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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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14214995 No.14214995 [Reply] [Original]

How will bitcoin hodelers COPE with the plummeting value of their coins when a technaily superior and supported coin comes to market on a widely used platform?


>> No.14215037
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0/10 bait

>> No.14215165

how are facts bait?

>> No.14215196

Brb just using an inflationary centralized coin as my store of value!

Brb just using zuckcash™ with automatic facebook notification to buy freebase crack on the dark web!

>> No.14215210

Imagine getting even your spendings tracked

You normies really love surrendering your every right to a social media company don't you

>> No.14215214
File: 696 KB, 1920x1180, cashlesssociety4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People saw this coming many years ago.

>> No.14215220

Are you saying the only use for crypto is to commit felonies?

>> No.14215246
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>> No.14215257

I said two reasons for it. Eventually all non-traceable cash will be illegal though so i wouldn't use moving legal borders as your assessment of value.

>> No.14215289


>> No.14215293

Zuckers will still fall for it

The fagbook brainwash is too strong

>> No.14215313

>technaily superior
are redditors like you really this stupid? ...not referring to your terrible spelling btw

>> No.14215316

who the fuck uses facejew anyway?

>> No.14215333

>no facts
hello desperate jew

>> No.14215361

At least a billion people I guess. Heard of the New Zealand /pol/ shooter?

>> No.14215470

>stable coin
>based on "basket of currencies"
>literally KYC for wallets
>interest fees

what makes this "cryptocurrency," seems more like a venmo or paypal clone

>> No.14215500

A certain book says, and I paraphrase, "no man shall be able to buy or sell without receiving the mark."

Makes one think....

>> No.14215564

>what makes this "cryptocurrency," seems more like a venmo or paypal clone
It will save hgue costs for settlement while taking customers from PayPal and Visa.

>> No.14215655


I get that, but where does the "crypto" come in? seems like they can just arbitrarily print more tokens, what is the purpose of the underlying blockchain if it's centrally controlled?

>> No.14215811

>>Company already being investigated for antitrust violations using their wealth and power to force themselves into another sector

Y'all gonna get trusted

>> No.14215817

It's a Ripple and Tether hybrid. Read on them.

>> No.14215830
File: 624 KB, 1742x998, 1xejyyv0an221.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Y'all gonna get trusted
FB is getting corners cut from the government in exchange for killing decentralize crypto.

>> No.14215848


>> No.14216078


>> No.14216219

Good point. We are seeing "the perfect storm" to set that scenario up now. Hadn't considered that.

>> No.14216250

Crypto is nearly dead.

Future crypto won't be volatile, just simply usable digital money

>> No.14216266

This "Libra" is bullshit, how is this different from wechat pay baka...

I prefer VID to keep my data in my own hands. They are having their presale now and is doing really well with their 1 million model

>> No.14216350
File: 22 KB, 400x400, vidTw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Normies onboarding imminent.

>> No.14216377


>> No.14216417

Mark, you mean the Bible foretells the coming of the Zuck. It's possible.

>> No.14216496

Ah ok so normals will have to pay every cent of tax and self-report selling their lawnmower, meanwhile the rich will have their evasion schemes. No different to today then.

>> No.14217551

if you cant use it to buy drugs what is the ponit?