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File: 120 KB, 750x663, 802906DC-558C-44D8-AD52-A0F08EDB2B4B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14227587 No.14227587 [Reply] [Original]

Another day, another excuse from the BTC cucks disproven. “LOL this fraud is scared of court”.

It could happen in a few days or weeks. But it’s going to happen.

The entire market will crash except BSV. Yet, 99% of you won’t buy even 0.5 BSV. It’s a pity but it’s great. After all, everyone can’t be rich.

>> No.14227605


>> No.14227612


>> No.14227613

Craig said he didn’t keep a record of the original addresses and submitted a request not to provide them as it would be “too burdensome” to share with the judge.

>> No.14227616

I love posts like this. Poor people are so unaware it’s hilarious.

>> No.14227630
File: 103 KB, 1280x720, v v. s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if eth stays stagnant for another week I think I'll diversify into bsv just for lulz

>> No.14227631

Give it a day or two and we’ll see what happens.

>> No.14227634

>Craig bought him off
>Calvin funded him

Craig the Cucked!

>> No.14227646

That was the request until the judge ordered him. And now he has provided atleast enough information to ascertain his bitcoin holdings, thanks to the trustees in the trust fund that he had to communicate with.

>> No.14227661

ETH and BSV are both fine. BTC is the real culprit. ETH does not pretend to be Bitcoin. BTC does. BTC will be eliminated whether you like it or not. Can’t wait for the crying racist white S-O-Yboy faces.

>> No.14227681
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If you honestly think that the ENTIRE market will crash yet some how your mental gymnastics lead you to believe that your shitcoin will some how survive and pave the way to a new future in crypto then not only do you deserve the bags that you are carrying but you deserve to be living in a homeless shelter you utter moron.

>> No.14227704

> He thinks the coin literally invented by the literal founder of the entire market and the closest to the actual description of the whitepaper will crash.

Goddamn you racists are dumb. Have sex.

>> No.14227735

Idiot. It’s not about providing a list so much as authenticating each to demonstrate ownership beyond a reasonable doubt.

Why try to get the case tossed multiple times?

>> No.14227738
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craig wears diapers and Doge wins

>> No.14227758

Racist? lol, nigger we want a decentralized coin so that we can get the kike paws off our backs. The fuck are you on about?

>> No.14227762
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Use more threats and bigger, BIGGER promises in your posts, or Jimmy is gonna buttfuck you for low-quality shilling, Rakesh!

>> No.14227785

If he lies about the addresses, he will go to jail for perjury. Any of the address owners could disprove him once the addresses are released and the document he sent over is unsealed. Also, we don’t know if he sent other information that would authenticate his holdings in that document.

Watch and learn pleb.

>> No.14227817

How the heck is Craig supposed to prove to this boomer Judge he's Satoshi if she keeps asking for things that aren't possible?

>> No.14227818

Craig Wright and is BSV supporters don’t care about race or any other BS metric like that. After all, most of the people on here are “muh superior white” and unironically are holding shitcoins like BTC. Many here have lost almost their entire holdings gambling.

We care about the best ideas. So get the fuck off this high pedestal you think you’re on. You’re not special and never will be. Contribute something to the world or shut your mouth.

>> No.14227842

nice pilpul kike

>> No.14227844

Surprisingly cogent and measures response fren. You’ll have to forgive me for the derogatory response, I get burnt out on the blatant BSV shilling that pollutes this board every waking hour.

I don’t give a flying rat’s ass if he is satoshi or not, provided he brings a superior product with better functionality and usability to the forefront than or BCH or core, he can claim to be whomever the fuck he wants.

>> No.14227870

Wasnt the list submitted to the courts by the other party? Like "heres a list of addresses craig claims to own".

>> No.14227879

I agree that Satoshi’s identity does not matter in and of itself. Superior technology will win and BSV will give you that.

Him being Satoshi will pump the price though, atleast 20-50x short term from here.

>> No.14227897

Yes. That was the original list. A list proven to be a forgery where some addresses literally had a different font than others. It was an altered list and Craig has written about this on his blog.

In this case, Craig sent over his true list of addresses himself.

Knowledge is the answer to everything. Learn more and you’ll see the truth.

>> No.14228009

>BSV supporters don’t care about race or any other BS metric like that.
Lies. I'm using my BSV gains to fund the ethnostate.

>> No.14228036

yes, 'Employees with a grudge' 'broke into cregs computer' and 'altered and or forged some of the documents there' - where it ended up, via the ATO from another case, being submitted in the Klein case. Where it sat, quite happily, until AN ACTUAL OWNER OF ONE OF THE WALLETS sent a message on one of the addresses, stating 'CSW is a fraud'. THEN the document became 'a foregery', of course.
>Knowledge is the answer to everything. Learn more and you’ll see the truth
yes, and learn to avoid shills knowingly trying to insinuate, Ira would forge documents and submit them to the court. Because, that is horseshit pure, as they well know. The path to any and every forged document in this case (and theres a few) starts and ends with creg. Funny that. Isn't it ?

>> No.14228053
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Is it a homosexual ethnostate?

>> No.14228059

No one cares about your ethnostate. Craig doesn’t give a fuck about your ethnostate you dirty filthy racist white who cleans his ass with dry toilet paper.

>> No.14228072

Ah, and I’m guessing the fonts of the addresses literally being different was just a coincidence right?

How’s it going Greg?

>> No.14228090

Fuck off nigger BSV is the ethno-coin lmao

>> No.14228136

#1 - where did the 'forged document' originate from ? - cregs office, undisputed
#2 - how long was submitted in the Kleiman case before he started claiming it was a forgery? - 1 year +
#3 - why did he suddenly start claiming it was a forgery ? - because, he had no option, after the message got sent
#4 - how likely is all this horseshit about 'disgruntled employees altering/forging shit on his computer' ? - not fucking very. Is it now

>> No.14228138

I don't give a fuck what Craig wants politically. I love the guy, but hes far too much of an SJW.

And no you aren't welcome in. We can trade and do business, but shitskins and their crime and diseases have to stay the fuck out.

>> No.14228158


>> No.14228175

80% of the bsv supply is in the hands of ultra white people how does this make you feel, nigger? the other 18% belongs to asians

>> No.14228208
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ETH will be nothing but a novelty sidechain of BitCoin (BSV), run by a handful of autistic NEETs for nostalgic purposes to play with their antique 'smart contracts' and 'chain links' like so many neckbearded cucks with nintendo emulators

>> No.14228223
File: 171 KB, 826x799, (((satoshi vision))).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BSV is a literal LGBT coin.

>> No.14228258
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Not gonna lie former Craig supporter here. It's fucking hilarious watching him crash and burn but in all seriousness we can't let him get his hands on the Bit Coins.

>> No.14228263

oh no the LGBT mafia is taking over crypto RUN RUN RUN

>> No.14228285

nchain is a bunch of disgusting faggots

>> No.14228295

Its spelled Creg dude, at least get it wright.