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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 739 KB, 498x357, tenor.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14231935 No.14231935 [Reply] [Original]

i wanna kill myself every time I see rappers. they are literally the ones that dont have a shit job

they get paid metric fucktons to just look cool as fuck. they get paid to look cool as fuck. their whole life is perfect. everyone else has to do demeaning shit, hard as fuck shit, take risks, become nerds where they sit around all day getting fat and becoming weak to make money

not these fuckers. just stumble into money. look like bad ass gang bangers every day. nothing embarrassing or shitty. just millions of dollars to look like cool ass thugs and we all have to do demeaning or nerdy sad shit or wagecucking or some shit

>> No.14231960

i unironically put my rapper money into crypto

>> No.14231982

why are there so many failed rappers?

>> No.14231993

A lot of them dies and go to jail. They want success harder than you and at almost any price be it on their family or society.
Go sell crack, save a million bucks and spend it all on producers, videos and a lifestyle.

>> No.14232024

That's exactly what they were designed to make you feel. Now go see your doctor and get on antidepressants goy

>> No.14232036

Go to bed kevin

>> No.14232125
File: 80 KB, 540x810, a7ee5be400792892e207ce979d992f0b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This kills the nazi

Your white women know they need men with proper equipment

>> No.14232149

who's kevin

>> No.14232151

If it makes you feel any better, the whole scene is built on extreme larping - how many successful rappers who have lyrics about pimping and killing niggas and with gold-plated AKs do you think actually have done so? The image of the rapper lifestyle comes from their music videos, but the supercars are always rented and Cribs is infamous for having most of the homes being rented for the episode.

>> No.14232172

Anyone who thinks rappers look and act cool is a fucking child.

>> No.14232186

Supply and demand

>> No.14232324

I know thats all I want and they are god damn rich enough for me to be happy

>> No.14233008

how much you think they make? you clearly haven't sucked enough dick, how you think they get there

>> No.14233026

they are just lucky as fuck the sooner you accept it the better there is no illuminati cult gay rape by jewish sound engineers thats all cartoon bull shit

>> No.14233110

>look like bad ass gang bangers every day. nothing embarrassing or shitty
kek have you seen a rapper recently
also this. op is literally a kid
>cool as fuck
>cool as fuck
>demeaning shit
>hard as fuck shit
>fuck shit fuck
you sound like a rapper already op

>> No.14233111
File: 548 KB, 1272x1361, 82B0A61D-BAD7-46CD-B3C2-FBBA3C92D7BC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14233141


>> No.14233143

based and rappilled

>> No.14233268


yall white people some god damn fucking retards I swear to god you probably in your white ass minds actually think this isn't cool somehow

>> No.14233282
File: 57 KB, 550x467, pepe_kekking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14233286

You mean niggers.
I don't envy them, they disgust me, they are the sign society is rotten and all values have been inverted.
In any healthy culture this shit would be ostracized.

>> No.14233302
File: 70 KB, 750x750, 47c8b211ac1d238534cc736addf93bb4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know you would cut your balls off to be a thug fucking hot girls and making millions of dollars bitch boy

>> No.14233310

>cut your balls off
>fucking hot girls
>won't be able to cum without balls

>> No.14233354

Go post on b my guy

>> No.14233361

>produce beats every day
>no one relevant has used any yet
>don't really know how to sell them or market myself

how do I become more profitable making beats /biz/?

>> No.14233364

>this little faggot he's a millionaire

>> No.14233374

producing didn't work for me and im glad it didn't if you notice the producers are the betas of trap

they are all nerdier and fatter and just act more like betas than the rappers themselves. at least be a business mogul or something

>> No.14233382


>> No.14233397

Remember that you will always be a nigger.
Like a tick on white people backs, if it wasn't for them having invented every single thing around you then you would still be in the Savannah eating shit straight from a cow anus because your lazy low IQ race can't even into bronze age agriculture, let alone civilization.
You are basically pets, kept around by westerners to make them feel good about themselves and entertain them like little monkeys at a fair wearing silly clothes, dancing and making little noises with your lips.

>> No.14233469

your ancestors didn't do anything for civilization just like niggers. only a few people in the history achieved something. you are also a nigger with white skin.

>> No.14233521

Only the small % of top rappers are actually rich, you know that right? And those guys are talented, lucky, and smart.
Surprisingly just like top % of any industry.
Who would've thunk, maybe you just suck ass OP.

>> No.14233679

Nigger cope with worthless ancestors who sit on their asses for the last 5000 years when white men built cathedrals and landed on the moon.

>only a few people in the history achieved something.
Nigget brain, civilization does not work like that.
Inventors, scholars or scientists don't spawn out of the void, they are enabled by their environment, by their culture, by their people, they sit on the shoulder of a giant that Western civilization is, a giant that was built through generations of grind for incremental gains by hundreds of millions of anonymous individuals, from something as basic as building a paved road or a sewer system to writing poems or composing symphonies.

Great men are merely the symbols of the Zeitgeist they lived in, we use them to personalize an era but advancements are much more holistic, you would know this if you ever opened a book about science or art history.

If Newton was born in Nigeria do you think he would have invented calculus? No because it's a nigger infested hellhole where they didn't even have food security, let alone books, schools or universities to channel his potential.


>> No.14233680

who fucking cares about that, I'm a white guy who likes making beats and just wants to make money from it

unless you're black, or actually a talented white guy (see post malone, peep, bladee) you have no place being a rapper

>> No.14233687

I am black dude

>> No.14233738
File: 353 KB, 604x630, E4B62484-63CB-45AF-A8D6-7CF446DB91F5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m white and this guy is toxic af. Tyrone stole his gf back in high school and he never did get over it. Imagine going through life being this race tilted.

>> No.14233771

lets collab

>> No.14233778
File: 112 KB, 306x306, A16ACA7C-BF5A-4109-8F19-DE660727EB43.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being jealous of niggers

>> No.14233986


are you actually saying that if you're black you can be a rapper without being talented?

>> No.14234004

>muh environment
an avarage white person (ie your ancestors) was a threat for scientific improvements. they were killing and burning smart people just because they were saying stuff against their primitive religion. just like you, you are a threat for better, developed, peaceful world right now.

you are trying to get credits from successful tiny minority yet probably you can't even solve a basic trigonometry problem.

pathetic. even niggers know their position.

>> No.14234016

black white rich poor talented retarded it doesn't matter it all comes down to social media clout.

you dont need talent a rich jew sound engineer can just have you record verses 30000 times until you get it right and just edit it in there

>> No.14234050

1. Most rappers you see have just enough money for all the frivolous useless shit they buy
2. The label makes more money than they will ever dream of and Jews the artist for as much as they can via advances which are treated like loans with interest
3. The big time rappers you see have all been fucked in the anus or mouth by some big wig Jew in Hollywood

>> No.14234077

those record labels have to take risks and have high stress jobs 24/7 and are always on the job and are old and fat the rappers just get high and rake in cash at 20

>> No.14234339

social media "clout" is not going to make people think your shit sounds good no matter how many takes you do.

a good engineer and producer can only improve pitch and timing a little before it starts to sound incredibly bad and artificial. doing 30000 takes is simply practicing when the mic is on.

t. audio engineer


this, except they DONT even have the money for the shit they buy, it's just money from the record label advance, or fake, or worse: lil wayne literally borrowed gillie the kid's gold chain to wear in one of his early music videos.



>> No.14234496

fuck off retarded faggot you know nothing about my people or our culture

>> No.14235057
File: 14 KB, 416x435, You.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they were killing and burning smart people just because they were saying stuff against their primitive religion
>"muh church bad"

The absolute redditor tier understanding of history, you have no clue what you're talking about, you have the knowledge of a child you dirty shitstain.

The only people researching science and keeping knowledge during the middle-age were literally monks, Jesuits for example are the first example of a "globalized" scientific community, mathematics and astronomy is what allowed them to do missionary work in China among other places.

>you are trying to get credits from successful tiny minority yet probably you can't even solve a basic trigonometry problem.

I have a master in chemistry you piece of trash kek.
I'm superior in every aspect to you. You can't even use proper syntax you bag of feces.