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14236496 No.14236496[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

boomer here looking to see what methods you anons use for boosting testosterone levels? have tried no fap with little results, not looking to get on ointments that cause hulk rage. been exercising and lost a ton of weight but need to boost t to bulk up. I heard some foods like avocados and onions help?

>> No.14236521

Eat plenty of onions

>> No.14236544

just go online and buy some actual test. how stupid are you. test boosters are fake.

>> No.14236549

Lift heavy and hiit twice a day, plenty of sleep, no fap, intermittent fasting, keto paleo diet with lots of fat, sunlight/vit d

If that doesn’t get your test levels above 800 I’m sorry but you’re a piece of genetic trash and weren’t meant to make it

>> No.14236565

this. fasting and lifting HEAVY does affect my overall mood.

>> No.14236582

Lie and say you took oral steroids while they were sold over the counter to teenagers years ago, say you were always too embarrassed to get your levels checked because of being young and all the sides of low t.

>> No.14236601

I got tested at 380 ng/dl.
Is that good?

>> No.14236645

Pregnenolone and dhe

>> No.14236695

Urine Therapy

>> No.14236725


>> No.14236982

Does a regular doctor test you? Or you have to go to a special test dr?

>> No.14237015

Just FYI, everything you will hear ITT is probably going to trash your energy levels and lower your test, rather than "boost" it.

In practice, you will raise your test (which might not literally be what you are asking for anyway) by:

> being rested, relaxed, MODERATELY active (overtraining is rampant and trendy these days, and will castrate you)
> eating lots
>>> injecting it into your fucking body

all the larping shit about fasting and destroying yourself with over-exercise, fasting, low carbs etc is just cope from newfags who joined the gym yesterday and read some literal troll articles that got popular.

>> No.14237035

Doesn’t fasting stop production in way of having nothing to metabolize? That coupled with lifting might have some results but I’d imagine it’s just the lifting.

>> No.14237039

This. Buying LINK is good alternative

>> No.14237044

Raw pastured eggs, avocado, coconut meat, grass fed high fat steak, beyond osteo FX supplement, hiit basketball.

>> No.14237061

No it helps shrink the belly fat everyone has in America from eating all the time. Belly fat is a test killer.

>> No.14237065

this anon.
if your levels of test are on the ground just go see a dr and tell him youd like him to prescribe some actual test and shoot it up your ass.

>> No.14237118

only use castile soap. big corp brands have parabens and pthalates in them.
eliminate $ 0 y from your diet. read labels, they sneak that shit in there.
stop drinking beer. beer contains phytoestrogens.
eliminate dairy.
drink only distilled water.
if you do these things, T will rise. you're welcome.

>> No.14237136

i went to a lab and got tested there.
jerked off reight before the test though, so that might have impacted my results.

>> No.14237151

As already said lift heavy and squat a lot. If you are strong you will have good test.
Really consider if you want to go down the steroid route, you will have to pump yourself full of chemicals and then have to deal with losing the god mode after going off cycle and slowly devolving back. The alternative is to always stay on, but then you will always be dependent for the rest of your life.

>> No.14237580

supps to boost t naturally:
- ashwagandha
- fenugreek

>> No.14237840

>enough sleeps
>low stress levels
>staying active (cardio !!)
>balanced diet (get your micros)
I think thats about it,do not fall for the memes.
Onio.ns will NOT make you more manly

>> No.14237919


>> No.14237939

your levels don't fucking matter. it's just a number that is a snapshot in time. if you're diet and exercise is on point you need to go by how you feel.

>> No.14238087

Unironically s o y.

>> No.14238111

Cold showers, lifting (this is the most significant), eat meat (preferably farm raised), avoid onions, ESPECIALLY avoid hops. Also stop fapping more than once a week

>> No.14238119

Pine pollen concentrate is dope. Muscles can tell

>> No.14238218

Intermittent fasting does wonders for maintaining muscle while losing fat. Low bodyfat leads to lower estrogen and higher test production.

>> No.14238244

Normal levels are 270 to 1070 ng/dL so you are on the very low end. Eat an onion, get some sun, and do some heavy lifting, boy.

>> No.14238314

Just become a nigger or a spic. Us white men are meant to have low test alongside the chinks.

>> No.14238570

day 3 of no fap and it's really killing me. Last night I edged for a minute but didn't cum, I don't think it's been this bad in the past. I really do have an addiction to porn.

>> No.14238674

I did some serious research after some bitch at work, who is a nutrition major, said IMF doesn't raise T-levels. The sweet spot is about 20 hours and 4 hour feeding period. Anything longer than that and the levels do start to decrease. One could potentially always stay in a heightened state by just fasting every 2-3 days. Idk what the fuck they are teaching people in school, but she also said cold showers don't raise the levels either. I told her I'd bring sources. Lol

>> No.14238831

Hol up. When my wife was breastfeeding fenugreek nearly doubled her milk supply. That to me says prolactin.
Prolactin murder test

>> No.14238852
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My test is way higher when I eat fast food garbage every day for lunch like burgers and fries. Can someone explain this? I also only gained 8 pound in two months of eating fast food every day. (I lift 1hr and or run 3 miles almost every day)

>> No.14238870

Literally just believe that you already have high test
It's magic

>> No.14238908

Take zinc pills daily.

>> No.14238911

>Avoid onions.
In case of confusion our free speech board changes S0i to onions

>> No.14238937

having adequate vitamin D3 in your systems is needed for optimal T levels. Vitamin D3 is also a hormone. if you are low vit D3 ( most people are ) and you supplement it you can get high from it when you start. Also they did a scientific test and found out people with low vitamin D have on average a 25% lower T level.

so you can gain 25% by getting enough sun/vitamin D

>> No.14238955

oh yes.

carnivore diet also boosted my levels significaintly.

also join this discord for more tips: NhDv3wX

>> No.14238965

basically true. Most supps either don't work or blow up your estrogen fast (like hcg or DAA or tongkat). Lean muscle mass, healthy BMI and vigorous intermittent exercise are basically all you can do without juicing.

>> No.14238984

jerking off has no effect on T levels.

>> No.14239025

theres much more you can do actually. but its all just defence against the atttacks of modern society.

you wouldn't need to do any of that shit if you lived in the middle of nowhere. where there are no constant attacks on your system like chemicals, radiation. etc etc. thats also why bush men have much higher T levels.

>> No.14239030

>vigorous intermittent exercise
You mean like sprints?

>> No.14239081

Focus on eating just well marbled fat grass fed finished ribeye all day everyday. If not grilled, the cooked in butter not olive oil.
Also get rid of shampoos body wash deodorant etc that lowers test. Use real soap like Castile soap to wash hair and skin. Rinse hair with apple cider vinegar to get it out. Use baking soda with water to make paste for deoderant.
Do a quick sprint workout (3 to 5 times running as fast as you possibly can for at least 10 seconds preferably uphill)
And of course compound lifts and dont eat S O Y


>> No.14239154

Do not consume onions.

>> No.14239238

>Onio.ns will NOT make you more manly
Bull fucking shit
I regained regular morning wood after just two days of eating raw red onion

>> No.14239267

Some of those lactation-enducing/enhancing drugs shoot up the estrogen levels in the milk. Don't drink it and don't use them

>> No.14239270


>> No.14239284

Holy shit. What about onions

>> No.14239289
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>> No.14239297
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>HIIT twice a day
I do sprint HIIT workouts. How the fuck do you recover to do it 2x a day? Or you don't go hard? How much effort (e.g. sprinting at 80% of your max speed) should I put in to get maximum returns?

>> No.14239320

You have a source? Not calling you out even, legitimately interested.

>> No.14239384

The low T meme is a big pharma ploy. It reminds me of the (((extremely safe))) estrogen pills for women to avoid menopause in the 1980s... Except they later found out that the estrogen caused extremely aggressive breast cancer, and many died for big pharma profits.

Enjoy your prostate cancer, low self-esteem zoomers

>> No.14239420

no way that guy does HIIT twice a day everyday and can walk the next morning

>> No.14239508

Onions and avocados are good. Whole eggs and organic meats also.

Get unheated honey and bee pollen and start eating half a jar a day and 4 scoops of bee pollen. You’re test will sky rocket. Don’t believe me. Research it yourself, st bare minimum di for at least 2 weeks for an experiment you won’t be let down. But you have to buy raw unheated honey. You get the wrong stuff the honey will store as fat.

>> No.14239539

Try lifting the gold you hoard. Lifting raises T naturally

>> No.14239682
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Ask the doctor to check your thyroid, fren

I had zero fucking energy and my dick stopped working. I was popping supplements to get my test up and getting fucked up, but turned out my thyroid was just not working

>> No.14239812

Cold showers are great too. I do IF for 18:6 so I'm close to that optimum.

>> No.14239862

just looked it up, dairy products which largely come from cows milk contain estrogens, this is because when female cows are lactating they are producing lots of female sex hormones and they are soluble in milk; so consuming dairy will raise your female hormone levels and there is evidence that this simultaneously lowers T levels, dairy also usually contains zinc though which has been shown to increase T levels, and to add some anecdote, i drink milk and eat greek yogurt daily (eat lots of eggs, poultry, nuts and fruits/veggies too, no s o y) and lift weights every day, before i started lifting i struggled to get erections from porn, now i just think about a hot female body and im diamonds

>> No.14240788

you found it. also, it leads to weight gain which lowers T ...it's essentially sugar and fat meant for baby cows with 4 stomachs, not humans

>> No.14241026


Consult your doctor and get some blood work done.

>> No.14241030

If you really dont care about your body then you can order tranny pills online, get your test levels checked, pretend that you have no idea why you have no test, play along until you get prescribed test