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File: 50 KB, 390x585, LON.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14215507 No.14215507 [Reply] [Original]

Which city are you going to live in after you make it?

For me nowhere else compares to London, but I'd like an apartment in NYC too.

>> No.14215516 [DELETED] 
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>> No.14215525

Both are complete shitholes, what is wrong with you?

>> No.14215535

Belgrade and Zagreb have more white people, better weather, they are cheaper, they have better food and women.

>> No.14215558

>Both are complete shitholes, what is wrong with you?

They're bot undoubtedly the top two greatest cities on the planet.

Unless you're as poltard who's definition of a "shithole" is 'has non-white people'.

>> No.14215569
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rio or sao paulo
cuz im not white and i like big booty mulatto women

>> No.14216057

>they are cheaper
Yeah the point is when we've made it that's irrelevant.

>> No.14216145

Yeah the point is when you make it you want to live somewhere to get the most for your $.

>> No.14216424

I sincerely hope you get to live your dream, so you can have it torn to shreds in front of your eyes.

>> No.14216438

In London the sky looks like that for max 3 weeks out of the year

>> No.14216471

What the blue thing on the ground? Swimming pool covered by glass panels?

>> No.14216504

NYC is less than 20% white today, and is projected to be in the single digits within 15 years.

>> No.14216944

NYC is less than 20% white today

Even if that were true it wouldn't concern me.

>> No.14217204

Right the fuck here in Oklahoma where I'm at.

Going to get pre frormed insulated concrete kegos anand build a litteral modern castle with working draw bridge and trebuchet and shit. Big deck on the roof. Blue saltwater lobster mote or maybe just a billion guppies and a pet flathead named Lathius.

Behind the tree line and down a golf car path will be a giant scrap yard i run at cost. It pays for itself. Pays 2 kids to take a list any time i feel like showing up. Point to shit i want to play with. They get it drug out and set in my storage pasture where my shop is to tinker.

Also digging a bigass bunker.

Fuck being a citicuck

>> No.14217257

way too small to be a swimming pool, look its the size of a small couch

>> No.14217274

Could be of size for a small Jacuzzi.

>> No.14217413

For me it's no city. I will aim to never enter a city again.

>> No.14217422

I bet you've never lived in London, huh

>> No.14217432

Villa nearby Barcelona or Palma de Mallorque, or Corsica

>> No.14217554

>I bet you've never lived in London, huh
I lived there for four years.

>> No.14217594

I'm buying an incredibly comfy villa on the north coast of the Dominican Republic. It's basically Pay to Win: The Country, but everything is forever on a firesale.

>> No.14217601

I lived there for 16. I have no idea why you would want to live there if you don't work there other than false perceptions of grandeur.

>> No.14217609

So you never went out on the streets?

>> No.14217633
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>go tokyo
>live appartment
> stay in bed all day and cry
> wake up in the middle of the night play games

>> No.14217646

A quiet house somewhere on the Hudson River. Fuck living in the city

>> No.14217762

> So you never went out on the streets?

I get bored without alot of sensory stimulation.

Living in the countryside would be horrible for me personally.

>> No.14217804

Main house in US, one in Japan, A few in Europe and the rest of Asia
A few 20-year stocked bunkers in undisclosed locations as well

>> No.14217849

Is this hatred for cities mostly because there are so many /pol/tards wanting to live in the woods like Varg?

In reality I mostly see the opposite, I hardly meet anyone irl that wants to live in the countryside.

>> No.14217880

I lived in london for 21 years, left 4 years ago and not only will never live there again but will never even visit.

Its a terrible shit hole.

>> No.14217891


I do not want to live like Varg. But I suspect I am going to be forced into it in not too long. Unless I start a jew business like money changing.

>> No.14217903

Probably skylights for a basement. Gotta make the most of that expensive real estate.

>> No.14217922

I'll keep living in my rural third world shithole

>> No.14217936

Chesky-Krumlov in Czech Republic. Everything (...but housing) is cheap, so I won't run out of money even if I don't do anything. It's incredibly cozy there and beer is good.

>> No.14217945

i'm not even a polshitter, just an autistic recluse who doesn't like being around too many people

>> No.14217947

lol. no thanks. im buying a ranch and a bunch of offroad vehicles and guns.

>> No.14217961

Why would I live in a city after I make it? Too many niggers.

>> No.14218222

Why live in 1 place?

Sweden (yes)

>> No.14218246

A real Man's dream

>> No.14218249

Depends on what I'm doing. I might be based somewhere or I might find myself hopping internationally. Dubai is a playground and is central to some kinds of business, but I feel like the pace of life there would get tiresome.

>> No.14218355

>build a literal castle

call me when you turn 24 little boy

>> No.14218508

;D you welcome to come drink beer and hang out. I'll teach anyone to run machinery if they want to dig for a day

>> No.14218540
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>For me nowhere else compares to London

>> No.14218555
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>> No.14218634
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Fuck you faggot i am 38. One of the ONLY things that is awesome about being an adult is that you can do whatever the fuck you want. All preformed insulated concrete is custom built like legos for normal homes. May as well make it look like a badass energy efficient and geothermal cooled/heated castle. Free river rock to cobblestone it makes it and morter cheaper than vinyl siding even. And I've been a miner for 15 years with the sole purpose of digging a bunker safely so i can have a fucking 70° misquito free fruit orchard in the fuck middle of oklahoma in the winter.

Shut your filthy whore mouth faggot. I do what i want. You don't like it? Then don't come dive off the castle roof into the 100' deep scuba pool.

Sit at home

In the basement

And bitch because that's the only way you can feel better about being a useless piece of shit NEET.

>> No.14218697

If you buildt that in my country your bed would explode and nobody would investigate it.

>> No.14218708

Maderia Portugal

>> No.14218732


Lol, i hope no larp

>> No.14218762 [DELETED] 

>Unless you're as poltard who's definition of a "shithole" is 'has non-white people'.
That is the literal definition of shithole, though. There isn't a single great place to live that doesn't have an overwhelming majority of white people.

>> No.14218774

London is now stabistan, I hope you enjoy moving there.

>> No.14218803

it is

>> No.14218857

Serbs are fucking retarded, some cshmucks with fake rolexes and bmw, I doubt anyone want to live among them. I unironically think Poland is a great place to live,no negros, slavs, warsaw is tech equipped and low prices.

>> No.14218884

Condo in a City (Paris, Vienna , or Budapest)
House in the hills (Vermont , NH or Maine )
Condo by the beach

>> No.14218957

Kek. Well, fortunately i don't live in a 3rd world shithole. It won't be a mansion. That's a waste and just begging for family (oh hey man can i stay in your spare bedroom for a little while until i get back on my feets) to come stampeding in for handouts. Probably 3 or 4 bedroom max and one will be some storage and another part office.

I'm all about helping family. Just not my family. Not 99% of them anyway. Theiving ass mooching fucks

>> No.14219011

Wow, are you me? We think alike and have the same dysfunctional family of moochers it seems.

>> No.14219285

Highrise apartment in Tokyo or Yokohama and a house in the Rocky Mountains anywhere between Northern New Mexico and Montana.

>> No.14219290
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Not one bit man. When i was about 13 i made friends with a kid. His dad was a "good ol boy" contractor. He built a giant teepee house out of normal building materials and my buddy and his brother had a big loft bedroom upstairs. It was awesome. Always wanted to build something like that one day. Then he laughs and says we are having dinner at his grandparents. He says they live in the backyard and laughs again. I went outside. There is nobody there. He just keeps laughing. Really starting to regret befriending a lunatic but it was miles away from home and i had no ride so i just went with it. At dinner time we walk over to a storage shed in the back yard. Kick off muddy shoes and hang coats up. Then open a bookcase that was a hidden door to some creepy old stairs.


Open a door at the bottom of the stairs and there is his grandparents in a normal looking house minus the walls being kinda bumpy and all painted white.

The absolute madman dug a bunker during the coldwar in his son's backyard for a family fallout shelter and just moved the fuck in. Made the caves i loved at Casa Bonita a fucking joke.

Here is how he did it. Used a hoe to dig 2' wide trenches and filled with concrete and rebar for walls. Poured a thick pad on top for a roof. Went in with a skid loader and dug it all out and piled the dirt on top. Then went in and made more cement walls for all of the rooms and stuff. and poured a cement floor.

I actually had a chance to buy both of those houses for $120,000 5 years ago. It was very hard but i turned it down. There is no room to expand. As a truck driver i have legitimately gotten lost in a few caves IN A FUCKING SEMI. I've since found ways to make the bunker pay for itself as we dig and take a small piece for myself hidden within.

This is no larp at all but a lifetime dream nearly about to begin finally

>> No.14219415
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>> No.14219468

No pen and lazy/busy so number of fingers for last digit in last pic.

Not that i need a timestamp i guess. Idgaf really. I bought a house on a limestone ledge 1.5 miles away from here so i can dig a little bunker for now. Will be good for testing geothermal and small scale growing / aquaponics. It'll keep me entertained for a few years until we sell it all for land to dig the bunker. The landowner here is a real nice guy but he's very old. I'm hoping i can purchase some land on site that's already been mined for acess to equipment at work and dynamite if i run into boulders. I can't play with it anymore but the crew can come blast when they are here.

Mostly wishful thinking but my investments are growing and once i get a skid loader and a license to blast it's all over but the crying. Unless the ATF has got to much red tape. I'll just build a 12' diameter boring machine and fuckoff into my hole in the ground until i die.

A lead battery bank doesnt give off gas until they are charging right? If i have to use a boring machine then ill likely use solar to charge during the day and mine at night and intermittently on weekends. I'll keep it corded as well so i can mine in the sun on weekend afternoons even longer. Replacement costs should be negligible and actually the added weight from a Trojen T-105 bank would be beneficial since no maktter wtf i do I'll likely be fighting against the twisting of the machine unless i somehow manage to get professional quality from trash i welded together

>> No.14219470

Munich Germany. Absolutely the most beautiful city I've ever been to. My German is decent but I am American and unironically white so I wouldn't be welcome as a citizen but I'd love to live there.

>> No.14219598

Well i dont live in a castle yet or we'd be partying like its fucking 1999.

I live in a 20k shithole and together we make 70k a year. In a few months we will be debt free besides a $300 mortgage. No water bill. Drilling a natural gas well for gas and electric. And if it comes in dry we have a $20,000 hole for geothermal piping i guess. As soon as our house sells and we pay off bills we'll have about $3,000 extra income a month. And we get by just fine as it is so we'll live the same short of a couple grand in automotive repair and house cosmetics. In 8 months or so after we'll pay cash for the well. And if that all works out the oil and extra gas should supply enough to pay phone bills, mortgage, insurance, etc so essentially we are then living for free or close to it with 70k a year to invest in real estate and American oil. Once we break 100k income we are quitting our jobs to invest full time the extra 30k plus whatever from the normal 70k or so we can muster up.

Then it's easy mode. Get systems in place so we can concentrate on deals. Live off 100k or so with annual raises based on inflation so it stays the same and raises for performance so we stay motivated to do better always. Get up to about 60years old and find heirs to take over the day to day or start selling assets and put them in a trust fund for heirs that would rather not chose the career path of investing.

>> No.14219611

Same but they get raided every hundred years. I wonder what american immigrants are treated like

>> No.14219708
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Never stop learning.

Take action. So long as you can afford to eat a bad investment then try it. My first rental was a 4 year stress headache and money sink. But i learned A LOT. Mostly about wtf not to do. No i am glad i have it.

Risk can be mitigated if you have experience and education.

See you on the other side of poverty brother. I am far from rich but i finally have dug my head out of the hole and can see the other side. The hard part is over. Now it's just a casual stroll into another set of pronlems. Too much money and yet more moochers reaching in my pockets.


Both are money problems but having money problems in a lambo is better than having money problems when your only car blows a motor and you are broke until payday.


>> No.14219760


Enjoy your walled gardens within those cities from the unwashed masses.

>> No.14219770

140 football fields of funz


Welcome to Subtropalis

>> No.14219785
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>> No.14219811


OK is becoming overwhelmed by Mexicans and other nonwhites. Long-term potential here is not so hot looking. I'm getting out.

>> No.14219814

My city, Bogota. 2nd homes in Panama City, Medellin, Cartagena and Miami

>> No.14219869

for what do you need so many homes when you're an illegal pedro anyway?

>> No.14219882

Part of the game plan is dual citizenship in New Zealand with a small comfy cabin and a cuckshead in australia to visit friends and as a backup.

I don't want to start a shit flinging contest. But my reasoning for holding welth and other living options is because i believe that in the next few decades or sooner america will have a full on economic collapse. I believe its just when. Not if.

May as well ride it out pidling around near Auckland or Sydney investing to keep bisy and waiting for if and when things settle and we can move back home.

>> No.14219904

>illegal in my own country
ok nonwhite mutt

>> No.14219905

>They're bot undoubtedly the top two greatest cities on the planet.
According to what metrics? Air pollution? Violent crime? Population density?

>> No.14219928

Phoenix, AZ because that's where my family lives. Scottsdale is I seriously make it. Eventually Phoenix is gonna endure a pretty intense water drought.. then I'm headed to New Mexico. I'm a Southwest baby.. living anywhere else scared me because of natural disasters

>> No.14220026

Actually I was wrong.

London is apparently #1, Paris #2, NY #3.


>> No.14220095
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Translation: you're an ADHD sub 90 IQ brainlet that can only get pleasure from mindless consumption and can't appreciate things like reading a book or beautiful scenery.

Stay in London with the rest of the faggots and niggers please. We don't want you spilling out into the rest of England

>> No.14220169

What country+city had the best internet connection, while having the least number of niggers, degenerates and homeless?

>> No.14220222


>American collapse is when not if

We can only hope so.

>> No.14220230

>leaf here

rural Canada somewhere in Alberta near but not too close to Edmonton or Calgary.

Or else Guelph in Ontario. Can't stand the GTA but that is where the economy is.

>> No.14220235

Singapore, Tokyo

>> No.14220259



>> No.14220330

Only if you’re black..and walk around in the shit parts

>> No.14220333

>Translation: you're an ADHD sub 90 IQ brainlet that can only get pleasure from mindless consumption and can't appreciate things like reading a book or beautiful scenery.

No I'm actually an introvert who spends most of my time trading and programming.

Some of us just like visual stimulation.

>> No.14220364

No. A lot of the crime is muslim now and does catch british people up in it. Nor is it just peckham, the north and the like. Wandsworth, clapham, fulham and other previously nice SW areas now have weekly stabbings.

>> No.14220369

>Pay to win: the country

>> No.14220372

It's full of muslims m8

>> No.14220418


yes, because you have ADHD.

>> No.14220422
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Pittsburgh or Las Vegas

>> No.14220581

Beirut Tel Aviv Andorra Barcelona Vienna Minsk Palma

>> No.14220612


>> No.14220806

S e e t h i n g

>> No.14220818

You're a stupid cock sucker I've lived in NYC for 20 years and its fucking shittier than any city or even village that I've ever been to.

>> No.14220821

Just invest in big water storage system and pay a transport to tanker in how ever much water about 40,000 pounds a load is. You'll be shitting in tall cotton with green sod all summer

>> No.14220832
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I won't just leave my country, but I will buy a place in Bangkok that I can go to a few months a year. ~5 years away at this rate though... ugh.

>> No.14220838

Laugh all you want but american currency is the world currency. When we fuck uo all 1st amd 2ndworld feels itw

>> No.14220864

Trucker here. All over the lower 48. Nyc is tied with la and chicago for shithilest shithole status

>> No.14220874
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>> No.14221001

The crime rates are exploding in both of those cities while the cost goes up
Based on your judgement I don't think you will ever have to worry about making it

>> No.14221038

You do realize that all of the White people in those cities live apart from the nonwhites right? Its like two different worlds.

>> No.14221079

Somewhere in upstate NY or PA as long as there is a Wegmans within 15 miles.

>> No.14221161
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No other city even compares.

>> No.14221192

Gunna stay in San Diego. Probably Coronado area though

>> No.14221236

god you need to kys yourself

>> No.14221246

Pff, cities ....

If i make it big time i will buy my own little town and kick all the shit out of it with high rents.

>> No.14221799

sell signal thread

>> No.14221911 [DELETED] 
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>no negros, slavs, warsaw
Now Poles are not slavs? This is on top of them calling themselves "central european" as of recent.

>> No.14221930
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>no negros, slavs
So what are Poles then?

>> No.14222982

Pretty neat.

>> No.14223200

Probably somewhere more isolated on Vancouver island. North east area of course. Dont want to get too rekt by the earthquake. Victoria is beautiful but too many lefties and tsunami areas

>> No.14223442

Chicago. I’ll have a nice spot somewhere in France too

>> No.14223494

This is what perfectly describes London, NYC and multiple other "world-class" shitholes. Based places to live - Roma, Italia; Barcelona, Spain; Czechia or Western Slovakia, Shanghai, China; Bali

>> No.14223527

pretty soulless tb h

>> No.14224445

you will never make it LOL