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14216048 No.14216048 [Reply] [Original]

Currently the white paper outlines that one problem of Libra is that the network is not able to execute scripts that use inputs of data that is external to the network’s state. Especially for their smart contracts this is obviously problematic (as they recognize).

What are some ways they can solve for this problem other than Chainlink?

>> No.14216059

No,they don't need Chainlink.

>> No.14216066

Not really an answer to my question but I’ll entertain you: why don’t they need something like Chainlink?

>> No.14216074


>> No.14216076
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Kenny sais hi !

>> No.14216088

Maybe town crier or oraclize.

>> No.14216098

They will need either chainlink or another oracle solver, maybe mobius

>> No.14216104

>Indian people using racist Indian memes
Pinnacle /biz/. Keep bumping my thread so I can get some intelligent responses, thanks.

>> No.14216107


>> No.14216111

Mobius, Zap, Witnet... the list goes on.

>> No.14216118

witnet made chainlink obsolute long ago. chainlink is nothing but a pump and dump

>> No.14216122


>> No.14216124

Are any of these anything other than vaporware currently? Will look into anything with a functional main net.

>> No.14216134

True, I think i read that in the Google cloud article

>> No.14216148

They don’t have a main net even... so it’s basically the reverse, no?

Trying to get some intelligent ideas in here not just blind shilling/fud.

>> No.14216156

Unstable price. In fact, Link is just an speculative P&D scheme that'll probably dead in a couple years. The zuck doesn't care about being involved in P&D scams, he's already rich as fuck.

>> No.14216162

>so it’s basically the reverse, no?
Well actually, at this stage in the shill/fud cycle it's the reverse of the reverse of the reverse of the reverse of the reverse.
But it boils down to the same thing.

>> No.14216170

LINKs entire function is to maintain a price stability in FIAT for smart contract execution. Hence 18 decimals. You’d need each LINK to be worth trillions to run into problems there. So, no.

>> No.14216180

Make their own chainlink.
This is facebook, not 5 tech geeks in a bassement.

>> No.14216182

If you not integrating chainlink, you gonna stay years behind. Dont sell your link to jews

>> No.14216188

You just made that shit up.

>> No.14216203

They would at the very least need to acquire TC and a decent amount of proprietary tech from SmartContract. Unless Sergey is itching to sell he likely wouldn’t do so for less than a cost which will make it prohibitive and force Facebook to use LINK if that’s the tech they wanted.

>> No.14216210

Radio silence since 2018.
Still in open beta.
Still on testnet.

>> No.14216229

... this is fundamental LINK knowledge. The token maintains a stable FIAT price for execution. As token value goes up, less tokens are required to use the network. If you need $1MM in collateral right now that’d be 500k tokens (rounding for argument) but if the token were $4 you’d only need 250k tokens, and that continues. It doesn’t change how much FIAT you need to spend to execute.

>> No.14216280

It's all open source brainlet

>> No.14216312

>open source code means the entire network can be copied with the click of a button
Either a teenager with zero concept because lack of life experience or a truly low IQ adult. Which are you? There are multiple components of Chainlink which can not be just copied via code access.

>> No.14216318
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Why would any counter party to a contract with Facebook, rely on FB's in-house oracle? Such defeats the whole purpose of trustless smart contract execution if one of the parties to the contract has proprietary control of the basis for establishing trust.

Hence a "neutral" industry standard realized as Chainlink.middleware.

>> No.14216411

That’s what I’m thinking as well. Especially since to legally comply with the majority of high value smart contract usage they will literally NEED the neutral party. They actually can’t develop an in-house solution without stunting their networks overall usage. Seems painfully obvious where this is heading at this point.

>> No.14216422


>> No.14216491

Do you think before you speak?

>> No.14216587

librachain coming anytime near you.

>> No.14216775

Lol... That may leave a bruise.

>> No.14217232

Maybe, I doubt it would be worth the cost to develop.

>> No.14217297

Just say it in your native tongue you sound like a retard

>> No.14217355

Unfortunately link is open source so that reptile kike can just ctrl+c cntrl+v sell all now before its too late

>> No.14217385

Open source =/= absence of copyright.

>> No.14217417

He's pretending to be retarded my dude.
Stop engaging these people and you'll feel a lot less frustrated.

>> No.14217465
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There is no other solution that’s the thing. That’s why it feels schizo to say “everything will use LINK,” but it’s true. LINK is the internet of Blockchain, it is that quantum leap between Usenet and the real internet that we know now.

All these other companies we’re working on niche projects or simply new currencies, meanwhile none of them DO ANYTHING without Chainlink.

All these devs have talked about the catalyst that will really move Blockchain to the next stage, that next magic breakthrough that will bring blockchain into public life.

It’s here. It’s LINK.

>> No.14217943


>> No.14217960

Lol you're funny.

>> No.14217967

Chainlink wont be used with libra you fucking idiots

>> No.14218011

They will bend the knee