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File: 1.74 MB, 2700x1793, Air_Force_Academy_Oath_of_Office.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1423373 No.1423373 [Reply] [Original]

>Not going to one of the military service academies
>Not getting the free equivalent to an Ivy League Education (West Point is the best engineering college)
>Not riding that officer money for four years
>Not owning houses on multiple continents through your VA loans that you rent out when you get reassigned to a new base
>Not getting that free law or medical degree once you're out thanks to the GI bill

I guess if you're some kind of pussy who doesn't want to have a military adventure in your 20's not doing this makes sense.

>> No.1423381

I wanna get bukake'd on by a bunch of military boys :3

>> No.1423382


Then the Navy is perfect for you!

>> No.1423389

Enjoy your ROTC experience followed by four years in Kansas.

>> No.1423446


> not getting your balls shot off
> not getting locked inside a burning metal box
> not getting your legs ripped off and your spine smashed

Feels good man.

>> No.1423561

then you should just do it .

honestly , how hard do you think that could be?

>> No.1423617

USMA 2011 here working for BofA now. AMA

>> No.1423639

Ask the recruiter for a job with lots of sea men.

>> No.1423646

why did u pick such a mediocre company to work for?

>> No.1423651

Because I make $90k, work 8-5, get weekends and bank holidays off and don't do anything too different than what I did in the Army. Oh, and not having to deploy is pretty cool too.

>> No.1423659

Meme magic at work you fucking tool

>> No.1423791

>all military personnel are infantry

>> No.1423804

not everyone has access to that shit man. i would have loved to get at west point. couldnt join military tho and couldnt afford college after high school. doing ok now tho starting school soon

>> No.1423808

Does it ever bother you that you're a huge fucking POG?

>> No.1423810


>> No.1423811
File: 20 KB, 468x286, you die now.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

americucks really need to bribe their citizens with all that just to fight, fucking welfarequeens

>> No.1423827

>went into military
>enlisted usmc infantry
>4 years infantry
>it sucked
>lat move to a network engineer equivalent
>33,000 bonus
>using TA
> now i have somthing to look foward to
>now i know somthing more than just..
>"pew" "pew"

>> No.1423865

Not at all. Was MI branch detailed Infantry, so did IBOLC, Stryker Leader, ARC, Ranger, and all those other hooah schools before being a PL in theater and still got a TS/SCI before getting out. People who shit on POG life are just jealous (though there's no denying the camaraderie is just better in the infantry)

>> No.1424109

I wouldn't want to be part of a military unit that gets shit on by a Republican candidate for President.

>> No.1424124

Lol that West Point is a better engineering school than Navy.

>> No.1424153


enjoy 4 years of basic training and never smashing any glorious college poon

but if you're a highschool autist military academy the greatest gift God could give you and could break you out of your destiny of wizardry

>> No.1424165

USMA cadets fuck too you know. They have female cadets who are looking to smash on weekends just as much as the guys.

>> No.1424183


>College 60% women

Shut up faggot, you clearly went to take it in the ass, sir

>> No.1424211

What is it with americans and the army? Are they just that retarded, submissive and indoctrinated? I thought they were different from the russians.

>> No.1424220


they make double the income than you do in your shit hole country

>> No.1424240

There are some pretty badass commercials. A lot of our service members are also multi-generational.

>> No.1424268

Brother went to west point.

He can't wait to leave.

>> No.1424279

It's about serving our country. We have this idea in america that we owe the country something unlike Europeans who think the govt. owes them.

Plus free college and tons of money you get out after serving your 4 (as long as you don't spend too much while serving). It also look great on a resume because companies that hire vets get bonuses for it.

>> No.1424333

It's a mutually beneficial relationship. While it can be argued that ROTC are more efficient, academy grads get a top tier education for free and a well-paying job, and the country gets line officers. And whether you agree or not, a lot of people get personal satisfaction from a job in service. Say what you want about the larger geopolitical purposes of the U.S. Military, most members genuinely have some selfless motivations and a sense of duty.

I graduated from the Naval Academy and am currently a sub officer. The pay is great and it's a difficult but rewarding job working with other intelligent people to accomplish jobs and the free education along the way was invaluable and extremely translatable into the civilian workforce.

>> No.1424358


my mama told me so

>> No.1424363

us soldiers are pussies.

if it wasn't so, why is isis still around?

>> No.1424365

my high-school educated brother makes that after working for a garbage company for six years... i think you can do better.

>> No.1424366


You forgot to switch IDs there.

>> No.1424367


>only infantry get shot at or blown up in 21st century warfare

>> No.1424368


He has perks you don't see. Namely, insurance for life (tricare), VA loans, and various other cool stuff.

Plus he has a higher ceiling for income than a guy without a college degree.

>> No.1424371
File: 34 KB, 552x414, re-re.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh, you must work for the nsa.

>> No.1424389

Oh he makes that after working for six years? That's cool. I just got out of the Army in June and started working at BofA a few weeks ago, so $90k starting isn't bad.

>> No.1424393

Eh, not quite on the Tricare thing. I only served 5 years active, so I don't qualify for that. I do have the VA though!!

Also, sadly no GI Bill for me because I only served five coming out of the academy. :(

>> No.1424402


Do you need six to get the GI BIll? It's been a while since I've looked at reqs.

>> No.1424456

Well, you need 3 years, but because my 5 years in went to pay back my 4 years at West Point, it's as if I served 0 years towards qualifying for the GI Bill. I'd have to serve 8 years active to qualify for 100% GI Bill coming out of West Point.

>> No.1424474

and be honest.
how many gi's loads did you swallow while you were at "west point"

>> No.1424487

0. Next question

>> No.1424502

think I could get into airforce officer candidate school with a 3.6 in econ?

>> No.1424507

this, well said

>> No.1424509
File: 32 KB, 165x115, ed1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lying online

you might as well just post the navy seal copypasta.

>> No.1424526

I'm not too versed on air force ocs selection criteria, but I think for the Army, you literally just have to keep asking for it at a recruiting station (plus have a college degree)

But give it a shot man. ""You miss 100% of the shots you don't take" -Wayne Gretzky" -Michael Scott"

>> No.1424532

You are a very boring person. Kinda actually sounds like you make a good fit for west point though. Still debatable out in the field though.

>> No.1424559

>A bunch of fucking women are in that picture
Probably the most embarrassing thing about western civilization at this point

>> No.1424597

Give it a break. If that was true there wouldn't be a horde of Latin Americans fighting and dying for US citizenship in Iraq and other shitholes.

Army is the male equivalent of prostitution.

>> No.1424675


> Serving our imperial government who seems hellbent on going to war with dysfunctional Muslims


>> No.1425095

>Not riding that officer money for four years

HAHAHA, you think a junior officer makes any money? There is no money in the military until it takes more money to train a replacement for you than to keep you.

Source;Current marine corps 0-1.

And free graduate degree?!?!?!?!
NO, just No. They do that for you if youre destined to be a flag officer, otherwise GI bill is nothing for officers.

Its honestly pretty safe bud, unless youre in marine corps aviation where our aircraft is literally older than my old man,

Can you hook me up with a job ya ring knocker?

Yea I would warn anyone considering it, you need to want to do this for a greater purpose, which can be hard to justify these days. Otherwise you will quickly learn you can drive for uber for the same amount of hours you will be doing shit for the service and make more money driving drunks.

not technical enough but try anyways. they need drone pilots bad. you could do marine corps OCS like me which doesnt care about gpa or major, but you better as hell be a natural leader and be a PT stud. You will be asked to lead some salty prior enlisted marines there. Had a gunny in my platoon who was finally switching to officer side. He knew the frat house joy boys when he saw them.

>> No.1425584

Lol westpoint has the worst engineering program among the academies