKPADDAGLV)—a peptide sequence isolated from a parent protein sequence located in the stomach lining—is another example of a side-effect free peptide that simply assists your body's natural healing process, indefinitely restoring various parts of your body to a normal state. Digestive disorders, central nervous system disorders, and muscle injuries have been treated with BPC-157.




>> No.14237521

Goodnight, OP.
However, as an alternative to spending money on supplementing melatonin, I suggest you look into biologically active peptides; peptides of the pineal gland repair damaged amino acid sequences in your DNA and act as signalling agents that your body only uses when necessary, which naturally indefinitely restores your body's regular melatonin production to the right amount, at the right time. Your cognitive faculties and immune functions will improve, your organs will function better, your risk of various different types of cancer will go down, and you may live much longer as a result of the restoring of the length of your telomeres; Epitalon (Ala—Glu—Asp—Gly) and Pinealon (Glu—Asp—Arg) are known sequences that can easily be produced synthetically, and Endoluten is a natural pineal gland extract of various peptides that works wonders. They can be pricey, but they're definitely worth it.
Biologically active peptides are a critical component in the future of medicine; BPC-157 (one-letter amino acid code GEPPPGKPADDAGLV)—a peptide sequence isolated from a parent protein sequence located in the stomach lining—is another example of a side-effect free peptide that simply assists your body's natural healing process, indefinitely restoring various parts of your body to a normal state. Digestive disorders, central nervous system disorders, and muscle injuries have been treated with BPC-157.




>> No.14237637

5htp made me feel absolutely horrible like my brain was melting. anyone else?

>> No.14237649

>amino acid sequences in your DNA
You should be ashamed of yourself.

>> No.14237688

Sleep well fren, hopefully you feel well rested by morning. Unless your dosing them with meth too. Then you're either in for an all night wanking sesh or, if the melatonin is properly dosed (protip: it isn't) a mild case of serotonin syndrome.

>> No.14237723

You can eat the whole melatonin bottle without feeling anything other than a little drowsy. The 5htp will give you seretonin syndrome

>> No.14237813
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oh, belieeeeve me when i say that i am
a guy as fucked in his fucking head as me can only get so much info out of reading wikipedia

>> No.14237900

Rest in sleep

>> No.14237975

Based /k/ schizo

>> No.14238030
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Pussy. Take some real shit and go out in style.

>> No.14238071

I take 5 htp. I can't tell if it works.

>> No.14238102

It doesn't.

>> No.14238351

>he wants to kys instead of listening to songs from one the best musical decades ever

>> No.14238419

jesus christ dude, just smoke some weed

>> No.14238449


>> No.14238462

5-htp will modify the function of your heart. It will most definitely add muscles to it that aren't supposed to be there. Stop taking these pills. At least ask a specialist beforehand.

>> No.14238836

Good night anon, cause you're about to get tucked in

>> No.14239017

Can confirm. Seratonin Syndrome is the closest thing to hell you’ll ever experience in the land of the living.

>> No.14239114

I must have only had a mild case. For me it was just like a cluster headache/migraine that rose in intensity for 3-4 hours and I couldn't stop sweating, I took a cold bath and heated the water up 3 degrees kek. Benzo withdrawal was much more hellish and lasted years, but I guess I only have myself (and big pharma) to blame for that.

>> No.14239558


>> No.14239966

The italians really were a powerhouse in 80s

>> No.14240056
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This, it induce cardiac fibrosis, a well known pathology among plantin banana eaters.
I studied this heavily during a 100 hours amethyltriptilyne trip, so you can trust me.

>> No.14240936

Based peptide poster

>> No.14241893

Original Peptide poster here, this Peptide poster is also very based IMHO.