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1420920 No.1420920 [Reply] [Original]


How come you dumb lefties don't bash Amazon? They are killers of small businesses and have actually done more damage to small businesses than Wal-Mart ever has. All Wal-Mart did was kill mom and pop stores, which no one liked anyway. At least Wal-Mart had to get permission from the community to build their stores.

What Amazon does is, notice a 3rd party seller is making a fortune off of a certain product, then proceeds to directly contact the manufacturer and sell the product themselves while undercutting their 3rd party seller, sometimes even taking a loss to drive out the 3rd party seller. This is how Amazon has been able to succeed in carrying so many products, by taking advantage of small business owners.

Barack the stupid nigger has done nothing to stop these monopolistic practices of corporations because they donate to him and his party. Google is in bed with our government and also holds a monopoly. Not one company has been investigated or fined for monopolistic practices under king nigger's administration.

>> No.1420935

1. As long as people keep blaming the president for not doing congress' job, congress will continue not doing their job.

2. Bashing Amazon won't accomplish anything. What you should do is stop giving Amazon money. This is capitalism, your vote doesn't mean shit, your dollar does.

>> No.1420966
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>What Amazon does is, notice a 3rd party seller is making a fortune off of a certain product, then proceeds to directly contact the manufacturer and sell the product themselves while undercutting their 3rd party seller

Gee Maybe that wouldn't happen if the seller manufactured the product himself here in the USA?
Do you even love freedom? poser

>> No.1420990

He seems to do just fine without congress. Existing laws already give him the power to do a lot of actions but he won't because he's a crybaby who only wants to push transgenders in the military and prosecute states that don't allow pedophiles into bathrooms.

>> No.1421044

Why would anyone besides a Berniefag want more government intervention in business?

>uses AMZN selling platform
>cry cry when AMZN creates better deals for consumers
Generally if your product gets into the hands of more consumers it's a good thing. Op is a retard small time shill thanks for ruining the GOP party faggot

>> No.1421200

It's fine when things get cheaper, it's when huge monopolies use their power to drive out competition AND THEN raise the prices after the competition is driven out. THIS IS WHAT AMAZON DOES. This by definition is illegal and it's what got Standard Oil broken up. Didn't they teach you this in school? Wal-Mart has also been known to do this but quickly changed their policy.

>> No.1421230

>Barack the stupid nigger
>head of the harvard law review
>elected senator
>first minority president
>raised by single parent

>> No.1421249

Debatable. Walmart's methods just dominate the fuck out of every retailer. If you want to sell a product to big box stores, you have to put it in a Walmart style box and color. They were the first ones to setup supply chain IT. It's progress and it benefits everyone now. you sound like a whiny bitch. Maybe you'd be better off as an employee.

Or rent a server and host your own site to take orders and sell shit. stop using Amazon if youre a good businessman

>> No.1421274

>Still hasn't released his grades
>Won't release any of his college papers
>Won only because they dug up dirt on his opponent.
>Did nothing in the Illinois senate
> if if if if if if if if

He is fucking stupid nigger. It wouldn't surprise me if his IQ is under 100. Until I see his grades, I'm convinced he's a dumbass who rode his way through affirmative action and wealthy leftists.

There is one thing he is not. He is not an autist because he's able to converse normally it seems. But that's the only skill he has.

>> No.1421288
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>What Amazon does is, notice a 3rd party seller is making a fortune off of a certain product, then proceeds to directly contact the manufacturer

This is the reality

They ask you who your manufacturer is so they can "check the legitimacy of your product", then proceed to undercut you and later on ban you if you're branding it better.

>> No.1421296

>The role of congress is to rubber-stamp whatever the president/leftist wants
>msnbc told me this
>We are so great. The leftist camp is willing to compromise; never mind that we never do.
>also, It's a positive thing that we never do compromise
>it's only right-wingers that aren't willing to compromise

Libtards are so fucking nuts.

>> No.1421300

You need to go back.

>> No.1421327

>Not smart

stopped reading

>> No.1421341

Modern day liberals are nothing more than corporate drones & product shills.

Just look at Ghostbusters movie for example:

Hollywood execs know exactly how to play the liberal SJW crowd and get them all worked up.

Wasn't it just a decade ago these SJWs and Feminists were fighting AGAINST corporate greed and hollywood CEOs?

Now liberals are being used by Hollywood to shill their shitty movies... and the liberals have no self awareness that they're being used.

>> No.1421350

>Wasn't it just a decade ago these SJWs and Feminists were fighting AGAINST corporate greed and hollywood CEOs?
>Now liberals are being used by Hollywood to shill their shitty movies... and the liberals have no self awareness that they're being used.

This is why non of us card carrying, bell bottom wearing, birkenstock hippies take modern millenial feminists & SJWs seriously.

Modern liberals & feminists are more Attention Whores than real activists.

>> No.1421369

lol Your nigger idol is pretty damn stupid.


>> No.1421414

anon, the HARVARD LAW REVIEW. You understand that that has nothing to do with affirmative action and wealthy leftists. This is harvard law we're talking about.

>> No.1421423

If he shows his grades I'll believe you.

I would actually be okay if he had Cs in Calculus.

>> No.1422686

>Manufacture in US
Choose only one