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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 44 KB, 740x740, quill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14225139 No.14225139 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.14225153

imagine the spell

>> No.14225168

1000k EoY

>> No.14225187

If you sniff my nuts
Then any weather
Write with feather

>> No.14225306

I won't sell it to you. I wouldn't be able to dedicate time to writing matters of gravitas without it.

>> No.14225417

write your name
>i dont have a quill

boom, supply and demand

>> No.14225605

I mean only idiots buy things that can’t even retain their own value let alone increase value overtime. This pen is a good investment now as it will be worth at least 50% more two years down the line. It’s rare and believe it or not there is an actual pen market with serious investors/collectors and such rarities are considered irreplaceable work of art. It’s pretty cheap now but when you buy it make sure not to use it and try to keep it mint as you want the most bang for your buck right? Also when I say 50% value increase in two years, that’s me being bearish as i’m not even considering the market expansion and the new investors putting money into rare pens.

>> No.14225667

>I kill a duck for a shit ton of feathers
What do?

>> No.14225813

It’s not a duck feather, it’s a very old pen made from the famous flightless dodo bird. Handed down through generations kept in mint condition. Owning it is like owning a piece of history, a true piece of art. Dating back the history it was made by a tribe of aboriginees. This pen was found in the digsite accompanied by 5 others of the same kind. I am lucky enough to own two. I am selling you one ONLY because my wife divorced me and I need the money to pay for the all of the legalities and child support. Consider yourself lucky to even buy this.

>> No.14225891
File: 96 KB, 1030x687, Belfort-PHOTO-1030x687.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, was I supposed to sell you the quill or the well? Because you need both.

>> No.14226605

Act now and ill throw in 100 link faggot

>> No.14227456

Did you buy it yet?

>> No.14227496

write your name faggot

>> No.14228019
File: 33 KB, 477x350, ddgsgs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not fucking buying

>> No.14228498

Fuck you cocksucker. Stay poor you retarded faggot.

>> No.14228515

Include me in the screencap for Reddit