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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 538 KB, 1024x535, Synchronicity.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14221140 No.14221140 [Reply] [Original]

Forget Astrology Anons, Synchronicity is the true power of this board and our gains!

Yesterday, I was watching for the first time a video on youtube about the first black hole photographed a few months ago. I had totally not really looked into this at the time and yesterday I got the full scope of it all on some science channel on YT. Crazy how I missed out on such a gigantic development from months back.

Then a few hours later I am scrolling through biz and I see a shitpost of a brainlet with a brain of that very same black hole photograph. Again to many of you, you probably have seen this brainlet meme already but to me, it was the first time I had seen it.

And so to me it was a true synchronicity event. What were the odds that I would for some reason stumble across the black hole video on YT for the first time in months and hours later see a meme for the first time of the same event?

What I did was note the id (1420xxxxx) of the anon with that brainlet black hole photograph and I used it as a buy price for SPRK (shitcoin ICO that dumped hard). At the time I was waiting for SPRK to dump so I could make a quick scalp play. I had been waiting 2 full days and it refused to dump, I was ready to go to bed last night at a price of ~0.00002100ETH instead I went to bed using the price of that anons ID which was 0.00001420xxx.

Lo and behold, I wake up to see the price at 2800 and my buy order went thru. Sold at a little less than a 2x all because I noticed a synchronicity event occur and managed to attach a meaning to it.

This is the true power of this board anons, harness it but remember true synchronicity does not occur when you're looking for it, you must go about your day and then it will appear. If not you will find fool's gold, trying to make something fit that isn't there.

The "black hole photo" synchronicity occurred because of months of me not paying attention and so, I had built up synchronocity power. This will not occur daily, so now I wait.

>> No.14221177

you r a fucking retard and no one is gonna buy your scam coin

>> No.14221221
File: 109 KB, 566x960, Jesus - Lucifer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anon...i...i have some bad news for you

>> No.14221294

Synchronicity at work right in front of you only you're too ignorant to see it. I hope you come out of the trance at some point in your life. Also take psychedelics

>> No.14221323

>mfw 21+21=42

>> No.14221332
File: 655 KB, 1077x1332, sirius.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw 21+21=42

>> No.14221342

and i'm happening to be listening to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PiNdcBg3xC8

from your vid kkkonciousness of millenials

>> No.14221374
File: 360 KB, 600x580, laughing crying pepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> ~2x in about 11 hrs time (8 of which were sleeping) all because of the simulation sync

>> No.14221399
File: 52 KB, 587x587, their faces when they didnt buy chainlink in 2018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>simulation sync
this will be your face soon enough
>filename related

>> No.14221438

do you fight in muay thai fren?

>> No.14221504
File: 29 KB, 440x570, 1560755706311.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>do you fight in muay thai fren?
nope, was always a beefcake since highschool since I started weightlifting back and and was on the wrestling team
was never into the combat sports too much due to the potential for long term brain damage

>from your vid kkkonciousness of millenials
funny enough, they're not my vids, I found them after I came into this knowledge
Turns out there's a lot of people that know

>> No.14222282


> speaks almost comprehensibly....

.....go on..

>> No.14222559

Oh, so it's called synchrocity. I'll let you know if this works. I've already bought the coin I was "supposed" to buy a day ago.

>> No.14222572

is /biz/ the most autistic retarded general on 4changel?

>> No.14222580
File: 18 KB, 326x294, 1542401070564.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yesterday, I was watching for the first time a video on youtube about the first black hole photographed

>> No.14222624

my synchronicity was here to tell you I spoke the truth. OP is just meeming and trying to pump his scam coin.

>> No.14222641



>> No.14222727

OP is correct. In November of 2017 i was watching a football game. all the players had things written on their cleats for charity. one announcer asked the other what he would write. he said, "I want to go to the moon.". shortly thereafter was the greatest few weeks in crypto. keep an eye out lads, the universe is always communicating to us and leaving us clues for what's to come. pay attention and ride the waves.

>> No.14222807

Finally, an anon that isn't a brainlet.

Yes, that's the point of this thread. You need to keep an eye out is the message. My big problem now is I'm looking too much for another sign but the universe doesn't work that way. I gotta forget and just live now and it will come once again.

>> No.14222854
File: 141 KB, 478x523, Brainlet Black Hole.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You idiot, did you even read the post? I sold that scam shitcoin. I scalped it for an almost 2x profit in about 11 hours, 8 of which were sleeping.

I'm not promoting jackshit, least of all a Pajeet Scamcoin Shicoin like SPRK