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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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14212448 No.14212448 [Reply] [Original]

Imagine not having a bag of this

>> No.14213271

10k here. comfy.

>> No.14214035
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Also 10k here, do you think it's enough?
I only bought a suicide stack of link, feels like the biggest mistake of my life right now even though I made good profit.
So should I go all in on this one?

Looks promising on paper but nobody is talking about it.

>> No.14214654

On paper and in action. Look at the money at stake in some of the disputes. The team has said they won't market it broadly, let the product talk for itself. Massive recognition from academia. Published a book. It's a no brainer to me

>> No.14214671

>pink id

>> No.14214829

At these prices, not buying at least 100k of these as a potential 100x is past stupid.

Let's have a little recap of my FA:

>Incubated by Thomson Reuters
>Built three production Dapps all in use with the TCR making some users crazy money. I'm only a small bag holder but have earned >0.5ETH for literally 15mins of work.
>Have an ACTUAL Oracle solution and not a Medianizing Json parser
>Vitalik shilling them as the 'go to' dispute system
>Legit af team with >150IQ academics at the helm
>Published a book. Wat
>Only other competitor in the space (Aragon) copied their solution basically word for word.
> Lean. Code to $ cost per line extremely low yet, produced three Dapps

It's just a matter of time before some large institution partners a solution with Kleros.

Allen Day, (The Google guy that pumped all your Linkies?) He's been working with Kleros for months behind the scenes.

You'll kill yourself if you don't buy some.

t.Dev working for a closely related project.

>> No.14214949
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The reason this hasn't blown up is that they need more partnerships, but the team is digging into it, or so I've seen on their telegram. I'm unironically in over 100k and can confirm that I managed to get around $200 in ETH on one case in second appeal.

It's not the biggest cash cow around, but I feel that the project really has plenty of potential to pump.

>> No.14214977

What do you think about Origo Network?

>> No.14214987

They solved the oracle problem, so I say, why not.

>> No.14214994
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>> No.14215001

>It's just a matter of time before some large institution partners a solution with Kleros.

>Allen Day, (The Google guy that pumped all your Linkies?) He's been working with Kleros for months behind the scenes.

Source on these?

>> No.14215011

I don't need to imagine. I am a non retard who doesn't buy low mcap PND coins.

>> No.14215025

Noooooo, I'm not done accumulating yet !!!

>> No.14215070

Long time dev in the space. Follow a few of the highly rated / undervalued projects and ofc, know some of their teams.

Kleros is like an XMR IMO. Either 100x or bust, no inbetween.

So the bag is worth the risk.

>> No.14215489


>and ofc, know some of their teams.
That's interesting. Any more you can share?

Well if the team delivers as they have done so far, this is a moon rocket for sure. Especially with new partners and use cases the token demand will rise.

Also I like the token usage, I'm actually having fun as juror.

>> No.14215567
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Augur / Mana / Livepeer and ofc, Link.

All potential moon missions other than Link, which already has.