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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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14233098 No.14233098 [Reply] [Original]

Americans getting locked out of binance will be able to trade the binance tokens on kucoin. CZ tweeted about it and endorses it. Get ready for volume from Americans and KCS pump

>> No.14233630
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Whats the point of owning bnb if you cant use it?

>> No.14233704

>use it


>> No.14233946

>Whats the point of owning bnb if you cant use it?
The value of BNB is tied to the different use cases that Binance comes up with: IEOs, Binance Chain, Binance DEX etc. Assuming you can access Binance, you can still buy BNB through KuCoin to speculate on the value. That's the point

>> No.14234727

But burgers cant use bnb

>> No.14234743

But burgers cant use bnb, thats the point

>> No.14234755

LOOOOOL to all the ppl who sold BNB cheap
we continue going up from here

>> No.14234758
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>what's the value of tulip bulbs?

>> No.14234915

But burgers cant use bnb, thats the point

>> No.14235787

Buy it to sell it for more. Other people will still buy it for its intended use case. Reminder that nobody cares about tech or function. And also that not everything on binance chain will be bnb

>> No.14235913
File: 247 KB, 1242x1735, humble_shitcoin_salesman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get in now faggots! this is the next binance, and it gives out dividends.

>> No.14235971

You have a fundamental misunderstanding, I suggest you re-read what I said

>> No.14236713

I can't imagine unironically not buying KCS after this major announcement. This sets it apart from all the other shitcoin exchanges and gives it an actual use case for regular traders.

Have fun holding link while it slowly dumps, 4chan

>> No.14236736

They stopped giving out user bonuses. Had 500 ppl under me. Chinks gon chink.

>> No.14236757

And what is the point of all that? What can it be used for besides speculating on more shitcoins?

>> No.14236808
File: 43 KB, 450x342, A6813A61-F9B7-424E-896C-6DDAA1A9FF24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im good on all these exchanges, senpai.

Im gonna simply take muh daily FOREX gains and market buy LINK on IDEX like grown autists do.

>> No.14237198

STFU faggot

>> No.14238271

Nobody cares about use cases, they care about profits. Stop pretending you're in it for the tech