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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 23 KB, 1024x768, ethereum-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14224079 No.14224079 [Reply] [Original]

It just keeps shittin the bed, Love it

>> No.14224110

Me too just picked up 100 for a long hold

>> No.14224124


>> No.14224443

maybe brainlets selling due to libra fud
low price is good before PoS, time for smart people to accumulate.

>> No.14224501


>> No.14224691

definitely binance fud

>> No.14224708

what binance fud?

>> No.14224721
File: 250 KB, 652x527, 1542984862558.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ETH will be nothing but a novelty sidechain on BSV run by autistic neets for nostalgic purposes to play with their antique "smart contracts" and "chain links" like so many neckbeards with N64 emulators

>> No.14224729
File: 555 KB, 481x393, screenshot.2019-06-18 16.09.18.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah man this performance is dog shit

>> No.14224739

good opportunity to flip gains

>> No.14224815

Seriously though, what the hell is wrong with ETH?
We just had a Google article that mega pumped Link, but did nothing to ETH because .... reasons.
Then we finally got a date for proof of stake and is is sooner than most should have expected - we all knew it would be 2020, but its literally the very start.

So why is it only bleeding?

>> No.14224871

Why would the google news do anything for eth, tard
>in before eth token
Doesn't matter bitch

>> No.14224875

buy the rumors sell the news
maybe PoS doesnt work or hold what is promised
anyway, good moment to buy into ether if you believe in it

>> No.14224902

Be that logic, why would it do anything for Link?
Do you think your smart contract holding billions worth of $, getting secure data from a high collateral oracle can run on a chain that is cheap to 51% attack?
There is no way we see Link going 10x from here without ETH moving at all. Either the Link pump is all fake or ETH is about to pump too.

>> No.14224950
File: 82 KB, 842x792, 1554988326904.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why would google news about ethereum do anything for eth

>> No.14225014

ETH is not some shitcoin that would pump over a fucking blogpost.

>> No.14225099

>maybe PoS doesnt work or hold what is promised
I can code, read their discussions and spec and 100% know that it will. It's complicated but it's like building a rocket. You know the physical foundations are sound, there are many complicated parts to get right.
This is one of the biggest mispricing available to everyone right now currently. Eth is priced like PoS and sharding never happens. Buy and hold for staking.

The weirdest thing is that people writing that eth has no use etc. most likely have to use it if only to hold their shitcoins. The only way to not use ethereum is to either stay only in btc or keep everything on exchanges.

>> No.14225291

What is your opinion on link?

>> No.14225330

I feel like a fucking idiot for not buying under $100. Do you think this will dip again?

>> No.14225351

100% hype - great marketing, fundamentally a nearly worthless payment token in a market with no possibility of long term rent extraction

>> No.14225473

i can code aswell and read some of their papers.
there is always a chance that something doesnt turn out as planned especially in software engineering or is way more complex as orginially thought.

>> No.14225516

It wasn't about ethereum stupid ass

>> No.14225533

Planning to add another 20 to get to 128ETH. Is it too much risk to keep buying every paycheck ? How much is needed for generating passive income of an average worker in the US?

>> No.14225554

he's right though because it DID NOTHING

>> No.14225573

I think an income of $1/eth day is realistic in 4+ years

>> No.14226597

>POS on eth
>3-5 years away... if ever
such a clusterfuck and still way overvalued

>> No.14226692

Literally 6 months away.

>> No.14226823

>“With half of the gas burnt, then inflation [on ethereum 2.0] would be ~0.5 percent and the validator return ~5 percent. Feels healthy!”
-Justin Drake
5% of eth at $1k = $50 per
at $10k = $500 per

>> No.14226910

lmao - not even close. 3-5 YEARS if you are lucky as fuck

>> No.14227796

Keep laughing. You'll regret these words. Hear that sound? *tick* *tock*

>> No.14228435

They were all laughing when it was $90 recently too.

>> No.14228514

What happens when 2.0 comes out ?
Does it replace this ?

>> No.14228988

your anus flairs and your ether bags feel feather light

>> No.14229030

checked for digits and (you)'d for insightfullness

>> No.14230012

Post the google article

>> No.14230026

Can you explain how much ETH you need to benefit off of staking?

>> No.14230235


>> No.14230993

how many commits does bsv have on github

>> No.14231042

Thanks, just got 100k

>> No.14231059


LOL, it's not coming before 2021.

>> No.14231204



it failed a year ago, only retards would expect this shit to rebound

there is nothing left but "exchanges" in crypto

fucking degenerates

>> No.14231219

>guide about transferring real world data to the ethereum blockchain
>not about ethereum