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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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14232355 No.14232355 [Reply] [Original]

On June 13, Google Cloud partnership with Chainlink to create hybrid blockchain and cloud applications and now ThunderCore announces its partnership with Chainlink.

This coin is unstoppable guys.

Linked TA shows we're at the bottom of the right inverted shoulder. Best time to get in before the pump.

>> No.14232364

ThunderCock amirite ?
Link a scam

>> No.14232374

>Google Cloud partnership
Never happened

>> No.14232377
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>> No.14232380

Is google also a scam?

>> No.14232391

ok google, whats the price of ethereum?

>> No.14232395
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oh boy

>> No.14232406

I was merely pretending, fren. Bumping your thread.

>> No.14232411

ThunderCore is based in Ethereum. A partnership is not a big deal.

>> No.14232412
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>> No.14232418

You fuckwit. At this point you are either:
A) Too degenerate to realize they are using Chainlink as a product


B) Are coping.


C) A retarded oldfag fudder/trannie

>> No.14232428
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The link FUDers can succ my lil cock

>> No.14232472

Lmfao - you are a utter retard. They literally said that anyone can use a service. Google responded to a ChainLink proposed use by saying it can happen, but by that definition literally and shitshow could.
I can as well, does that mean ..... I JUST PARTNERD WITH GOOGLE??? SHIT ANON, I WILL BE $99999 EOY??

>> No.14232478

Sorry sir but it is you who has been confirmed a retard.
You either got brainwashed and or are just trying to sell yours bags so you don't make a loss

>> No.14232486


>> No.14232495

"one of the great companies integrating chainlink into their approach"
Chainlink never said partnership, only moonbois

>> No.14232498

Cringe and copepilled

>> No.14232499

It's not even a partner of Google Cloud dude. A Google Cloud Partner is a cloud tech expert who helps customers build on Google Cloud Platform. Chainlink can't be a partner by any means.

>> No.14232503

Wrecked and checked

>> No.14232509

>literal blogpost by a guy who is paid to market to developers saying "here's an example of using your favourite worthless shitcoin on Google cloud"
>this is a partnership according to linkies

>> No.14232519

wince and dumbasspilled

>> No.14232530

So many ppl here who dont want to make money.

>> No.14232536

>google announces theyre using chainlink
>the best fud the bored neets of /biz/ can come up with is UUUH NO THEYRE NOT

>> No.14232544

this post shows how tech illiterate linkies are

>> No.14232563

>youre wrong because i said so

>> No.14232575

Show me a TA that proves it isnt going to increase in value in the next 24 hours and I'll change my position.

This coin has lots of room to grow.

>> No.14232585

>in b4 memelines drawn on a cmc chart

>> No.14232601

only a nigger wouldn't own a few thousand LINK

>> No.14232615

Bad TA =/= Proof

>> No.14232619


>> No.14232661

Cope harder nigger faggot

>> No.14232665

>imagine being this assblasted
Sucks to miss the train buddy. Xddd
Fuck the moon, we are going straight to Jupiter.

>> No.14232678

Gunna go start our own solar system, with Blackjack and Hookers.

>> No.14232695

>and or are
Ranjeesh you must to shit in street now

>> No.14232884

Bullish MA crossovers coming in on next hourly. Dont miss it.

>> No.14232953

It's not a concept you fag, the article shows an actual build that you can use right fucking now

>> No.14233003

Why is no one checking your dubs and the objectively sound statement? Really makes you think.

>> No.14233106
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>checking your dubs
O baby

>> No.14233138

They partnered with Google in much the same way your mom is "partnered" with valtrex.

>> No.14233167

So Google needs LINK daily then?

>> No.14233189


>> No.14233239

Price pumping and volume dropping, what

>> No.14233308

bears in disbelief

>> No.14234210

you don't even have an idea what "partnership is, brainlet.
It's better then partnership, it's integration, meaning google is a customer of chainlink. google literally bent the knee.

>> No.14234245
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you got me good, you fucker

>> No.14234364

your lines are shit, you forgot to take the first sell off into consideration. Pro tip, you are not looking at a pennant and not at a bearfalg

>> No.14234428
File: 182 KB, 1331x870, chainlink meme lines.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

btw, here are my meme lines
I expect a 68 retracement, not sure if it holds or if bulls are not going to make bear flag out of the bull flag

>> No.14234455

Try harder

>> No.14234487

Already priced in. Everyone already knows about the Google partnership.
How much is a Google partnership worth? Well, about $1.90

>> No.14234677

I think I smell hopium
Lay down the crack pipe and do some risk management

>> No.14234704

Oh no no no, that is an absolute lie.
It was just a blog post, not an endorsement or anything like that.

I'm reporting that thread lmao

>> No.14234787


> google themselves say that they're integrating chainlink into their smartcontract approach
Why is the fud so terrible now? Has link rotted the brains of swinglinkers and driven them insane? Or is this just what happens when pajeets huff too much gutter jenkem?

>> No.14234846
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>> No.14234933

Lie? Read it faggot.
But keep fuding, i want more of them sweet sweet links

>> No.14234960

Tiresome agreed
There is nothing I can read that will change my mind about link
Even if Sergey himself called link a scam

>> No.14234986

Vitalik straight out said Eth was a scam, and the price just rose.