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14225421 No.14225421 [Reply] [Original]

So where's the best place for Ameriburgers to buy and cash out now? Coinmetro?

>> No.14225494

P-pls respond.

>> No.14225499


>> No.14225501


>> No.14225690

Why do all my threads fail.

>> No.14225741


>> No.14225754

I still use coinbase anon

>> No.14225768
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Yeah, CM is shaping up to be pretty great as they add fiat pairs. Not that Coinbase is bad, but this is a direct competitor with Coinbase and if they can handle fees in the ways they are talking about, getting in early on XCM will basically cut out a lot of the fees you'd run into. At absolute worst, it's a good way to trade the big boys without having to move to an exchange like binance or kraken. Shameless plug, but ?re(delete)f=mudrock if you wanted to try coinmetro and help a fren. But otherwise, I'd say just keep using Coinbase

>> No.14225777

Yeah but I have LINK bags.

>> No.14225835

And also link margin trading soon if you are a swing linker

>> No.14225844

Are you itching to sell before September? You can still convert on Binance until then and cash out on coinbase. After that, you could use idex, but there should be link/fiat exchanges for US before then

>> No.14225881

Coinbase or Coinmetro probably

>> No.14225905

Id color is perfect

>> No.14225914

And just to shill a bit harder, it has more useful data than Coinbase and I think the fees are lower even for buying with fiat, which can be used to buy any of their pairings I believe. So I think it's a pretty good deal

>> No.14225932

Yeah but trying explaining that on your taxes, especially since the IRS wants you to list every exchange between coins you've made.
>Lol don't put your Crypto on your taxes retard.
That is a surefire way to get fucked in the ass, especially since Coinbase bent over backwards for them.

>> No.14225940

Get out of here with your xcm shitcoin shill threads pajeet

>> No.14225963

It’s not that hard to keep track of one trade on a dex. You do you desu. Are you trying to sell soon?

>> No.14225966
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Yeah well the jerk store called. They're running out of you!

>> No.14225977

american here
anon let me be completely serious with you

there is no fucking way. NO FUCKING WAY. i could even begin to list every exchange between coins ive made

i run 2 bots on 2 different exchanges, as well as all of my manual trades
it would literally be thousands of trades

if the tax man wants to knock on my door i will thoroughly explain this to him, its not physically possible for me to produce that

>> No.14225991


>> No.14226021

and before anyone says just use my API keys to grab history

i made countless trades on cryptopia, liqui, and a few other exchanges i cant even remember that got shut down
it just is not realistic

>> No.14226029

Hey dude. Trying to be a bit helpful here. There are some tools online that will analyze trade history from your exchanges and let you know exactly how you need to pay your taxes.
>t. ran many trades with bots as well

>> No.14226043


2D > 3D

>> No.14226050

Ah I see. Well then hopefully tax man is sympathetic :(

>> No.14226089

honestly i havent even considered the tax issues yet, as i havent cashed out a dime
planning on holding for at least a few years, and im pretty sure that after a certain amount of time you dont have to pay taxes

not completely sure of the specifics at this time, but i will definitely hire someone to help me out when i do cash out in the next few years

>> No.14226159
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No, I'm a poorfag and just put little bits of money in here and there. I never sold and I've been holding for like two years now (bought right when the crash was happening) and I have no intention of selling anything for awhile. Which means I'll actually probably not get taxed too badly since I held it for more than a year (I'm rusty on my tax laws).

But it just keeps coming back to me, that I WILL sell eventually. And I'm certain the taxman will be there with his hand up my ass. It's not that I don't even want to avoid paying taxes but they made it such a pain. Especially if you're using different exchanges (I mainly use CB and Binance...I think it was Binance at least.) Then take into consideration that I was living in Europe when I purchased the coins but used an American Bank account and it all seems like one big cluster fuck.
If I ever decide to hire an accountant to deal with this in the future I am legitimately going to feel bad for him.

>> No.14226269

Don’t feel bad. I think accountants actually like that shit for some reason. Anyways don’t worry too much, keep docs of your trades, and hire an accountant when cash out time comes

>> No.14226516

Wait the IRS wants me to list every exchange between coins? Are they trying to fuck us? I won't have any money left over by the time that happens.

>> No.14227089

They want you to, but there's no way for them to enforce it since they're too stupid. For now you can mostly get away with just listing your transactions between crypto and fiat, but I also didn't trade at all last year so maybe they're smarter now.

>> No.14227124
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Enjoy financial freedom. Ancaps rule OK

>> No.14227257

IRS is still gonna start asking questions once you buy anything.

>> No.14227480

How come I can't submit KYC on Coinmetro? I've tried on several browsers and the final step of submitting my pictures doesn't work. I click submit and absolutely nothing happens. Very frustrating!

>> No.14227665

>im pretty sure that after a certain amount of time you dont have to pay taxes
Where’d you hear this?

>> No.14228291

We'll probably see them get a lot angrier about it in the coming years as they desperately try to stop the proles from rising above their station.

>> No.14228355

They haven't so far... Depends if you are smart about how you spend your money, don't flash it around.
But the main thing it Really depends on is keeping your mouth shut. Dont let anyone know your business.
The way people get busted is some NPC getting jealous and reporting them

>> No.14228660

just used your code anon this site looks clean

>> No.14228676

Yeah, my plan is to immigrate once I'm rich anyways. As long as my funds can go into a retirement plan in Switzerland or whatever and I get my yearly dividends I'll be fine.
NPCs deserve to be poor. They're the kind of retards that would clap at these new crypto regulations.