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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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14209063 No.14209063 [Reply] [Original]

This is what $180 gets you in Canada

>> No.14209078

The day of the rake is coming

>> No.14209094

Tf? There's not even any cheese in there!

>> No.14209097

Is this a fucking joke? No way that's real

>> No.14209128

>he doesn't know
the malnourished leafs are falling, one by one

>> No.14209131

I worked at the store this picture was taken. Someone just made a fraudulent label. You can set whatever price you want on their label makers.

>> No.14209160

>T. Justin Trudeau Internet defence force

>> No.14209167

Heh, Loonie prices

>> No.14209169

>t. leaf idf, still shilling for a bowl of syrup
admit it, you Venezuela now

>> No.14209227

holy crap. i just ordered a week's worth of food for my family at $80 and it's being delivered for free tomorrow morning

>> No.14209326

it's because the living standard there is so high

>> No.14209339

Immigrants don’t pay for themselves diversity is our strength

>> No.14209440



>> No.14209555


>> No.14209567

trips confirm cucknada is indeed collapsing

>> No.14209574
File: 49 KB, 453x436, 1558993851499.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14209803

yes dumbass because they are all rich. The richer a country is the more expensive stuff are. Thats why you can get a whole meal for 5 cents in Congo because they are all poor

>> No.14209810

You can get a kg of pineapple and a kg of strawberry for $10 CAD. Fake image, fake news.

>> No.14210701


you have to be dumb to fall for this, no way in hell something like a bunch of fruits is going to go for this high

unless it was grown with god's piss

>> No.14210778

I'd believe it MAYBE in the territories

>> No.14210816


>> No.14210934

Lol you work at a grocery store

>> No.14211521

>eating a bunch of processed fruits
It's like living on a third world country.

>> No.14211536

As if Mexicans weren't bad enough, the US is about to swarmed by fucking Canadians and we all know there are no whites left in Canada.

>> No.14211569

hes in the dystopian disintegrating hyperinflationary hell of Leafland tho. smart place to be when Trudeau flees and SHTF Big Time, is supermarket