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14211867 No.14211867 [Reply] [Original]

First: congrats to your gains i hope you linkies have made good money, but dont get too greedy...you cant pay your rent in link...YET...

I dont have any link, i missed the pump, too bad for me, i know.

BUT: i just wanted to know,


I mean, this coin has been around since a while, when did you get in?

How was the shilling back in the days?

Do you think memes helped?

Do you guys have the meme power to pump any coin?

I respect your dedication, and good work guys, and enjoy the fruits of victory, you deserve it.

>> No.14211885

You had two years, idiot

>> No.14211903

you have to go back

>> No.14211921
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Go back faggot

>> No.14211922

i dont like free money apparently

>> No.14211931

The memes were cool but I looked into old ass archives and saw what people were talking about. The way I see it what's $10K in the grand scheme of things in your life? I went all in on LINK and it's been great so far, I just wish I would have been here earlier.

Also the memes might be responsible for like 10% of it's pump, the 24H volume as of right now is over 7K btc (around $65M). No amount of shitposting would have this large of a price effect, quite the opposite probably. All the memes are likely doing damage to the price but I don't really care at this point

>> No.14211937

Fuck off no linker faggot we're NOT selling

>> No.14211953

Another dirty NEET shilling link. Staaaaaaahhhhppp

>> No.14211982

good point
dont worry you can keep em, i admitted defeat, i missed the link train. You can keep them and enjoy the fruits of victory.

i just wanted to know how it was a couple months ago, how was the feeling about link? Now you only see "10k$ eoy"...

>> No.14211993

I went all in the presale and ICO because it gave off ETH vibes. The memes, the shilling and fud, the weird ass dev, all of it. I still hold my og 300k tokens too and I'm not selling until it's a top 3 coin.

>> No.14212028

It was mostly the same a couple months ago. Anyone who holds LINK that's done research knows exactly what they're holding so any pink wojaks or 1K eoy memes you see are just linkies having fun with the price action. I tell people it's a scam all the time just as I was told it was a scam made by a man named jason parser. Link holders are more excited now but still bored waiting

>> No.14212110

OP, it's still early. At least buy a 1k bag.

>> No.14212236
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we already know what the destination is anon, we are just here for the ride of memes btfoing the NPC world one more time

>> No.14212273

Fuck off retard

>> No.14212290

Wow, someone post a cap of those 2015 eth shill threads, I'm unironically feeling like a 2015 Eth fanboi

>> No.14212310

I listened to a guy named assblaster on a racist anime forum.

>> No.14212340

im goog thank you, i only do BTC on bitmex, 5 or 10x leverage gives me the same gains as many shitcoins.

I just love the atmosphere of shitcoins especially on biz. As an outsider of shitcoins, i think link marines win by large.

>> No.14212346

>i missed the pump
are people actually this retarded? You honestly think you have "missed the pump"? I bet you thought ETH was going to top out at $75.

>> No.14212371


OP is cleary a Linky larping as noLinker lool.

>> No.14212527

is it so hard to believe that someone just wants in on BTC and nothing else? what ever works for you guys, i respect that.

just in the past day, if i listened to 4chan, i would have 10k$ of link, matic, one, vidt, rdn, bomb, nuke, a hypothetical brapper coin, iota, xrp, iotx, and the list goes on and on...

i really just rather stay on btc and normie stocks, i enjoy it, i sleep very well at night, and i know i miss gains, but dont you worry for me, i know i miss a lot of losses too.

And yes there are stocks out there that enjoy the same gains as crypto, check it out, except the markets close, and its absolutely amazing for your mental health.

and when you gain, its real money, that i can spend legally directly on anything.

i used to trade in shitcoins, but waking up to my stop loss being fulfilled because of some fucked up rumor or panic sells, it just doesnt do it for me. For a couple months it was fun, then it becomes addictive.

>> No.14212640

i read the whitepaper, after seeing link being massivey FUDded here...realized how ood it was and sold all my mining rigs, my shitcoins and went all in since jan 2018...never sold, just bought more with my life savings and with my salary for 1.5 years...i'm never ever selling...
literally went all in after reading the whitepaper...i can understand those who didn't because you need someIT background to get it...and since i'm a dev and all that...i knew right away...chainlink was the piece that the blockchain is missing. first came the currency (BTC) then the smart contract (ETH) and finally the ORACLE (CHaINLINK)

i'm not kidding... i even made memes back in th day you can check my tripcode

>> No.14212654

forgot trip

>> No.14212678

>you deserve it
You have to go back

>> No.14212696

link investors tend to either have an IQ of over 130 or room temperature retards

Not the former, only bought in because of the memes. Sometimes it feels as if I'm too much of a loser to deserve this

>> No.14212733

>Also the memes might be responsible for like 10% of it's pump
Memes are responsible for the entire crypto. Maybe few coins could be worth something in the future, but there's no way the entire space is worth more than $1B.
Link is worthless shit token, just one of those that pumped.
Literally nobody is buying it because of utility.

>> No.14212763

and go back where dear anon?

>> No.14212800
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>> No.14212803

The train hasnt even moved yet idiot.

>> No.14212823
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meme magic peeked my interest.
Did research and joined the link marines. Now i'm comfy and spend my days shitposting.

>> No.14212824

>Do you think memes helped?

>> No.14212845
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dude if you bought link and you made gains, good for you, enjoy it, just dont be too greedy.

and everybody can win at times they expect it the least.

oh and im sure youre not a loser.

>> No.14212876

someone should research this...

"The power of memes in the modern economy" by Anon PhD.

>> No.14212985

Every bubble in history is based on memes and many people have analyzed it from that angle, even if they didn't call it a meme.
"Mass delusion", "animal spirits", "irrational exuberance" (a book by a Nobel prize economist), etc.

>> No.14213156

you have a point, stranger

>> No.14213192


Holy fucking shit. Fuck off back to plebbit you disgusting cuck

>> No.14213303
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go have white babies.

>> No.14213432
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You missed pump?

>How many projects didnt dumped after mainnet but kept pumping?
3 eth, anthshares and now link.
>How much gains they saw?
>how much LINK gained sincd ico?

What the acuall fuck op?
You plebit fag brain want to find 'next link' and you cope all over biz, imagine in 2 years how retarded you gonna feel when you realise all you had to do is buy and hold lol

>> No.14213653

i only do btc and stocks... with leverage. Its easier to see when it will pump (tether pump/ TA) than alts.

Alts are like a 24/7 roller coaster.

And no offence, but who would trust any of you coming from 4chan for financial advice, or anybody from the internet in general?

>> No.14213665
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This lol

Link is ONLY shit driven by fundamentals and real potential and fagots are like "I missed pump"


>> No.14213874
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so link will 100x still?

67 billion $ mcap?

Bigger than Sony, Nintendo, etc?

you guys are delusional.

it would be in the top 50 BIGGEST tech companies in the world.

to get there they need revenue, how in the world will they make billions of $ a year. Is that in the whitepaper?

>> No.14214002

Leave transsexuals

>> No.14214051

Why newfags are so dumb?

LINK is an utility token with collateration not a company stock.

>> No.14214652
File: 81 KB, 645x729, 8d6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> why are newfags so dumb

the dude buys invisible shitcoins on the internet because a guy memed him into it...and cant buy anything valuable without having to hand in gains to taxes, luckily it did 5x since you bought...you are lucky, not skilled and im the dumb one...are you guys aware that leveraging bitcoin on bitmex is way more controllable, less gambling, and same gains?

you are so gay, levels of HIV have skyrocketed since you arrived.