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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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14215274 No.14215274 [Reply] [Original]

I feel like I bought the next ETH before anyone understands why it's the next ETH.
Unironically going to be a billionaire. Those that know, know.

>> No.14215288

oh look it's that thread again. How'd that v3 pump go that you told everyone to screenshot

>> No.14215310

It's always the same guy.
Stop replying to these threads unless you're as desperate for someone to talk to as OP is.

>> No.14215314

Point proven

>> No.14215457

wanna take bets on how long it takes until he goes into a schizo rant about chainlink again?

dont forget to sage

>> No.14215469

iExec makes chainstink obsolete with a side project

>> No.14215665

Gilles kys

> please ignore the fag and report the thread for spamming

>> No.14215677

have a (you)

>> No.14215694

franjeet me once, shame on you
franjeet me twice, shame on me

>> No.14216202


>> No.14216647
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>> No.14217360
File: 5 KB, 225x225, fag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gilles Fedak is a faggot and a scammer

>> No.14217366

muh next eth, muh global adoption by major players.

> 0 users after 2 years of trying to hype every goddamn release
> literally dumps the second a new version is released, every time, as people realize it STILL doesn't work

AHAHAHAHAH and people keep believing it.
>THIS time will change everything
Just stop shilling this vaporware scam, it has been proven that the devs are dumping on newfags on every occasion.

>> No.14217602

other than the couple of devs working on fixing the main app bugs its like no one else on the team does anything lol

leading up to V3 there was nonstop news... now its like theyre all on vacation

>> No.14217616

this is the new REQ

>> No.14217697

I've been double franjeeted. I liked croissants so I went all in on both

>> No.14217698

>now its like theyre all on vacation
They are, they're french.

t. frenchman

>> No.14217712

No REQt was always an awful shitcoin with shitdevs.

>> No.14217757
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>> No.14217803

WOW you can draw two random red lines!

>> No.14217809

Honestly I'm financially devastated tho

>> No.14217934

Its pretty basic TA, anon. Probably the most acted on indicator in crypto.

>> No.14218022

Are you saying you can predict the behavior of the market based on the relationships observed in the data observed in the past?

>> No.14218087

I'm sorry for the people baguetted by those french scammers.
Maybe someone has kept Gilles personal address and can post it

>> No.14218162
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No hes saying you've been baguetted by the cross armed scammer meme team

>> No.14218179

im saying that certain indicators can give you an indication of where the market is heading next. Whether this is due to "relationships in the data" or a self-fulfilling prophecy from TA-fags placing orders, i dont know and i dont care.

>> No.14218182
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>> No.14218217

Aion is the true next Eth. now fuck off

>> No.14218226

nobody cares, as i can see TA doesn't work properly on crypto, but it works somehow on other markets

>> No.14218263

>i can see TA doesn't work properly
>but it works somehow on other markets
pick one

>> No.14218271

I wouldn't call them scammers.. yet, but certainly absolutely clueless, arrogant academics who are using investor money for their own pleasure and don't give a fuck about the token because they have more in ICO funds than the entire marketcap. Oh and none of them has ever run a real business, knows what it takes to acquire actual customers. They are all just ticking off bucket list items to go and show off to their academic fuckbuddies.

>> No.14218311

It doesn't work anywhere you retard.
What is Lucas Critique? You should write your own Buguetted Critique : How does random line predict the future.

>> No.14218389

I don't know, they paid pajeets and they constantly spammed about this shitcoin, not only here, but on reddit and all crypto related forums too.

After 4 dumps i wouldn't call them clueless, they are clearly taking advantage of investor's money, and they do this because crypto is an unregulated market.

>> No.14218392

whats your definition of random?

>> No.14218410

The minute I found out a chink was the lead dev behind this French shitware I wrote it off as another scam.

Glad I did. Anyone still in this thing is getting chinahustled. Them shitflinging LINK in a desperate bid to stay relevant was your clue where this “team” is.

>> No.14219062

Yeah, they are definetly pivoting between different hyped topics. offchain scaling for dapps, then cloud computing, now "doracles". Throwing shit and see what sticks, so to speak. Problem is they never delivered anything actually useable. And thats why there are 0 users and only meme dApps.

>> No.14219263

This is called a stack for developers. That is to say a set of things that allows the developer to have everything in all-in-one.

>> No.14219336

It’s what’s called Bullshit Vaporware.

>> No.14219342

Yes, by those who have 0 dev knowledge.

>> No.14219369

shhh let them live in ignorance