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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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14224142 No.14224142 [Reply] [Original]

Is working remote a scam? If you are a software engineer, is there any reason to work remote?

>> No.14224156

If you write software why would you go to an office if you don’t have to and don’t want to

>> No.14224158

have you ever worked in an office?

you can better ask yourself if there is any reason to work in an office instead in your own home

>> No.14224168

Does your job take place entirely on the computer?
Do you hate driving to the office?
Do you hate face to face meetings and being interrupted by other employees who hinder your ability to work?
If it weren't for remote work I'd have quit by now.

>> No.14224251
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Working remote is for mechanical turks only
If you do any kind of meaningful work you need a team
And teamwork requires physical presence.
Only NEETS will disagree.

>> No.14224305

> teamwork requires physical presence
> t. eternal boomer

>> No.14224313

Working remote is great, why would it be bad? If you're talking about not being in meetings, we still have those. I think it really only works out if if the majority of your team is remote, though. If it's just a few people out of a large group, then you might get treated bad due to jealousy
If your job makes you spend all day on a computer anyway, it probably saves everyone more money for you to stay home

>> No.14224383

kek, I work from home as a software engineer and work maybe 3 hours a week and make 150k/yr...why the fuck would i want to go in to a office?

>> No.14224412

How can I earn GoodGoy Points if I don't greet my boss, Mr. Shekelstein at the office every morning at 7am sharp with his coffee?

>> No.14224425

get a real job then we'll talk.
managing a team requires a lot of running after people, forcing people to meet, etc... none of which can be achieved via skype

>> No.14224600

your days are numbered, boomer
you will be literally replaced by loudmouth affirmative action nigger

>> No.14224731

you sure told me with your compelling arguments
fucking NEET

>> No.14224803

lmao I work from home and unironically make $275k per year (extremely specialized industry. Gov't grants in my country mean I have very little competition anywhere because no one knows the job even exists). Please tell me about your "meaningful work"

>> No.14224823

I'm glad for you
but your very specific situation has no place in the general flow of things

>> No.14224915

Unironically It's the future dyor

>> No.14224941

Where is this kind of remote work? I all hear about is shit dev jobs with no career progression.

>> No.14224984

Listen to Autechre.
They barely meet face to face when programming.

>> No.14225004

lmao "the general flow of the things". look at this cope. "i wOrK iN aN ofFicE anD anYoNe wHo doEsnT iS nOt pArT oF muH 'gEnEral FlOw'". Bend the knee to your office overlords, cuck. Better yet bend both knees and open wide. The rest of us learned how to make real money without degrading ourselves like you boomers

>> No.14225044

you need to have luck.
literally luck & guts.

>> No.14225481


Have you been in industry before? hrfags want control over you - that's why most established companies don't allow 100% remote. It's better to be a consultant so you can do that shit though.

>> No.14226280

>"the rest of us"
>(extremely specialized industry. Gov't grants in my country mean I have very little competition anywhere )
larpfags don't know how to go 2 sentences without contradicting themselves

>> No.14226668

How does this contradict myself? "the rest of us" = those of us who don't work in offices just because that's what the boomers did. Also not larping FYI but that's the thing with this stuff, 90% of it is having guts like the other anon said. Some have the guts to go out on their own and make real money, some commute 2hrs each day to go to their overlord's office to whore themselves for hourly wages because "that's just how the world works". As soon as I learned to stop being a pussy and go after real cash on my own terms the people with real cash respected me and started giving it to me.

>> No.14226708

>highly specialized in industry with no competition because of government intervention
>stop being a pussy
I find it entertaining how much self awareness you lack

>> No.14226771

Do you think I just woke up one day an expert in that field or something? I busted my ass to get there retard. It wasn't easy but it required me to stop being a pussy and leave the office life. Now I get offers to rejoin the office life at 6-8x what I made when I left it.

>> No.14226836


I also work remote and video calls works perfectly fine, I old are you boomer that you can't communicate effectively with words as opposed to flapping your arms and hands while synergy flows through you?

>> No.14226837

you're bragging about being old. your advice is not useful because it's just "have 10 years experience" which is already obvious to everyone

>> No.14226853
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If you want to just sit at home and get paid to not do much, there's jobs out there.
But if you actually want to get shit done on a team, it's easier in a shared space.
I actually like my company and I like accomplishing stuff when I go to work (niche video game company).
It's good to be in the office because you can just ask a question face to face or sometimes you'll get a good idea talking to another person at the watercooler.

>> No.14226859

I'm 31. I just never fell for the meme of working for scraps in an office all day. Cope however you need to though.

>> No.14226863

headhunters, ask for remote work. if you have previous work exp they can get you remote work at a startup. or freelance on fiverr etc

>> No.14226875

wrong faggot.

>> No.14226883

good for you anon. any more validation you need? I'm here if you need more compliments.

>> No.14226922

Nope, admitting you're wrong will do just fine. I'm only here to dispel the idiocy in this thread posted by low test losers who think the key to making it is to bend over and get fucked by Mr. Bossenstein for 45 years.

>> No.14226934

You're 31, how many years did it take you to become an "expert"?
For someone giving "advice" you're awfully vague about everything.

>> No.14226961

dumb question. If you're a software engineer, is there any reason to require you to commute to an office?

>> No.14227082

vague because I don't feel like getting doxxed today. At 19 I was making about $40k, quit and went freelance, first year only made $35k but built up clients and from 21 on never did below $100k. From 27-31 it was $200k+. I can't really pinpoint when "expert" status was reached but people don't mind paying me and don't complain when I raise rates so I guess it was a while ago.

>> No.14227103

no one makes $40k at 19 from freelancing. double confirmed larp

>> No.14227147

It was $40k as an employee at 19, then I quit and went freelance and only made $35k my first year. Can you read? Funny thing is I'm not even larping but I enjoy the ego boost from biz losers who assume I am just because I'm successful.

>> No.14227171

yes $35k is about the same as 40k. the key component of larping is NEVER revealing anything about what you "do" but keep talking about how you make $300k at 30
it's pretty obvious you're lying its 4chan.

>> No.14227254

Think that if you want. My industry is so small that I'd be doxxed in about 5s if I said much about it though because it requires me to have a social media presence. There's probably less than 800 of us doing this worldwide and only about 25 in my country which happens to have amazing gov't grants bringing a larger industry here, of which I'm part of a specialized subset who gets paid well.

>> No.14227286


Too late Jake

>> No.14227313

if your industry is small there's no way you made $40k at 19. social media also wasn't around 10 years ago.
maybe you got handed some corrupt government position because you're maduro's nephew and you like to larp about being an expert

>> No.14227383

oh shit you found me

how old are you that you think $40k is a lot of money? That doesn't amount to jack shit where I'm from. Also Facebook wasn't around 10 years ago? My account age says otherwise. btw I've made $450 since we started this little internet argument. It would have been more but I had to take a break to invoice another client.

>> No.14227514

I just made $7500 in the last day. I started at 80k when I was 16, what the fuck were you doing in high school?

>> No.14227526


>> No.14227535

Been doing it for 2 decades. You have to keep things interesting... and you have to get disciplined. Very easy to slack. I have to keep a morning routine as if I am leaving the house, or else I will full on cave man.

>> No.14227537

i've mixed and mastered albums with minimal 5 minute phone calls with clients and return them a product they love. you don't need constant teamwork if you're good at your job

>> No.14227594

Based. I'm in a similar situation but not creating music. It's funny how biz ignores how much money creative work can actually get you when you're well known for creating quality work.

>> No.14227696

>musician on social media funded by the government but business will be ruined if he is found out
I'm listening, tell me more

>> No.14227923

I wouldn't be ruined but I value my privacy. I specifically said NOT creating music. Let's see, creative industry, big dollars, not "funded" by government but heavily subsidized by government in a western country. hmmmmmmmm what could it beeeeee???? I guarantee you've seen my work.

>> No.14228073

>advertising, architecture, art, crafts, design, fashion, film, music, performing arts, publishing, R&D, software, toys and games, TV and radio, and video games based in any one of 15 countries
I dont know anon, but you certainly couldn't be a 22-28 year old male who likes to lie on the internet

>> No.14228233

boomer get out

>> No.14229049

Lol, nobody uses Skye you fucking boomer

>> No.14229298

i'm not in the tech industry but in some jobs, if you can work from home a lot of bosses expect that means you're working 24/7. They send you an email on a Saturday afternoon and expect you to take care of that shit.

>> No.14229437

yeah nice larp buddy. this doesnt hide the fact that youre a dissapointment

>> No.14230125

This. At least when you physically go to a workplace you finish work when you leave. If you're at home all the time, they see it as an oppurtunity to push work on you even outside of regular hours
>for free

>> No.14230721
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according to the waggie i talked to on amazon a few ago its alright, he was working remote.
we had a good laugh about the wage cage